In Chapter 5 of my book, Your Longevity Blueprint, I talk about how we tackle the laundry, how we reduce our toxic load.
We are exposed to toxins in the air we breathe, food we eat, personal care products we use, AND what we often neglect to recognize… is that there are even what I like to call invisible toxins in the environment… the electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs).
I recently read an excellent book by my colleague Nicolas Pineault called The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs and was so impressed that I enrolled to take the first EMF course for health care practitioners.
I’ve jumped in 100%. I’ve learned soooo much. I know this information can be overwhelming, but I promise it will be worth it to learn.
Now… I’m sharing my notes with you.
EMF stands for electromagnetic fields or electromagnetic frequencies. EMR stands for electromagnetic radiation.
I’m going state a scary fact that Nicolas Pineault shares, “We’re exposed to approximately 10 billion times high EMFs than we were in the 1960s.” We really don’t know what this exposure can cause…..which is scary!
Within his book, Nicolas addresses the science and safety questions behind EMF exposure which was very impressive. He shared German research dating back from 2004 finding that just 24 hours of EMF exposure can induce more DNA damage than 1,600 chest x-rays…! Yikes! Who doesn’t carry their cell phone all day these days?
He talks a lot about current safety standards in the United States, and there aren’t many, especially as pertaining to children… which is also scary. The body of a child has more water than that of an adult, and thus, EMFs can more easily pass through them (which is why baby monitors can be dangerous).
Think about how much electromagnetic chaos you are exposed to at a public place like your local coffee shop, or at a conference, or worse….at a concert with thousands of individuals in close proximity all with a cell phone! The dangers of this haven’t been studied, and I think the results would truly be scary.
As Nicolas explains,
“Cell phone radiation is on the list of Class 2B possible carcinogens next to lead and the insecticide DDT which got banned 40 years ago.”
“The dangers of Electro-Magnetic Fields — or ‘EMFs’ — are now widely recognized as a serious 21st century health threat by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Consumer Reports, The Cleveland Clinic and independent researchers from Harvard, Columbia and Yale. In 2015, more than 190 independent scientists from 39 countries even got together to warn the public that ‘EMFs are potentially harmful to all life.’”
Why? They increase oxidative stress, which weakens our cell membranes, damages DNA, and impairs our bodies ability to create energy (ATP). They can cause sympathetic overdrive and overstimulation.
Just like how other countries have banned Genetically Modified Organisms from their food, and don’t allow toxins in personal care products, many too are now implementing safe standards for EMFs. I’ve even heard some countries don’t allow cell phones in school during the day unless they are being used for educational purposes.
Yet, we have not made these changes, and I believe it is now affecting our health.
EMF exposure is now thought to be just as important as exposure to pesticides, mold, heavy metals or any other kind of environmental toxin.
EMF sensitivity is a real thing! Some of the symptoms EMF exposure have been linked to include:
You may have noted that many of these are due to the effects of EMFs on our central nervous systems. This is scary!
So, now that I’ve hopefully brought to your attention the fact that we all have greater exposure than past generations and shared a small bit regarding the effects of EMFS, let me share with you:
The most important take-homes I learned from his book and course:
- EMFs can open up the blood brain barrier. This allows toxins to get into the brain.
- EMFs could be affecting your gut bacteria. Don’t use your phone right next to your belly! And definitely don’t hold your cell phone over your gut as cell phone use could contribute to leaky gut!
- EMFs block melatonin, which is partly why they can affect sleep!
- They increase your cortisol, and higher cortisol equals a higher stress state which can lead to weight gain! In Nicolas’s course, a study was mentioned showing that women exposed to higher EMFs have lower progesterone and heavier bleeding! No thank you!
- You don’t want to live near power lines or cell towers. Assess your location.
- Other countries are expected to have significantly more strict safety limits for electric fields.
- Turn WiFi off on your phone at all time unless you need it. If you want to listen to music or a podcast, download them with WiFi, then turn it off.
- Don’t use 4G in your car, which is essentially a metal cage where EMFs get trapped, ultimately increasing your exposure. I’ve actually measured the exposure. Download what you need before you get in the car or airplane.
- Consider putting your phone on airplane mode when not using it.
- Don’t charge your phone – or really anything in close proximity to you – at night. Charge your phone another time and far away from you. Your exposure is higher the closer you are to the source.
- Don’t use a heating blanket or pad, especially if you’re pregnant.
- Work off of the battery. Don’t plug your computer in while using it.
- Babies are way more affected by EMFs because they have more water, so they absorb more EMFs. Avoid baby monitors!
- Keep your router at least ten feet away from where you spend most of your time.
- Get a router guard for your home. This is essentially a metal cage which can greatly reduce the EMFs. Or, turn your WiFi off when not using it! I’ve tested my guard, and according to my meter, it does significantly reduce the EMFs. It’s amazing!
- Wire as many things are you can vs. using wireless.
- Try using a Defender Pad/Shield for use under your computer.
- Consider a cell phone guard/case. I’ve been using the SYB phone pouch, and from what I’ve tested, it significantly reduces EMFs. A fancier option would be a Defender Case.
- Consider a smart meter guard if you have to get a smart meter.
- Don’t use Bluetooth.
- Air tube headsets are better than wired headphone which are essentially like an antenna carrying that EMF to your brain!
- Cords that have 2 prongs, not 3, are not grounded (which is not good) and emit more bad electric fields. Try to not use them.
- Consider a WiFi timer so that the WiFi in your house is turned off at night. To schedule WiFi off at night, consider using one of these products – Basic Timer or Smart Timer.
- Keep all devices as far away from you as possible! Distance is important.
- Turn devices on airplane mode before handing them over to children.
- Do you own an “Alexa?” Where do you keep it? Hopefully, not in your bedroom.
- Consider turning off the circuit breaker to your bedroom at night.
Lastly, I’m going to be much more aware of where I stand in the AMs while I get ready. I will not stand with my pelvic region against my hair straightener and curling iron.
I purchased an Electrosmog measuring device which I’ve been taking with me everywhere, curious to test out various environments. Guess where the highest reading was coming from in my house? Our cable box! So, I also have been turning off our cable box at night, and honestly I think we sleep better.
How do you truly know if you are sensitive to EMFs?
Well, consider how you feel on vacation, on the beach and with no WiFi around. Better yet, camping out in nature… how do you feel?
Time will show how dangerous EMFs truly are. But it’s time to start protecting ourselves NOW!
Want more information? Purchase the book, The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs. It is a tremendous resource for you to help clean up dirty electricity in your home. I learned so much from this book. He really clarifies what RadioFrequency, Magnetic Fields, Electric Fields, and Dirty Electricity are and what you can do about them.
I mentioned that I took his course. Electrosmog Rx is the world’s first EMF course for health practitioners. If you are a health provider and want to take his course click here.
You can’t wait for anyone to change safety regulations.
Making these changes is up to you!
If you are gluten sensitive you should avoid gluten, right? Many of use are EMF sensitive, and thus we should be working to reduce our exposure!
Creating a low-EMF environment has been clinically shown to speed up healing and make any treatment or protocol more efficient! This information may be what you need to take your health to the next level!
If you learned something today, please share this blog and video.
Please give us a review on Facebook or Google!
Thanks for reading! Wellness is Waiting™!
Watch my EMF Video Series!
Part 1
Part 2
Links for products discussed in this post:
The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs by Nicolas Pineault
Electrosmog: The World’s 1st EMF Course for Health Practitioners
DefenderPad Laptop EMF Radiation Protection & Heat Shield
DefenderShield iPhone 6/6S EMF Radiation & RFID Blocker Wallet Case
Best Air Tube, Anti-Radiation Earbuds
Century 24 Hour Plug-in Mechanical Timer Grounded
WiTenergy v2018 Bluetooth Smart Electricity Usage Monitor and Programmable Timer
3 Comments. Leave new
Very interesting Stephanie!! I have been feeling for years that when I talk on my phone, specifically just longer phone conversations, I start to feel ‘toxic’. (and never saw pattern in regards to nature of phone conversations, just length of time was common variable). I find this subject you wrote about fascinating to collaborate with my years of questioning if this toxic feeling was coming from something the phone was contributing to.
Thank you for reading!
Thanks for reading and commenting Kelly! Your intuition was right! Keep that phone (and other sources of EMF) away from your body!