Today, I am reminded with the current cold that I have that many of you may be experiencing cold-like symptoms as well and may be wondering how you can avoid getting sick or how to get over a cold quickly.
Every year typically I consume Silver. Silver is Antiviral, Antibacterial, and Antifungal. I fully admit that I got off my routine this year, since having my baby. He is 8 months old and he brought some gunk home and we both have had a little cold. So that pilots me back into the behavior. I need to be taking my Silver every single day. This is dosed 1 teaspoon per 100 lbs of body weight. I take about a teaspoon and a half daily and put it right under my tongue.
You can choose to take Silver from a maintenance standpoint as I should have been or you can take it when you get sick. You can even take it if you get the flu multiple times a day to help you get better.
Vitamin C is also extremely important. Many people know that it has antiviral properties. We do have Vitamin C capsules, but a more potent is a liposomal Vitamin C. Liposomal delivery is r nearly as effective as IV. It has an extremely high ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. This form going to increase absorption. This too can be taken similar to the silver as you can put it right under your tongue.
You can take it multiple times per day. However, too much Vitamin C can cause a little diarrhea, though taken in this form it should not. Think of the liposomal form as a super absorbed version of Vitamin C.
We also have Vitamin C gummies for children. Many of our patients who do have children who take these swear by them. My son William is not quite old enough to chew them yet, but I will be giving them to him when he is.
I also have been taking Probiotics and Vitamin D. Probiotics coat all of your mucus membranes with good bacteria. Just think of them as providing you another layer of protection. So if you are exposed to bad stuff hopefully having that extra layer of protection will inhibit that bacteria from winning that war.
Also, those of you who live in Iowa and are not exposed to as much sun can take some Vitamin D like I take.
There are also some products that I wish that I could be taking but I am not since I am breastfeeding, but I will point those out to you.
Our Mitochondrial Complex is a fancy multivitamin. It’s the Cadillac of multivitamins. It includes antioxidants that help with detox. I always feel better when I am taking this. This has been studied on athletes and high stressed individuals and they were less likely to get sick when taking this product. This is something that I highly would advise at least through the winter to prevent you from getting sick.
On top of that we do have a viral support product called ViraSupport this is loaded with antiviral properties. This is something that should be taken right away when you’re coming down with an illness, whether it be the flu or an upper respiratory infection. You can take one to two every few hours for 24 hours when you first start coming down with an illness. Then you can take 1-2 ongoing from a maintenance standpoint daily.
We also have Sinus Support, which is a little different. After you’ve had a cold or sinus infection this product contains NAC to help thin out your secretions to get rid of them, immune-supportive herbs, anti-inflammatories, and natural antibacterial and antifungal ingredients as many sinus infections are due to yeast!
If you’ve completed our natural antifungal protocol you may have our Advanced Yeast Complex on hand. You can also take some of these capsules if you feel you are getting sick as well as the ingredients are also antifungal, antibacterial and eve nantiviral.
I know I just threw a lot of products at you. We have blogs on each of the products I mentioned if you want to dig deeper:
Are You Looking for Immune Support? Let’s Discuss Silver
Get Your Vitamin D First & Apply a SAFE Sunscreen Second
Why Are Probiotics Important? What Are the Best Probiotic Supplements? – VIDEO
These products are handy to have on hand so you have some ammunition if you are exposed!
Thank you for tuning in. Please share this knowledge with a friend.
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