Welcome to my website.
If you are here it is because you heard my interview with Dawn DiMare on the A Teaspoon of Healing podcast. I hope you enjoyed listening to us as much as I did talking to Dawn. She is a wonderful host who is enthusiastic about introducing you to the people and ideas that can improve your life.
I’m passionate about helping you find the answers to your personal health situation.
I have no doubt that something resonated with you that drove you here, welcome!
- Did my story resonate with you in some way?
- Are you frustrated with always feeling sick and tired?
- Do you have unexplained symptoms, with no diagnosis?

Dr. Stephanie Gray
Whatever the reason, I’m glad you are here.
You can find the resources I mentioned in the interview down below. Make sure to look around the site to learn more and see the newest resources to help you Rebuild Your Health.
You can also find more health information at our Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic and at YourLongevityBlueprint.com.
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