Today, we’re taking another look at the top longevity tips from all our experts! They explain how lifestyle factors influence your health and why you should do whatever you can to avoid too much exposure to environmental toxins. They discuss the importance of being honest with yourself, processing your emotions, and living a healthy lifestyle. You will also learn about the benefits of community and connection, synchronizing your natural clock with the sun, recognizing the lessons when things go wrong, and understanding your nervous system.
The Biggest Top Tips for Functional Health and Longevity
- Manage your stress because having too much can create physical and mental problems. Managing stress could mean making major or minor lifestyle changes, taking supplements, doing yoga, or meditating.
- Lifestyle factors are foundational for living a long and healthy life. You must eat well, get enough quality sleep, and help your body adapt to stress.
- It is essential to do whatever you can to reduce your toxic load. Using clean cosmetics, taking infra-red saunas, and eating organic produce will help you do that.
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Top Longevity Tip #1 – Dr. Kara Fitzgerald
Finding community and connection is essential for longevity. (0:21)
Top Longevity Tip #2 – Kate Vazquez
Learning about the nervous system and being able to understand the state you are in will help your longevity. Lifestyle factors are also important, so eat good quality food, get enough sleep, and do whatever you can to help your body adapt to stress. (0:32)
Top Longevity Tip #3 – Dr. Tricia Pingel
Reducing stress and prioritizing yourself and your health is crucial to avoid being stepped on and falling further down the chain. (1:06)
Top Longevity Tip #4 – Dr. Farah Sultan
Synchronizing your natural clock with the sun can help you live longer. (1:23)
Top Longevity Tip #5 – Dr. Bindiya Gandhi
You must learn how to manage your stress if you want to live a longer, happier, and more fulfilled life. Stress can cause heart attacks, depression, and autoimmune conditions. Managing stress may require lifestyle changes, therapy, meditation, yoga, adaptogens, quitting your job, or even getting divorced. (1:48)
Top Longevity Tip #6 – Nathalie Niddam
Stay curious and open, and avoid being rigid or becoming dogmatic after learning something new. Do your best to take care of the basics, like getting enough sleep, eating well, moving, getting outside, and managing stress. (2:49)
Top Longevity Tip #7 – Dr. CJ Kleene and Dr. Hannah Anderson
In addition to using wearable technologies and taking high-quality supplements, it is essential to get back to the basics to recover your physical and brain health, avoid burnout, and improve your hormonal health. (3:52)
Top Longevity Tip #8 – Kylene Terhune
Learn how to change a negative mindset and learn to see the lessons in things that go wrong. (4:13)
Top Longevity Tip #9 – Dr. Stephanie Gray
Unprocessed trauma and stuck emotions in the body may become symptoms and diseases over time or show up as fatigue, anxiety, or depression. That is why you must be honest with yourself and process your emotions. Getting some physical support and trauma coaching from a trusted practitioner can also be helpful for those suffering from betrayal trauma. (4:32)
Top Longevity Tip #10 – Dr. Eric Osansky
We get constantly bombarded with environmental toxins, so it is essential to reduce your toxic load. You can use infrared saunas (be cautious if you have hyperthyroidism), take supplements, eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables and organic food, and use cleaner cosmetics. (5:57)
Top Longevity Tip #11 – Dr. Betty Murray
Do whatever you can to control your stress because the effects of stress make it very hard to get well and stay in good health. Be sure to get enough sleep and take some time for yourself. (6:42)
Top Longevity Tip #12 – Arsalan Monawar
Taking cold showers and doing breathwork will ignite the powers you have within you. Doing those things will make you resilient, help you to want to journal, and encourage your creativity. They may even inspire you to do some pushups! (7:15)
Top Longevity Tip #13 – Heather Connolly
Meditations are so important! Try using guided meditations and visualizations. Most have the additional bonus of affirmations, so you will not have to worry about not doing them wrong. (7:54)
Top Longevity Tip #14 – Dr. Mary Clifton
Go for daily walks, eat great food, and spend time with the people you love. CBD and cannabis are also super important for helping you stabilize your memories and emotional attachments happily and safely for decades! (8:28)
Top Longevity Tip #15 – Dr. Nirala Jacobi
Learn to understand what helps you to regulate your nervous system. Diving into that will have far-reaching effects on every aspect of your health and bring you to a place of peace and serenity. (9:03)
Top Longevity Tip #16 – Lara Adler
Do your best to avoid being exposed to environmental chemicals. (9:26)
Top Longevity Tip #17 – Kiran Krishnan
Build your resilience by building a healthy and resilient gut. Your gut is the command center for the functionality of your body. It facilitates the repair of your cells and protects your gallbladder, pancreas, liver, and brain. A healthy gut will allow you to thrive without always having to make perfect decisions! (9:34)
Top Longevity Tip #18 – Dr. Stephanie Gray
Be careful about what you watch, read, and put into your mind, and be discerning about the water and food you feed your body with. You only have one body, so put it first! (10:50)
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Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast production by Team Podcast
Episode Transcript
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:04
Welcome to the Your Longevity Blueprint podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Stephanie Gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. As you know by now, twice a year, I combine all the top longevity tips from my guest to make a short episode summarizing the snippets and this season is no different. Thank you again to all the experts that have donated their time and knowledge guesting on the show, I couldn't have done this without them. Alright, let's get to the tips.
Speaker 2 0:38
community and connection. And whatever that way is for you. I think that's probably the most important longevity.
Kate Vazquez 0:48
I really truly believe like learning about our nervous system is really going to help our longevity. lifestyle factors are definitely important. We need to make sure be mindful of the food that we're eating and make sure we're getting good quality sleep, and doing things to help our body to adapt to stress. But if you can really tap in and learn about our nervous system and recognize what state we're in, if we are constantly in a parasympathetic or flow state, that's where we're going to have longevity, because that's when our body is able to heal and maintain health.
Speaker 2 1:23
reduce your stress and prioritize yourself, prioritize your health you have to you don't have a choice. Otherwise, you're going to just keep getting stepped down and get farther and farther down the chain. And it'll be harder and harder to come back up.
Dr. Farah Sultan 1:39
Sunshine and circadian rhythm because the bed we have lost our circadian rhythm. And I see so many people who are the graveyard shift and have some of the worst seeps and cortisol levels. And so really sticking to your body's natural clock and syncing it with that of the sun can really help
Dr. Bindiya Gandhi 2:05
Manage your stress, you've got to learn how to manage your stress. Stress, unfortunately, can be the reason why you have a heart attack. It's the reason why you're depressed, it can be the reason why you have an autoimmune condition. So learn how to manage stress. So many of us, myself included, we've been exposed to trauma we've been we've dealt with her grief, so many different things. And we kind of get to the root cause of the stuff. So learn how to manage stress, whether it's lifestyle changes, therapy, meditation, yoga, adaptogens, quitting your job, getting divorced, whatever, whatever you need to do seriously, manage stress, because if you never manage stress, you're just causing a whole slew of other problems that are going to be like snowballing into effect. So learn how to manage stress and you will live longer, and you'll have a more fulfilled and joyful, happy life.
Nathalie Niddam 2:54
remain curious and open. And, you know, to avoid being rigid. I think that in this health journey that we're all on, it's so tempting to become dogmatic when we learn certain things. And if there's one thing we know about the human body is that there's a whole lot we don't know. So, you know, do the best you can take care of the basics, right? The sleep, the nutrition, the stress management, the movement, the getting outside, all, like take care of that foundation. And then when it comes to the fancy stuff, you know, layer it in as you need it. But always maintain that aspect of curiosity so that you're not you're never kind of you never become so rigid that you believe that this is the only way there's always going to be another way.
Dr. Calla Kleene 3:48
You know, there's so much that we can quick run to the wearable technologies or the really nice expensive supplements and do all this stuff. And it's like, can we just get back to the basics? It's really funny how if we just honored those three things, that it really would help lower the burden on overall body and recovery and hormone health and and especially brain health.
Speaker 8 4:09
Learning how to change the mindset of like things going wrong in your health to just gain perspective that that your body is trying to learn something new or that you need to learn something new or that there's a lesson in it.
Kylene Terhune 4:28
I am truly convinced that when you have stuck emotions in the body, over time, they develop into symptoms and disease, and they show up in so many different ways for so many different people, whether it's fatigue or anxiety or depression. And that's the thing too, about having a physical aspect that's very unique to the betrayal trauma coaching that I do having that physical support, because if you go to therapy or you go to betrayal, trauma coaching, you know, they don't have the functional medicine background to be bringing in a physical sport but the reality is When you're dealing with trauma like this, you're probably also dealing with painful periods, and digestive issues, and you know, headaches and all these things that kind of come because of the tremendous amount of stress. And then over time, you know that that can just be you're living off of the sympathetic, and it's causing all these problems like we talked about earlier. But over time, and I mean, years and decades, when you and you see this, when people are carrying around unprocessed and stock trauma, it's going to impact you on a deeper level. And so, longevity wise and optimal health wise, processing that and being willing and honest enough with yourself to say, Yeah, I've been through some stuff that I need to process, I think is absolutely huge. And then finding the right practitioner that you trust, because I mean, during this process, it is a vulnerable one. And so you really want to work with someone that you that you trust them to feel safe, but
Speaker 10 5:53
The stress management's big, but I'll go the toxic load that reducing your toxic load just because that's something that constantly being bombarded with these toxins, environmental toxins, and it doesn't mean you have to do like infrared sauna, if you can, that's great, I should say infrared. If you have hyperthyroidism, you might want to be cautious, because that also raised the heart rate should mention that. But you could do other things. Again, there's you know, eating plenty of vegetables, including cruciferous vegetables that support detoxification, as well as you know, supplementation, trying to minimize exposure, organic food, natural cleaners and cosmetics, which I mentioned earlier. So if I had to choose one, again, it is tough. And we can easily say diet or stress management, but I'll go with the reducing toxic load.
Dr. Betty Murray 6:38
We need to do whatever we can to control for stress. If we look at the metabolic effects of stress, and cortisol and our bodies sort of response to that, that it is very hard to get and stay well, with a body that's hair on fire stressing out all the time. And for me that's been like probably one of the most profound, profound things I had to control for I had to get the sleep, I had to make sure I was taking time. I tried Believe me, I was like going to take a bunch of pills and sleep when I'm dead, it doesn't work.
Arsalan Monawar 7:10
If you do anything today, if you try anything at all, I would definitely say give cold exposure and breath work a try those two things are going to be like the catalyst for anything moving forward. Because they will ignite the power is within you. Taking that cold plunge pool shower. And then doing some breath work will allow you to want to journal will allow you to be want to be creative, will even inspire you to do like five push ups will teach you to like really understand what it is you're going through. So just cold exposure. And breathwork are the first things I would try. If I were you.
Speaker 13 7:49
I would still stick with meditations. A lot of people think that meditations have to be you know, you have to sit in the dark corner and quiet your mind for completely blank, right, I actually really enjoy guided visualizations, like guided meditations, because I believe a lot of those have the affirmations in them as well. So it's kind of a double bonus. Plus, you're able to not have to fear that, you know, oh, I'm not doing this meditation properly, you're able to sit and just really visualize everything that you are saying in this guided meditations.
Speaker 14 8:24
So I think it's more important now than ever to take excellent care of yourself to go for a walk every day, eat great food, spend time with the people that you love. And I believe that CBD and Canvas are super important because the CB receptors are heavily located in the prefrontal cortex and in the amygdala, which is where memory and emotional attachment memory is based. So if you can stabilize these memories in a happy, safe way, you're going to have decades where you'll be able to thank yourself for having done that I
Dr. Nirala Jacobi 8:59
understand the nervous system in terms of what helps you regulate your own nervous system, really dive into that and come to a place of serenity and peace. Let's have such far reaching effects not just on digestive health, but on every aspect of your health.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 9:22
You minimize exposure to environmental chemicals, period, end of story, do your best.
Kiran Krishnan 9:30
My top longevity tip is building resilience. I don't want to be healthy by having to make 100% the right decisions. I want an 8020 rule. I want to make 20% Bad decisions that are fun, and still be perfectly fine. Right? That to me is quality of life. And the way you build resilience is by building a very resilient, healthy gut because your gut is what allows you to have exposures to things that aren't really great for you but still deal with them. In a facilitates the vast majority of detox pathways your gut that facilitates repair of your cells. We talked about your lipids earlier right? So something damages your mitochondria, your gut will produce your linens or fix it right away your gut induces autophagy or which is a way of cleaning up broken DNA and damaged cells and all that so you can recover better you've got protects your liberty got protects your pancreas, you've got protects your gallbladder protects your brain. So it is the central command center for the functionality of your body. And if you have a resilient gut, you have a resilient system, and that allows you to live a really thriving, healthy life without having to make 100% the right decisions.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 10:45
Take care of yourself. Be careful with what you read what you watch what you're putting in your mind, what food water, what air, everything, your thoughts, everything that you're putting in your body because you've only been given one but you have permission to put it first. It's clear that my guests recommend we get back to the basics take care of sleep, nutrition, movement, stress management, eat, clean and reduce our toxic load. What I found particularly interesting was how many of my guests advocated for managing your stress and really learning about regulating your nervous system. Consider meditation give cold exposure and breath work a try. Don't forget about the importance of community and connection and please this summer prioritize yourself and get out in the sunshine hopefully with those you love. If life isn't going as planned, rather than be frustrated, flip the script and know there is a lesson in the struggle. And as Koran says I think all these things can help build resilience along with building a healthy microbiome. Be sure to check out my book your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck, you can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book. Plus for a limited time the course is 50% off, check this offer out at your longevity blueprint.com and click the Course tab. One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. Leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I do read all the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics, guests and for how you're applying what you learn on the show to create your own longevity blueprint. This podcast is produced by Team podcast. Thank you so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting. Thanks for tuning in to the your longevity blueprint podcast these past three years for three nonstop seasons. I sincerely appreciate you sharing this content across the globe. For the next at least few months I'm going to be taking a much needed break from launching new episodes between seasons three and four. So over the next month, we'll be replaying our top episodes from season three and I encourage you please take this time to go back and listen to episodes you missed or we listened to your favorites. And if you've loved the show, please take this time to write me a quick review on Apple podcasts. That's the biggest thank you I could receive. I'm unsure when season four will be launching but as always, I'm hoping for an amazing lineup of guests coming on the show more big names great stories and life changing information. Stay tuned. The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
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