I am thrilled to have Stephanie Venn-Watson, a veterinary epidemiologist for the Navy, joining me for a delightful two-part series. I have always loved dolphins, and as it turns out, they have taught us a great deal about aging! Today, in Part 1, Dr. Venn-Watson introduces longevity molecules known as geroprotectors. She shares how she discovered C15 while studying Navy dolphins and explains why those with higher C15 levels have a longer health span than those with lower levels. This interview has convinced me that I needed to take C15, which is available in a supplement called Fatty15.
Best Food Sources for C15:
- Dairy fat
- Fatty fish (Heads and skin)
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Dr. Stephanie Venn-Watson’s Bio:
Dr. Stephanie Venn-Watson is the CEO of Seraphina Therapeutics. A seasoned veterinary epidemiologist and public health scientist, Stephanie previously served at the World Health Organization and U.S. Navy. With a life-long mission of helping people (and our fellow animals) age better, her award-winning approach to improving human and animal health has been featured on NPR, BBC, CBS, and National Geographic. In her time as CEO, Seraphina Therapeutics has been recognized for its extensive research and education on pentadecanoic acid (C15:0). Stephanie received her B.S. in Animal Physiology and Neuroscience from UC San Diego, D.V.M. from Tufts University, M.P .H. from Emory University, and she was a National Research Council Associate with the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center. She is an Albert Schweitzer Fellow for Life.
In this episode:
- What are geroprotecters?
- How Dr. Venn-Watson discovered C15 accidentally while working with Navy dolphins
- What makes C15 the leading longevity nutrient?
- Why C15 is such a significant saturated fatty acid
- What is our optimum C15 level?
- How C15 protects us from oxidative damage
- Which foods provide us with C15?
- The benefits of supplementing with Fatty 15
Links and Resources:
Use CODE BERGAMOT to get 10% off Citrus Bergamot
Use code Drgray20 to get 20% off Perfect Aminos
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Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast production by Team Podcast
Relative Links for This Show:
The Longevity Nutrient: The Unexpected Fat That Holds the Key to Healthy Aging by Stephanie
Guest Social Media Links:
TEDx: Save the dolphins. Save the world
fatty15 | C15:0 Supplement on Instagram
Use code LONGEVITYBLUEPRINT for 15% off your first purchase of fatty15 Or use this link