Hello Everyone! Today I want to talk about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and ultimately help you find safe skin care products. What do I mean by that? I mean – products that are not harmful to you or your family. So, what are EDCs and how do you choose safe skin care products?
Let me first introduce you to the Environmental Working Group the EWG, found at ewg.org. If you haven’t heard of them, they are a very helpful non-profit who guides consumers to safe options for their families. Their mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. With breakthrough research and education, they drive consumer choice and civic action. They’ve always been a wonderful resource I pass on to my patients.
If you’ve heard of the Clean Fifteen Foods and the Dirty Dozen Foods you should purchase organic, the EWG is the group who created that list. You may not realize but they also have a list of the Dirty Dozen list of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals or EDCs.
What are EDCs?
EDCs are chemicals that can interfere with our endocrine (hormone) systems. They mimic or interfere with the function of our hormones. They can tun on, shut off or modify signals that our hormones carry. They can bind to our hormone receptors and then our normal hormone signals can fail to occur or respond properly. Think of them as endocrine active compounds.
The endocrine system is a series of ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood to regulate various body functions. The glands include: gonads, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, pituitary, but even our body fat, muscle, heart, liver, intestines, and kidneys have secondary endocrine functions and also produce hormones.
EDCs have been linked to developmental, reproductive, nervous system, and immune system problems.
Could these chemicals also be part of the explanation for higher rates of estrogen-related cancers, endometriosis, PCOS, and even infertility in men and women? Possibly yes.
These chemicals produce adverse effects in lab animals and wildlife too.
The scary thing… is that these chemicals are found in our everyday products like plastic bottles, lining metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants on our mattresses and clothes, toys, foods, and even our cosmetics.
You may have heard of DES which was used to treated women with high-risk pregnancies from the 1940s-1970s. Unfortunately, this EDC was later found to be linked to vaginal cancers in daughters of mothers who received this drug not to mention other non-cancerous problems in sons and daughters.
Examples of EDCs
Examples of EDCs include: BPA, dioxins, atrazine, phthalates, perchlorates, flame/fire retardants, lead, arsenic, perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), organophosphate pesticides, and glycol ethers to name a few… I’ll break down some of these today:
- Bisphenol A or BPA is a chemical used in plastics that can bind to estrogen receptors and lead to early puberty.
- How do you avoid it? Choose fresh instead of canned foods as this lines many cans. Avoid receipts as the paper is often coated with it.
- Dioxins are formed in industrial processes. They too can disrupt hormone signaling. Research has shown exposure to dioxins in the womb can lead to low sperm quality and count later in life.
- How do you avoid them? Even our food supplies are contaminated, so eat organic as best as you can.
- Atrazine is an herbicide widely used on the majority of crops in the US and it likely has contaminated our water as well. It has been linked to tumors, delayed puberty and prostate cancer. I’ll talk more about this with the video I discuss our detox program in early next year.
- How about lead, arsenic, and mercury? Heavy metals like this can lead to brain damage, lowered IQ, miscarriage, premature birth, and even heart, kidney, and nervous system problems. Arsenic can cause skin, bladder, and lung cancers.
- How do you avoid them? Drink filtered water and avoids old paint wherever possible. Think before you let your dentist put more mercury in your mouth.
The EDCs you may have heard of that can be found in our skin care products other than heavy metals are: phthalates and parabens.
- Phthalates can trigger death-inducing signals even in the testes causing low sperm count, birth defects, obesity, diabetes, and thyroid problems.
- How to avoid them? Avoid plastics again, even plastic wrap from PVC, and avoid skin care products that say they have a “fragrance” as this many time is catch-all for phthalates.
- Parabens are preservatives used in many cosmetic and personal care products and have been found to again bind to estrogen receptors.
- How to avoid them? Check the ingredients list for propyl-, isopropyl-, butyl- and isobutyl-parabens.
Remember, even small exposure counts. Our endocrine systems are delicate.
These EDCs may pose the greatest risk to developing fetuses and through postnatal development of children. EDCs can affect the offspring of future generations. Literally, we now know these chemicals can be passed on through generations.
So, returning to skin care the EWG also has a cosmetics database called Skin Deep where they rank the potential of that personal care product to cause endocrine disruption, cancer, as well as allergies. Choose safe products ranking 1-3s. The higher the number the greater the risk for these problems. You may be surprised to find out that some products you have been using for years, undenounced to you rank very high. Check out the ewg.org and learn more not just on EDCs, but on other ways to live a cleaner toxin-free lifestyle.
At my clinic, we are a huge fan of Beautycounter. Most of their products rank 1-2s a very few at the 3 levels. You can visit my Beautycounter website at www.beautycounter.com/stephaniegray
Here are my 5 favorite Beautycounter products I don’t go anywhere without!
- Rejuvenating Day Cream
- Balancing Face Oil #3
- Tint Skin
- Hydrate Body Lotion
- Lustro Body Oil Rosemary Citrus
To learn more about how to detox your body and live a healthier lifestyle read chapter 5 of my book Your Longevity Blueprint.
In summary, what are EDCs and how do you choose safe skin care products? Watch my video now to learn more about this important topic!
Wellness is Waiting! ™ Are you ready?
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- Purchase the supplements mentioned in today’s video (linked below).
*Always share with your medical provider what supplements you are taking*
*Always share with your medical provider what supplements you are taking*
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