Your breast implants could be the root cause of all your health problems! I’m joined by Sarah Phillipe, a Breast Implant Illness Expert, to talk about how you can tell if you have an illness caused by your implants and how to safely remove them.
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Key Takeaways
- If you’re starting to show any of the symptoms mentioned in this episode, you’re likely already seeing the effects of breast implant illness and should seek medical help. [15:00]
- If there is any kind of autoimmune disease or history of long-term illness in your family, you should not get breast implants. [16:30]
- You need to complete full body detox and heal any past traumas so you can move forward in full health after living with breast implant illness. [27:00]
About Sarah Phillipe, BSN, FDN-P
Sarah Phillipe has a passion for restoring health that has taken her along a path from RN, to becoming a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutritional Practitioner, True Cellular Detox Practitioner, and breast implant illness expert.
She believes the solution to reversing breast implant illness is about more than just the explant and that we all need to take personal responsibility for restoring our health by addressing all of the root causes that contribute to chronic illness.
It is Sarah’s belief that the body has an innate desire to heal if given what it needs and she focuses on teaching women how to unlock that innate intelligence and heal themselves.
How Breast Implant Illness Manifests in Your Body
Sarah joins me to talk about everything you need to know about breast implant illness. We start by actually discussing what it is and how the symptoms show up in your body.
Further to this, we also discuss how breast implant illness contributes to many other long-term and chronic illnesses. Sarah explains how, once you get your breast implants removed, you will start to see improvements in these diseases as well.
One of the biggest problems with breast implants is that they cause an imbalance and overload of heavy metals in your body. Sarah provides some examples of what these heavy metals are and how they show up in your body.
I asked Sarah if there’s a safer implant on the market. The truth is that even though the saline implants sound like the safer option, they still contain high levels of silicone that can seep into your system. Overall, yes, they’re the safer choice, but that doesn’t make them good for your body.
Breast implants affect more than just your breasts. If you have breast implant illness, this can actually impact your sex hormones. Since your body focuses on survival and keeping you alive, your reproduction hormones will naturally fall to conserve your body’s energy.
How to Safely Remove Your Breast Implants
For many women, the decision to get breast implants is about more than just having a larger chest. It’s linked to self-confidence, that feeling of being a woman, and other mental health struggles. As such, it’s understandable why you might want to keep them in.
If you’re determined to have or keep your breast implants, Sarah explains how often you should have them replaced. Yep, you should be aiming to get new implants in about every five years – at about $5k each time.
When you do remove them, Sarah talks about how you can find a trained and qualified surgeon to remove them safely. You can find a list of Sarah’s recommended explant surgeons on her website.
An important thing for you to understand is that even if your breast implant comes out of your chest intact, with no visible signs of damage or leakage, they can still cause adverse effects in your body. Once again, Sarah covers what some of these signs are.
I also want to stress that if you have any of the signs or symptoms Sarah mentions, it’s likely that you already have breast implant illness and should work to remove them as soon as you can.
Once your implants are out, you will need to work on bringing your body back up to optimal health. Sarah shares her best advice for post-removal detoxing. She also explains other best practices to improve your health post-surgery.
Do you have breast implants? How long have you had them? Did you know that your implants could be the cause of your health concerns? Let me know in the comments below!
“Regardless of whether you have silicone or saline breast implants, you are still exposed to silicone.” [10:11]
“When your body focuses on survival, it is not focused on reproduction. Your hormones are designed to make you fertile and help you reproduce, so when you’re focused on dealing with that chronic stressor, your body will downregulate hormone production so it can go ahead and address that stressor.” [13:03]
“Not all detoxes are safe. Not all detoxes are effective. What’s right for you may not be what’s right for someone else.” [25:06]
In This Episode
- What breast implant illness is and what the symptoms of it are [4:00]
- How your breast implants can contribute to other long-term health conditions [5:05]
- Some examples of the heavy metals that are present in breast implants [8:35]
- What the problem with saline implants is [10:30]
- How breast implants impact our sex hormones [12:00]
- How often you should get your breast implants replaced [17:15]
- How your breast implants can cause illness even if they’re intact and with no marks when removed [19:30]
- How you can approach getting your breast implants removed [20:30]
- What women need to do in order to heal from breast implant illness [24:20]
Links & Resources
Sign up for the Your Longevity Blueprint Course
Take the Neurotoxic Questionnaire to See if You Have Breast Implant Illness
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Get your copy of the Your Longevity Blueprint book and claim your bonuses here
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Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast Production by the team at Counterweight Creative
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Episode Transcript
Sarah Phillipe 0:03
We are so much more than our breasts or are behind or you know, whatever it is that we're worried about. We're conscious about you are more than that. We are spiritual beings beyond just the physical. There's a lot of internal work that I went through personally and but may look different for each person.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:24
Welcome to the longevity blueprint podcast, I'm your host, Dr. Stephanie gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. You're about to hear from Sarah Philippi, who is a breast implant illness expert. I've been quickly learning about this over the past years as I've had handfuls of patients get their implants removed and their health improved. Today you're going to hear why breast implants are a huge source of toxicity, how they contribute to immune dysregulation and infections and how they can be a trigger for autoimmunity to develop
Welcome to the longevity blueprint podcast today. My guest is Sarah philipe. So thank you for coming on the show today.
Sarah Phillipe 1:13
Thank you so much for having you, Stephanie. It is my pleasure, happy to talk about this really important topic.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 1:19
So Sarah has a passion for restoring health that has taken her along a path from an RN to becoming a certified Functional Diagnostic nutrition practitioner, true cellular detox practitioner and a breast implant illness expert. She believes this solution to reversing breast implant illness is more than just the ex plan and that we all need to take personal responsibility for restoring our health by addressing all of the root causes that contribute to chronic illness. It Sara's belief that the body has an innate desire to heal if given what it needs, and she focuses on teaching women how to unlock that innate intelligence and heal themselves. Can't wait to get into your story. So I'm just we'll just cut to the chase. Tell us how you got into this field and and share your story. with us.
Sarah Phillipe 2:01
Sure, so how I got into this field, it really comes from a place of pain to purpose. And, you know, this is something that I personally went through myself. And, you know, having what I felt like was perfect health prior to getting my breast implants placed, and then subsequently after getting them placed, you know, my health just continuing to deteriorate more and more and more as time passed on, and really looking and searching for the answers and not knowing, you know, where to look who to trust, what to do, because there was really no information out there at the time. It's one of those things, but you kind of have to just trust your intuition because there really isn't a lot of research out there. And that's a really big problem these days, because, you know, millions of women have breast implants. And there's, you know, I think it was over. The last statistic i saw i think was around 300,000 women in the US alone each year, get breast implants placed for whatever it is. So this has the potential to be a very, very big problem.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 3:05
Scary. I know I've worked with many clients who we have worked to restore their gut health, we've repleted nutritional deficiencies. We've tried to detox the body outside of having the implants removed, we've tried to optimize hormones, and some patients just weren't getting better. And so I've learned through my patients who have done the research because they did trust that intuition that something was wrong. And so I had my first patient a few years ago, get her breast implants removed, which is called an explant surgery correct? And she felt better, and I thought, Okay, I need to be thinking about this with my other patients who we are hitting a plateau they're not getting better. I really need to be assessing and I need to be asking and knowing you know how old the implants are when they were placed if their health has deteriorated since I need to be asking these questions as a practitioner. So let's get into what breast implant illness really is and what symptoms patients can can have.
Sarah Phillipe 4:00
Yeah, so from my perspective, it's really not a matter of if they'll affect you. But when become they are a significant source of stress on the body, regardless of whether somebody has symptoms currently or not. So breast implant illness is really just a generalized term that we give sure you'll a process by which you know, big and chronic symptoms developed following breast augmentation with either silicone or sealing breast implants. And it can really happen at any point. So either within days of augmentation or even more than a decade later, and it can be characterized by symptoms like chronic fatigue and cognitive dysfunction. So things like brain fog, difficulty concentrating, poor word retrieval, memory loss, muscle aches and pains, joint pain, hair loss, weight gain, weight loss, temperature, intolerance, low libido, ringing in the ears, heart palpitations, shortness of breath. There's so many The list goes on and on and on. I could continue but you Got the point. The point is, is that these things are so vague and it's really hard to connect the dots when you have all of these things going on that cross so many different boundaries of what types of diagnoses someone might receive. And typically bloodwork doesn't look too bad. So it's not something that is really obvious. When you go in there. There's some big, you know, glaring problem.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 5:21
Sure, sure. As as many times autoimmune disease until the autoimmune diseases are significant. Many times labs aren't registering that something has gone awry in the body. So I will say what I've seen with many of my patients is brain fog. They just feel like something is not right. They're not as mentally clear and they can't figure out why. So why are your breast implants problematic? What What's the problem? What's them?
Sarah Phillipe 5:44
Okay, you know, I would say brain fog is I agree with you, that is one of the biggest symptoms that I see. And that was something that I struggled with as well. It was one of my worst symptoms, actually. And I remember just, you know, mid sentence for getting a word that was an everyday word. You'd probably use 100 times a day, and it just would not come to my brain. And so that can be really challenging for a lot of people because they don't know what's going on. Why is this happening? You know, but breast implants, from my perspective are a stressor on a couple of different levels. So they're a physical stressor is a foreign object, and, you know, they end up stimulating the immune system and eventually tiring immune system so that that continuous activation eventually results in immune dysregulation.
And, and that can lead to a more muted immune system and that will eventually allow pathogens to thrive and overgrowth and opportunistic infections like C Bo and fungal overgrowth and viruses and parasites. And so those things are kind of, you know, in that kind of setting are allowed to grow unchecked by the immune system, as well as reactivation of you know, dormant pathogens that maybe you were exposed to at one point and have become dirty. And now reactivated because they can. So things like epstein barr, maybe pathogens that cause chronic Lyme disease. And so, you know, I very often will see different types of pathogenic overgrowth on like a stool analysis. So I'll say things like center doctor and klebsiella, and Prevotella and Proteus. And I often also see depressed immune system, so low Secretory IgA, which is immunoglobulin in the gut, and that's your first line of defense against pathogens that are entering the body. And so when that's slow here, very vulnerable.
So, you know, we don't have a lot of studies about this, as far as breast implants contributing to this picture, but when I look under the hood, we often see the damage and we see the changes that are going on with the immune system. So the labs are telling us that the immune system can't fight anymore, and with the depressed immune system that leads to infections. And then secondly, breast implants are also a chemical stressor because they are full of cytotoxic and neuro toxic and carcinogenic chemicals and heavy metals. And those are highly inflammatory to ourselves, our tissues or organs. And so silicom you know, the new newest version of silicone but cohesive shell, those are made up of 40 plus different toxic chemicals and heavy metals.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 8:24
Can you say some examples, give some examples of those to the listener, You speak very well, but to dumb this down to put it in layman's terms. So what are some examples of heavy metals that are in implants?
Sarah Phillipe 8:36
So yeah, you have things like aluminum and tin and lead and platinum. And one thing that I found really interesting in my own journey was that I developed an allergic reaction to my ring, my wedding ring, which was platinum. Wow is wonder what was going on. Like, why am I reacting to this because I've been able to wear it just fine up until that point. And as soon as I got my breast implants out, I said stop reacting to it and then you have other chemicals like methyl ethyl ketone and cyclohexane and acetone and phenol. Those are all neurotoxin.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 9:10
Is that regardless is that only what this new type of implant or is that regardless of if the implant is saline or silicone or or maybe we can get into the differences if one is possibly better than the other? Also, yes,
Sarah Phillipe 9:23
yeah, the each has different risks I would say. So this is specific for the cohesive gel silicone implants which have become very popular since they were released in I believe it was 2006. Are those the gummy bear implants or what are those?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 9:38
Okay, that's what I've heard. Okay.
Sarah Phillipe 9:39
So they were assumed safe because they're very sticky and when they rupture, they don't spread in the same way that sailing does. And you touch you wouldn't know that you have a rupture either because it stays in place because it's sticking in cohesive, it doesn't really move. And then you have the sealing implants which do also have the silicone Shell. So, silicone is actually called an advantage in the development of different types of connective tissue autoimmune diseases. So that means that it is a trigger. So regardless of whether you have silicone or caelian breast implants, you are still exposed to silicone. And then beyond that, you know, most people assume that the sailing breast implants are safe or at least safer.
And the problem of sailing is that they have a one what's supposed to be a one way valve that's used to fill the implants after they're placed with saline solution, however, that that Valve can either become defective over time, just through aging or maybe an injury to that area or it can be defective upon implantation. So what happens is that fluid from the body can get inside that implant. And so what happens is that, when that's allowed to happen, the there's different microbes that can get inside so you can have fungus different types of molds. bacteria, things like that. So it really becomes a petri dish for microbes to grow and thrive and create a problem. So that and from that perspective, we're dealing biotoxin illness with these, these people, these women, and that can make someone so, so, so sick. I've worked with lots and lots of clients who have that exact issue, and it develops and it's like, you really can't escape it, you know, think about living in a moldy home, the solution is get out of the home, right, right and deal with the things that need to be dealt with. But when it's living inside of you, you can't escape it unless you've had those implants removed. So it's a huge source of bio toxicity. So we're dealing with different types of toxicity associated with the different types of implants.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 11:43
Sure. So really, in summary, you're seeing the breast implants can suppress the immune system can lower that Secretory IgA they can make you more susceptible. So that can be very scary. Of course, it It sounds like they can increase our risk for many infections and biotoxin illnesses, but I know they can also impact our hormones. So Talk about that relationship. So how can implants impact our sex hormones?
Sarah Phillipe 12:05
Yeah, so you know, stress comes in all kinds of different forms. and lesson plans are considered a stressor, in my opinion, at least on the body, just based on what I've described already, the the chemical stressor and the physical stressor on the body. Sure. And so when you have a chronic source of stress you have your body mounts a stress response. And so your brain perceives something as a potential threat, body releases, you know, certain fight or flight hormones and neurotransmitters like epinephrine and norepinephrine and cortisol, which triggers the fight or flight response. So, once the threat has been eliminated, the body should return to a state of normal function or balance. And so this response is really designed to help us cope with short term stress like running away from a bear. That's always the example we give right. But long term stress, on the other hand, is continual activation of that process of that system. And so that can lead to Due to disease in the body. And so, you know, when your body is focused on survival, it is not focused on, you know, replication or reproduction. It's not focused on reproduction. And so your hormones are designed to make you fertile and help you reproduce. And so when you're focused on dealing with that chronic stressor, your body is going to down regulate hormone production so that it can go ahead and address that stressor.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 13:28
That makes total sense. So stressors come in all shapes and forms, it could be gluten that you're eating, it could be psychological stress or, you know, bad relationship, what could be the stressor of breast implant, that your body is essentially mounting an immune response to and rejecting very scary so so you've said that the implants can rob us of hormones, they can essentially reduce our Secretory IgA making us more susceptible to infections that would even include the current covid right. Essentially, they can lead to being a piece dish for all sorts of illnesses. So they don't sound like a good thing to me. I like what you said it's not if but when they're gonna cause problems. So have to ask the question. I mean, do you do know many people with breast implants who have had no problems? Or are most people you're talking to having problems?
Sarah Phillipe 14:20
Yeah, you know, what I find is really interesting is that most people can think of problems that they're dealing with, if they really sit down and pay attention to what symptoms they're experiencing on a regular basis. And so most people think of a lot of the symptoms they have like fatigue or difficulty sleeping or menstrual issues, things like that. It's just normal. Even digestive issues like some people really consider those to be normal. Everybody has these issues, or it's a part of aging, right? And we hear that all the time. And really, that's not the case. You know, if your body is functioning the way that it should optimally because symptoms, don't have In and so sometimes are typically the last thing to occur when the body is breaking down. So when you start to develop symptoms, you know that dysfunction has been going on quite a while. So, you know, from what I see, yes, I do see some people who are functioning just fine, able to get through their day and do all the things that they need to do and want to do with no issue. But those people I tend to notice do have some things that they're dealing with. It's just not significant enough yet, for them to consider it to be a problem.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 15:31
So some of my patients then ask, Well, how can I try to avoid? Maybe some predicted problems with implants? Like, can I get them replaced more frequently so that I don't grow mold, whatnot? I don't know the answer to this question. How would you How would you respond to that?
Sarah Phillipe 15:50
First of all, I think that it is really important to reconsider this decision. If you have any history of autoimmunity yourself or in your family. Because when you're doing things or incorporating things in your life that dirtier genes, let's say, then you're going to develop the diseases of your genetic weakness. And typically we see that happen with us and my illness as autoimmunity. So that's something to really pay attention to if anyone has autoimmunity or a family history of that. I don't suggest implants.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 16:24
Don't put a foreign object in your body. Yeah, don't get a
Sarah Phillipe 16:27
foreign object in there and trigger that that process. Sure. Um, and secondly, you know, if this is just something where you just, you know, you, you're saying to yourself, I'm never going to remove my implants, I'm always going to have this, I don't care, you know, what the price might be, this is something that I need for myself, in order to feel good about myself or whatever the reason may be, maybe it's because someone has had a mastectomy. Sure, it feels like that is a connection to know their womanhood and don't want to be without that. And so I completely understand that situations, I would just say, you know, probably the safer option would be failing, I even hesitate to say that you do have the exposure to silicone. And I would say you probably need to get them replaced really, really regularly like every five years from and that's a really, that's expensive to plan for, you know, I mean, each each surgery is going to cost anywhere from seven to $10,000 for removal and a replacement. Sure. And so you're gonna have to factor that in.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 17:34
I get asked all the time, what's one product that I just can't live without when it comes to maintaining my own health and longevity? And my answer is something you've actually heard me mention on several episodes. It's called mitochondrial complex and it's pretty much the Cadillac of multivitamins, and it's packed with antioxidants, including three key players acetyl, l carnitine, alpha lipoic acid and N acetylcysteine. Think of a steam engine that requires coal to be continually shoveled into the furnace to power the train forward. acetyl l carnitine does that for your body by shoveling short chain fatty acids into your cells to provide your body with energy? This is an absolutely essential task to keeping you running. However, what's a byproduct of fire? You guessed it smoke. Unfortunately, in this analogy, smoke from fire equals free radicals. To combat those free radicals. Other antioxidants are needed and that's where alpha lipoic acid and acetylcysteine come in. Together, they scavenge free radicals and help boost and recharge beautify on the most potent antioxidant in the body.
To top it off mitochondrial complex also contains a little bit of green tea extract, broccoli seed extract with sulforaphane and even resveratrol. Research has shown that when athletes and individuals that are under stress begin taking this product they are less likely to get sick as they're giving their body what it needs to conquer those stressors. Who doesn't need protection from stress and cellular damage at this time? I certainly do. I take this product every day. If you're interested in learning more about how mitochondrial complex can help support you living a longer healthier life, check out my blog post on why Antioch expense are important found out your longevity blueprint.com forward slash y dash antioxidants dash r dash important, or in chapter four of my book your longevity blueprint to get 10% off our mitochondrial complex just use code energy when checking out at your longevity blueprint.com. Now, let's get back to the show. Now, what are the patient has implants removed? I've had a couple patients tell me this, and they say the implants were removed, they were intact and replaced. So that increases their confidence that nothing was going awry. And does there have to be something visible on that implant? And maybe this is a better question for a surgeon. But does there have to be something visible on that implant to say, yes, this implant was compromising the immune system? I would probably say no,
Sarah Phillipe 19:51
absolutely not. So, what we're discovering, as you know, surgeons are performing more and more x plants and they're studying the fluid surrounded the implant in between the implant and the capsule is that they're discovering, you know, 10 plus different types of bacteria that are growing in between the capsule and the implant so that and have it felt as a problem for the immune system.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 20:15
And that's not visible upon removal, right? It could look a little Sure.
Sarah Phillipe 20:18
Yeah, your implants can be intact. Silicone or assailing, can be intact and still be problematic because from day one up body temperature, the cohesive gel implants bleed into the body and you're you're putting them in a place where there's so much lymphatic tissue right in that area. So much done somebody tissue and so that that allows for those contaminants to travel throughout the body, by way of the limbs very easily. So we know that there have been studies showing that gel bleed, it does happen at body temperature. And you know, there were so many different studies that were saying supposed to happen that never did. So we don't really know with certainty how bad these are, you know? So it's just, it's really, really risky.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 21:11
Sure. So there is hope it sounds like you have recovered. So let's let's talk through the recovery process. So, if a woman is considering having her implants removed, can you speak to a proper x plan procedure and where she might go about finding a surgeon who is appropriately trained to do that?
Sarah Phillipe 21:31
Yes. So, there is a really specific way that breast implants should be removed. And so that process is called block which means that the implant and the capsule are removed together as one unit. So the other way that that implants are removed sometimes while a lot of the time I would say are by cutting the capsule open and removing the implant and leaving the capsule in. That's what most surgeons will do. So you really want to be sure to find someone who does this properly with unblock and complete capsulectomy especially if unblock is not possible, every speck of that capsule needs to be removed, because the capsule also contains a lot of different toxins within its matrix and potentially even harbors bacteria. So that poses another additional risk that's still in your body. And it makes it really challenging to heal.
And so I've talked with a lot of women who didn't notice going into it just wanted their implants out as quickly as possible, went back to their surgeon that put them in and they were removed by cutting the capsular open removing the implant and leaving capsule behind and they're still sick and even doing all the work that we do after explant it's still a very challenging process and if not impossible, so it's our one of healing is removing the source right removing the source of toxicity removing the source of infection, or stressors or whatever it may be. So that that procedure is a very highly skilled technique, and so not every surgeon is comfortable doing it, nor should every surgeon be doing about it without a lot of training and practice. So I would definitely look for someone who has done at least 100 eggplants minimum because oftentimes they need to cauterize or scrape capsule off the ribs, and in between those ribs is very delicate and or costal tissue that is super close to your lungs. And if it something happens, then there's always a risk of puncturing the lung, choosing someone who is very, very skilled, micro surgeon kind of skill. Set a lot of these proper excellent procedures is really, really important.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 23:49
Wonderful. So where might a listener find a surgeon trained with this technique, Jeb resources or recommendations for that I always
Sarah Phillipe 23:58
recommend going To breast implant on this.com, there is a recommended list of surgeons listed by country and state. So there's lots of recommendations there. And they'll also list if if the information is available, whether or not the surgeon performs on block and capsulectomy. How much it might cost whether or not they do a lift, we'll do a lift for you and what that cost might look like. So you kind of get a feel for who's available near you sure, what they're able to offer you on what the cost might be. But I always recommend, you know, interviewing more than one surgeon to really get a feel for who you connect with who you feel comfortable with. Before making that decision. And they do list you know, the top I think five or six surgeons nationwide. I'm kind of at the top of that page. So you know, I always feel like it's worth traveling for if for something this important. Choosing the absolute best surgeon for you.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 25:00
Agree. So you you alluded to the work that has to be done after the source of the toxin is removed, right? The implant is removed. So what should women be doing or focusing on post ex plan in order to heal? I assume this is kind of what you help women with. So let's get into that.
Sarah Phillipe 25:19
Yeah, so the things that I think need to be focused on are toxicity. So not only detoxing the body but removing other sources of toxicity that are that are you're chronically being exposed to. So that may look like really doing an overhaul on your personal care products and your cleaning products and the kinds of things that you purchase in the future like furniture and carpeting and paint and all those different things that also off gas into your home curb, who knows how long months, two years really, and then detoxing the body properly is a really important step and this is something that a lot of people are talking about. But what's really important And to note is that not all detoxing, detoxes are safe. Not all detoxes are active. And what's right for you may not be what was right for someone else.
So you definitely want to work with a skilled detox unit trained practitioner on that process, because true detoxification at the cellular level does require a lot of knowledge and to do it safely. And so what I find is that women are, and so that ends up posing the problem of auto intoxication, where you're just really end up driving those toxins deeper into the tissues and into the brain. So that's really important to make sure that you're really working with someone who knows detoxification well. And then addressing infections is another important part of this. And so these things kind of go hand in hand, you know, the infections are there a lot of the time because the body is very toxic, and the immune system is down regulated. So working on You know, supporting and restoring immune function while also going after pathogens, if that's needed. Many women that I talked to are dealing with, you know, fungal overgrowth, and parasites and CBOE. And that's really, really common and that's just because of the level of toxicity that you're exposed to.
And so bringing the gut back into balance and really down, bringing down these infections and restoring immune function so that it can do its job better, is really important. So you know, it's not enough just to go out, go on a parasite cleanse or a Candida cleanse, you know, this bug killing spree. Because the reason they're there also needs to be addressed. Otherwise, you'll end up with the same problem again, true. And then dealing with any kind of traumas. So mental, emotional, physical, all of those things can impact your body's function and your ability to heal. So people may feel like they're doing all the right things, you know, they're clean up clean. their diet, their detoxing, what the right way they're exercising, they're removing all the different sources, sources of toxicity in their life. Maybe they're meditating, maybe they're praying, maybe they're spending time working on their mindset. But if past traumas are still unresolved, and that's a source of emotional toxicity, and that will keep you sick. So those are all very important.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 28:26
Good, good points. What about feelings of self worth? And just body image in general, which may have led to get an implants in the first place? Can you speak a little bit to that and healing or improving them?
Sarah Phillipe 28:39
Yeah, so I can definitely speak to it because I it's something that I struggled with myself. And, you know, my desire for breast implants came about from an experience when I was a child when I was a young girl. And someone very important to me said, you know, you're going to be four foot 11 just like me, but don't worry about Because you'll have the Johnson booth. And so that experience in my life, I remember it as if it were yesterday, and not how big of an impression it had on me when I was young, and really kind of developing ideas about the world and myself and who I was. So that that gave me the impression that bras were impressed, important. And not just breast but large breasts are important. And they are what define you as a woman.
And so when I didn't develop those Johnson boobs, I was concerned, I was worried that I wasn't enough I found like, I needed to have that to be beautiful to be desired to you know, be good enough. And so that eventually led to me making that decision for myself. It was really all about my body image and my lack of self love for who I was how I was created. And so that is something that I really have had to work through and just realizing that You know, we are so much more than our, our breasts or our behind or, you know, whatever it is that we're, you know, worried about or self conscious about more and more than that, you know, we are spiritual beings beyond just the physical I mean, so. So if there's a lot of internal work that I went through personally and but may look different for each person, but it really just comes back back around to loving and accepting yourself for how you were designed because everyone, you were designed perfectly, you know, and everyone has beautiful in their own way. And, and so I think that there's just a mindset shift that needs to happen. And it's really hard when we're chronically exposed to all these different images on social media, what women are supposed to look like right that was bombarded by that every single day.
So going in with and really like just spending some time discovering who you are not, not what you look like, but who you are as a person and finding your value and your worth. And
Dr. Stephanie Gray 31:11
that is beautiful. I wish we had time to really get into that even more deeply today. But that that that takes a long time for many patients. That's some deep, deep work that, like you said many times is rooted in childhood. So that's not my specialty, for years. But I think that that's part of a team that I think patients need to have to help them on their journey,
Sarah Phillipe 31:35
unfortunately, and it's a process. It is absolutely, like with the click of better that's not my finger.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 31:42
I love that. So, thank you for sharing your story today. Tell us where viewers can find you where you are on social media. Speaking of share that with our audience.
Sarah Phillipe 31:53
So my website is reversing breast implant illness.com and I can be found on Instagram, Sam handle reversing breast implant illness calm. And I have a Facebook page as well. And a private Facebook group for women looking for more support answers to questions they have and just sharing your story.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 32:16
Wonderful. And do you have a free gift for our listeners? What is that?
Sarah Phillipe 32:21
So I have the neurotoxic quiz and this is a quiz that I use throughout my work with my clients, you know, from the get go right away and then each, you know, month as we progress through our work together, we kind of use it to reassess progress. So this really looks at your level of neuro toxicity based on you know, how you score your symptoms.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 32:41
Cool, wonderful. We'll post the link to that in the show notes for the listeners. So Sarah, this was very interesting. And I'm sure many listeners I hope will be sharing this with other loved ones friends and family members who need to hear this message because although you and I are familiar with this, I think many of Individuals are not they have not, it hasn't even crossed their mind that the implants could be contributing to their chronic symptoms. So my hope is that listeners will be sharing this with those needs. And I thank you for spreading your message about breast implant illness. Thank you for coming on the show today. Thank you so much, Stephanie. Chapter five of my book, Your longevity blueprint is all about the importance of detoxing the body. And you know what, I didn't include much on that. Now I wish I did. breast implant illness. To be honest, at the time I wrote the book I didn't know much about it, nor what to do for it. But now I have that knowledge and thanks to this interview you do too.
So please again, share this with others in need as this just could be a never considered missing link to their recovery and building true health. Be sure to check out my book, Your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck. You can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book, plus for a limited time, not only is the course 50% off, but you also get your first consult with With me for free, check this offer out at your longevity blueprint calm and click the course tab. One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. And leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I read all the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics, guests for how you're applying what you've learned on the show to create your own longevity blueprint. A podcast is produced by the team at counterweight creative. As always, thanks so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting.
The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
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10399 Comments. Leave new
This is a terrific education on breast implant illness. Thank you Sarah and Dr Gray. I feel for the gals post mastectomy that immediately move into implant(s). Introducing a foreign and dangerous item into their body while they are in such a low state of immunity. I will get the word out about the website and this podcast!!!!
Thanks for your support!
Thanks so much I need it to Loren to this. I just got explanted May 24, 21 this information is so important so I can understand more of the detox process. I request already a phone cos últ can’t wait. How can I participate for the price?