Your skin is a direct reflection of what’s going on inside your body. Hormonal imbalances, deficiencies, and inflammation can all show up on your skin. Dr. Trevor Cates joins me to talk about how our internal health shows up on our skin, what the six root causes of our skin issues could be, and why we need to simplify our skincare routine.
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The 6 Root Causes Behind Skin Issues
- Inflammation
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Blood Sugar Imbalances
- Oxidative Damage
- Microbiome Imbalances
About Dr. Trevor Cates
Dr. Trevor Cates is author of the USA Today and Amazon bestselling book Clean Skin From Within and founder of The Spa Dr. natural skincare line.
She received her medical degree from the National University of Natural Medicine and was the first woman licensed as a naturopathic doctor in the state of California. She currently lives in Park City, Utah where she helps patients from around the world achieve naturally glowing skin.
She has been on various TV shows, including The Doctors and Extra TV. Dr. Cates interviews over 250 experts on The Spa Dr. podcast and hosted her own PBS special, Younger Skin From Within.
She believes the key to healthy skin is inner and outer nourishment with natural and non-toxic ingredients.
Redefining Skincare from the Inside Out
Dr. Trevor Cates explains how our internal health shows up on our skin and what the six root causes of your skin issues could be. She’s also redefining the skin types we’ve grown up with to five new categories that are much more inclusive of skin problems.
Trevor believes that if we focus on four main lifestyle changes, we can improve not only our skin health but our overall health, too. By focusing on our diet, our exercise, and our mental health, we can revolutionize skincare.
Diet can be a huge trigger for your skin. Trevor explains what foods you should avoid, especially if you have skin issues, and what you should load your plate up with. We both agree that our plates should be full of a rainbow of vegetables.
Organic Skincare
If you have dry skin, Trevor explains why it’s not enough to drink a glass of tap water. Most tap water filters out so many vital vitamins and nutrients, leaving our body crying out for hydration. Trevor recommends drinking filtered water.
Trevor also recommends eating organic and using organic skincare and other beauty products. She explains what organic means in the skincare industry and why some ingredients are harder, or impossible, to source organically.
Finally, we talk about Trevor’s own skincare range. It’s so simple with so few ingredients but over the years, we’ve overly complicated skincare. Simple and organic is better.
Get colors in your diet. What are your favorite rainbow foods? Let me know in the comments below!
Call the Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic today and schedule your first appointment at 319-363-0033.
“It’s not that certain foods don’t have some nutritional value, it’s just that they have become a big trigger for a lot of people. Sometimes the body just needs a break from them. Some people can eliminate certain foods for a period of time and work on the cut microbiome and gut health and then maybe go back to eating those foods. We first need to get rid of some of these triggers and give the body a break.” [17:24]
“I’m really surprised what people try to get away with at companies. What they will or won’t put on the labels and what they consider marketing versus what’s truly ethical. They don’t always keep you safe.” [24:43]
“Sometimes it’s hard for people to believe how easy skincare can be. I really think we overcomplicate skincare.” [32:59]
“I encourage people to remember the four different areas: clean plate, clean slate, clean body, clean mind. Those are all really important for longevity. If you can do one of these every day, it doesn’t have to take a lot of time, it’s really those daily lifestyle choices that we make.” [34:27]
In This Episode
- How your skin reflects your inner health [4:30]
- The 5 new redefined skin types [7:00]
- What lifestyle changes you can make to improve your skin health [14:30]
- What foods you should and shouldn’t eat [15:30]
- Why drinking a glass of water isn’t enough for hydrating your skin [20:15]
- What organic means in the skincare industry [25:15]
- What a thorough skincare routine might look like [31:00]
Links & Resources
Use Code BERBERINE for 10% off Berberine Support
Use Code drgray20 for 20% Off at The Spa Dr. Store
Pearl and Rose Petal Exfoliant
Find Out Your Skin Personality Type
Follow Dr. Trevor Cates on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Pinterest
Get your copy of the Your Longevity Blueprint book and claim your bonuses here
Follow Dr. Stephanie Gray on Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | Twitter | LinkedIn
Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast Production by the team at Counterweight Creative
Additional Resources Mentioned
Episode 53: Keto Green Approach To Hormones With Dr. Anna Cabeca
Episode 41: How To Reduce Toxins In The Home With Genevieve White
Episode 31: Gut/Brain Connection With Dr. Lauryn Lax
Episode Transcript
Dr. Trevor Cates 0:03
A lot of people were thinking about skin as something that just needed to be suppressed or covered.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:12
Welcome to the longevity blueprint podcast. I'm your host Dr. Stephanie gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. You're about to hear from Dr. Trevor Kate's. Today we're going to dive into how your skin is an outer reflection of your inner health and talk about how to avoid toxic skincare and shift to more natural options. Let's get rolling.
Thank you for joining me for another episode of The your longevity blueprint podcast today I have on as a guest Dr. Trevor Kate's She's the author of the USA today and Amazon best selling book clean skin from within and founder of the spa doctor natural skincare line. She received her medical degree from the National University of natural medicine and was the first woman licensed as a naturopathic doctor in the state of California. She currently lives in Park City, Utah, where she helps patients from around the world achieve naturally glowing skin. She has been featured on various TV shows including the doctors and extra TV. Dr. Cates has interviewed over 250 experts on the spot actor podcast and hosted her own PBS special younger skin from within. She believes the key to healthy skin is inner and outer nourishment with natural and non toxic ingredients, which we're going to talk about today. So welcome to the show, Dr. Cates. Thank you. It's great to be here with you. So you have to tell us your story. How did you become the spa doctor?
Dr. Trevor Cates 1:36
Oh, absolutely. Well, I started off as a kid, I had a lot of problems with my skin and my health, I struggled with a lot of eczema, rashes, hives, mysterious bumps that would appear. And my parents took me to see a number of different specialists and I would have allergic reactions or adverse reactions to every single medication, I was put on either the topicals or internal everything. And I just kept feeling worse. And thankfully my parents didn't give up, they kept looking for answers. And that's what eventually led them to find a holistic practitioner. And it was the one thing that really turned my health around. And my skin as a result of that improved. My self esteem improved as well. Because anyone that struggle with skin issues, which is really majority of people, I don't know, really anyone that hasn't had some sort of skin problem. If you have them on your face there. It's so embarrassing, especially as a child. And so at that time, I remember thinking, while I'm so relieved that I don't have these issues anymore, but the question that kept burning in my mind was why did it take this long for us to do this? Why didn't the doctors give us this option right at the beginning?
Why wasn't this something that was for everyone? Right so it's it planted this seed early, an early age I was around 11 years old at the time and then eventually I found out about nature Pathak medical school, and I was so excited to go that route. And I've been practicing as nature Pathak physician for 20 years now. And about two was a little less than 10 years ago, I was working at a world renowned spa was working in the spa. And I was doing these two week weight loss programs. And at the time, I wasn't focusing on skin, I was doing a lot of just wellness programs, weight loss programs, hormone balance, those sorts of things. And at the end of my two week weight loss program, my patients were saying, Dr. Cates, I've lost weight, I feel great. But what surprises me is my skin. I didn't know that my skin would look could look this good. And I think there was more awareness because I was in a spa.
And so they were talking about skin. But I realized that there was a missing link that a lot of people were thinking about skin as something that just needed to be suppressed or covered up because of the conventional dermatology model which is quick to use a topical steroid or some sort of cream or with makeup, just women oftentimes just covering it up getting creative with makeup to cover up flaws. And I'm using air quotes here because they're not really flaws. They're just your skin giving you messages. And so that's why I felt like I needed to get this message out about skin being an outer reflection of inner health. And so that's what led me to write my book clean skin from within and to launch the spa doctor skincare line.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 4:38
Great story and your skin looks beautiful. So I assume you use your your own life. I certainly do. So let's go back to you mentioning that the skin is a reflection of what's happening within and I think you also kind of mentioned our skin as being our magic mirror. So So tell us more about that. Why do you call our skin the magic mirror?
Dr. Trevor Cates 4:57
Yeah, well, our skin is our large to Oregon, and it's right on the surface of our bodies. I think a lot of people forget, it's actually an organ and it's connected to the rest of our body. We don't need special imaging equipment to see this organ, we can just look in the mirror and see the messages it's giving us. When I look at when I think about skin, I'm always looking for what's behind it, what are the underlying causes the root causes behind what's going on with this skin? with my patients, I started to see certain patterns, I was seeing certain repeats of patterns, and I realized that there are six root causes behind the skin issues.
And so if we can find out what the root causes are, then we can help our skin but also our health and other ways. So things like inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, oxidative damage, microbiome imbalances, these are all really important. And as I'm listing these off, of course, you're realizing, well, that's not just related to skin that's related to a lot of health issues, or the majority
Dr. Stephanie Gray 6:08
and longevity in general, which is what we talked about on the podcasting.
Dr. Trevor Cates 6:14
Yeah, absolutely. So I mean, all of those really just in some way or another, do relate to longevity, because, of course, we want to live longer. But we also want to feel good and look vibrant. Because honestly, there's a reason why we're attracted to attractive people, because it's a sign of vibrant health. You know, it's like a survival instinct to be attracted to people that are that have that vibrantly healthy Look, it's something that we just need to get back to, and that we oftentimes lose sight of. So if we go back to these root causes, and we addressed that, then we're really helping our skin from the inside out. And again, we're addressing a lot of other health and longevity issues. Sure.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 6:59
So in your book, which I think is behind you in the corner there, clean skin from within you talk about five skin types. So what are those,
Dr. Trevor Cates 7:06
I wanted to redefine skin types, because the typical dry, oily, mature, sensitive, those types of skin, they don't really tell you anything besides the appearance of the skin. So I redefined skin types, I created five different skin types. I gave them all human names, because I see my patients as people, right we see them as people and they're not just skin issues. They're Amber, Olivia Sage emit, and he and so I created these to correspond with certain root causes. So because not everybody has all six root causes. But I was seeing these patterns in my patients, I would realize that there were certain groups based upon things that they could tell me and that's why I created the skin quiz which people can just take it online and go to the skin quiz calm.
And it's just a simple online quiz where people just answer a series of questions and you find out whether you're an amber, Olivia Sage with like which skin type you are, or maybe you're just you know, the you know, a normal healthy skin type if you don't have any actual issues going on. But then you can find out what your root causes are. And that makes it easier to really hone in and this is of course as an H Pathak physician, this is what I do with my patients when I'm working one on one with them is I want to find out what their root causes are and address those. Not everybody's the same. We can't treat everybody the same. So it's nice to be able to do it in a way to help more people because I knew that not everybody could come in to see me.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 8:42
I want to go back to those five skin types coat. So what is Heath what is tell us a little bit more about those five skin types briefly?
Dr. Trevor Cates 8:48
Yeah, absolutely. So it so the heath skin type is typically a little bit more of an inflamed skin. And so a lot of people with things like rosacea or inflammatory skin issues, those are typically a lot of the problems with with his skin types. So one of the big things is addressing inflammation with his skin types. And so both internally and externally, you want to address that inflammation. So what that means is when we're looking topically at the skin, people and his skin types tend to be very reactive to skincare products. So they have oftentimes been not able to use a lot of skincare products, cleansers and moisturizers and things with fragrance and things because their skin is so sensitive and inflamed. And so you want to make sure that you're using products that have anti inflammatory ingredients and don't have reactive types of ingredients.
And then from the inside out, you want to be getting things that are in your diet and that are anti inflammatory, so avoiding things like sugar that is definitely More of a pro inflammatory food. And instead getting some nice, you know, plant based oils like avocado oil, olive oil, those types of things and antioxidants and a lot of plant based foods in your diet that help with decreasing inflammation. That's an example. Another example that I think would be particularly relevant for your audience is the sage skin type. And Sage skin types tend to notice that their skin is aging more rapidly, the other people their age, so they're noticing more sagging skin wrinkles, fine lines, and maybe even just kind of like a dullness to their skin, it doesn't have that youthful vitality that it used to have. And I've had see people that say, take the quiz in our stage skin types that are even in like their 30s. Just because they're looking, they're comparing themselves to other people their age, and they're thinking something's not right, something I'm not, I'm aging gracefully. I'm not.
You know, of course, as you know, aging is just a natural process, right? We're getting older, we can't stop the clock. And I am actually pro wrinkles to a certain extent because they're, they're signs that we've been living in laughing and stop with the Botox already, or does at least slow down with it, because we can't see people's expressions anymore. So we want we want, you know, we want to be real and be truly natural. But we also being realistic, I know that we don't want to look older than we are. And it's all nice when you we have a more youthful looking appearance. And that does happen when you address root causes, like oxidative damage, which I'm sure you talk about on your part. And that's one of the big things with the sage skin types is oxidative damage is accelerates the aging process. And so sun exposure, we know a skin that's one of the things that happens, of course, cigarette smoking, or really exposure to toxins in general, air pollution, all of these things impact the skin on the outside, so they speed up the aging process. And that you know, the collagen breakdown and the things that lead to wrinkles and sagging skin. Some of that too is from the inside.
And one of the things too, that's big for Sage skin types is blood sugar, and like Haitian issues, because that definitely speeds up the aging process in the entire body. And cluding the skin. So with glycation, glucose binds to proteins in the body. And and when we're talking about skin, that's collagen, typically. And so when glucose binds to collagen, it makes it more rigid and less elastic. So that's what leads to more of the wrinkles and sagging skin. And so it is when we talk about longevity, as much as we like to have a treat here and here. And there. It's important to do as much as you can keep your blood sugar more balanced and not have those ups and downs and blood sugar. And some people course, are more genetically predisposed to this. So having some understanding of genetics is great, at least understanding your family history. But the good news is that we can change our genetic expression by the lifestyle choices that we make. So if you go and you get your blood work done, because you know, there's diabetes that runs in your family, and you notice that your fasting blood sugar is on that upper end of the normal range or not in the ideal range, then you want to start being proactive before it gets out of range. So start realizing that this could be a genetic issue for you. And so you just want to be more proactive about it.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 13:43
And so many individuals don't realize when their glucose is slowly creeping up that could actually impact their skin. We'd many people just don't make that connection. And you've had a strong defense for that today. So I'm working on that in your book against clean skin from within you have a two week plan to cleaning up our skin. So tell us a few of those points.
Dr. Trevor Cates 14:02
Yeah, absolutely. So in my book, I lead people through a two week program and it's basically it started off as the two week weight loss program, but I then I, I changed it altered it to focus a lot more on skin but a lot of the foundation of it is based upon a program that I've been doing for 20 years. But with that there are four different aspects there's clean plate, clean slate, clean body and clean mind. And so the clean plate are the foods to eat the foods to avoid for healthy skin. The Clean Slate is having to do with the products that we put on our skin and what to look for and to avoid as well as what to use instead. And then clean body is about reducing toxins in our environment in our homes and other ways and also to support our body's detoxification pathways because that also is extremely important for the health of our skin. And our overall body and addressing these root causes. And then the last section is particularly important these days. And that's clean mind, which is about stress management and mindfulness practices.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 15:11
Sounds parallel to a lot of what we talked about on the show. So maybe let's go to the clean plate aspect. So what are top foods that can trigger skin problems, we've already alluded to sugar a little bit here that are not good for the skin. And then conversely, what are foods that are good for the skin?
Dr. Trevor Cates 15:25
Yes, this is a big section of my book. And I actually have recipes of my book, because I know that it's not always easy to take things out of the diet, things like sugar. But I encourage people during that my two week program to eliminate their 10 different things that I encouraged people to eliminate that I find are the biggest triggers for people with skin problems, and then exploiting them how they can kind of take them, bring them back in certain ones and figure out if it's a particular issue for them. But as we talked, we talked about sugar already, which is really the number one trigger food across the board, different skin issues. But also another big one is dairy dairy products are typically a more pro inflammatory food.
So inflammation being one of those big root causes. So especially people with I mean, it can be like the heat skin types, emit skin types. Olivia, I mean, there, there are a lot of them, that do have problems with dairy. And then also gluten being another one that is oftentimes a trigger for people. And I'm not saying that everybody with a skin problem has an issue with both gluten and dairy, but it is very common. And another one that often surprises people is eggs. Eggs are one, particularly for people with acne, that are acne prone or people with eczema, it is one where when they've tried watching their sugar intake, they've taken out gluten, and they've taken out dairy, and they're still having issues. That is the next one that I oftentimes will remind people of now there are other ones as well that I talked about in my book.
But these are some of the big ones. And eggs are typically a healthy thing. I mean, hey, we you know, we always used to think, you know, wheat and whole grains, and all those we, we typically think is and yogurt and things like that we typically think of as healthy things. And it's not, they aren't that they don't have some nutritional value, it's just that they have become a big trigger food for a lot of people. And sometimes the body just needs a break from them. And so for some people, they can eliminate certain foods for a period of time, and work on the gut microbiome and the gut health, and then maybe be able to go back to eating some of those foods again. But what I found is that we first need to just like lift the load off these get like get rid of some of these triggers and give the body a break.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 18:00
I totally agree. And that's what I'm from Iowa and Terry walls is also from Iowa. And so those are the top four foods that she's recommending for her patients without immune diseases to remove right sugar, gluten, dairy, and eggs. And we can test our patients for food sensitivities to see if there is some under other underlying food that they think it's healthy that they actually need to remove from the diet. It's so common that teenagers with acne when they get off the dairy, then their skin clears up. So dairy impacts hormones. It's just generally speaking not my favorite food group. Yes, cheese is delicious, but it can really impact your skin. So So I agree with you there. Tell us some foods that we should be eating. What are some foods like maybe foods that are high in antioxidants that probably would benefit this can tell us some of those foods?
Dr. Trevor Cates 18:43
Yeah, absolutely antioxidants. Because oxidative damage is one of those big underlying causes, especially with accelerated aging signs is that we want to get antioxidant rich foods and our diet. So lots of colorful fruits and vegetables as a as a big part of it. So I really encourage people to eat a variety of them because that also helps the microbiome the gut microbiome when you eat a diverse array of plants, and you choose things that you don't always eat. But some of our favorites and my favorites are berries, greens, any really any kind of sword, really to iceberg lettuces and not not
Dr. Stephanie Gray 19:23
that doesn't count
Dr. Trevor Cates 19:25
which pick your green but also I encourage you to try different greens. I grew up in the south and collard greens and kale and all kinds of stuff we just had to my family was really good about not overcooking them and put lard on everything which is popular in the south. But yeah, so definitely colorful fruits and vegetables and that's a great place to start and then we need those beneficial oils. And when people talk about skin, they oftentimes talk about hydration for the skin and how how important hydration is and of course Using a good moisturizer or plant based oils, those are all fantastic. And we use as in this product or skincare products, but you also need to hydrate from within. But it's not just a matter of drinking more water. And that's what a lot of people have said, I know as people saying with them, and you'll hydrate your skin, drink more water, start your day with drinking a glass of water.
And I think that that's great. The problem is, is that we're encouraging our people to drink filtered water, right, because of all of the contamination and filter water. And there are these great reverse osmosis filters, which I think are amazing, and they're fantastic. And we do need to filter our water. But the problem is, is they also filter out the minerals. So then we need to make sure that we're getting those minerals. So we at Spa doctor, we also sell supplements. So we have things like electrolyte drops or mineral drops, that that you can add back to water because it's not just the water, but also the minerals that you can also get that from your food, you need these minerals. And then the oils, we need oils to hydrate, it's not just the liquid of water, we also need the right oils, plant based oils and, and things like that. And also, you know, like wild Alaskan salmon and those kinds of oils that can help with hydration,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 21:13
I want to echo what you said. So I tell my patients the same thing about choosing colorful vegetables and or fruits in general. And sometimes they kind of look at me like well, which which ones are colorful. And I say when you're checking out at the grocery store, if you literally don't have colors in your shopping cart, you need to go back and pick up the pepper, bright yellow, bright orange, pick up a pomegranate, right, get that diversity of colors. And I have a 21 month old son and so I love taking him through the proto Produce Section. And I let him pick out the colors as well, right that you really need to have a diverse diet. So if you're only eating greens, greens are important. So yes, eat greens, but mix it up yet. I love a rubella personally, that's kind of my favorite green. I've been on an rubella kick lately. Good colors in your diet. So I challenge you as you're checking out of the grocery store next time you're there, add some colors, absolutely add colors. What are some ingredients in skincare products in general that people should avoid that are not included in your line?
Dr. Trevor Cates 22:06
Yeah. Well, it is a great question. And I know that it is something that I think there's been more awareness about certain ingredients like parabens and or companies have started removing parabens from their products. But unfortunately, there's still are companies even some of the natural so called natural products out there that still contain things like parabens, so you do want to pay attention to the ingredient levels on skincare products. And being aware that in the United States, the FDA doesn't really regulate the skincare industry when it comes to natural ingredients. The word natural or even the word hypoallergenic and skincare products actually has no regulation really no true meaning when it comes to regulation. It's only a marketing claim. And so it's up to the manufacturer to determine what that means what natural means are hypoallergenic. So having a little bit of understanding of what ingredients to look out for, I think is a good thing for everyone.
And so things like parabens we mentioned already, and you'll see periban at the end of the word and the ingredients list, but also one that people oftentimes overlooked because it's a single ingredient, but it's actually not a single ingredient if you think about it, and that's fragrance. fragrance is in so many of our products and not just skincare products but hair body also cleaning products. And so we're exposed to a lot of these. And within fragrance there are actually endocrine disrupting chemicals, hormone disrupting chemicals, and I'm sure you've talked about those and the importance of avoiding endocrine disrupting chemicals.
And the case of fragrance there's one ingredient within fragrance it's not listed on the label that's called Diablo Valley DDP. That actually is a plasticizing agent. It is a known endocrine disrupting chemicals they use it in fragrance to help the scent last longer and keep it more shelf stable and but the problem is is that it is showing up in human samples we do know that it actually can get in to circulation. So we want to avoid these types of ingredients. I have a whole section like I said in my book clean scan from within I have a whole section on ingredients to avoid and better alternatives. So I know it can be overwhelming it's it can be quite misleading actually. And it's frustrating. Now that I make skincare products that the last five years I've been making this product or skincare. I'm really surprised what people try and get away with the companies and what they will or will not put on the labels or, or what they consider marketing versus what's truly ethical and keeping safe.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 24:58
I'm curious about the organic label on skincare products. So I even know what I know on food just because it says organic doesn't mean it's 100%. Organic. So you've alluded to products saying hypoallergenic or natural, not necessarily equating to safety. But what if something says that it's organic, like from a skincare standpoint, that sounds good. So what does organic mean in the skincare industry,
Dr. Trevor Cates 25:20
right, with organic, there are some regulations around that. But just because it says it's organic, doesn't mean that it's 100%, organic. And I and I will say, in defense of that, that it's can be hard to get certain ingredients organic, some ingredients in skincare just aren't available in organic. But there are certain things you should definitely look for that are particularly important to look for organic. And that's things like essential oils, if you think about essential oils, they are concentrated, they're concentrated plants. So if they have pesticides on them, you're concentrating the pesticides with the oils. So for oils, and particular, any kind of plant oils or especially essential oils, essential oils are slightly different than just a plant based oil.
But they're, you know, you're taking something in high concentration. So you absolutely want those organic. So for me when I'm looking for materials for our products, I will not compromise on that, like oils have to be organic. With regular plant oil, they have to be you know, the cold pressed virgin, you know, just like your olive oils and things like that, because I want them to still have the nutrients in them and not be a processed oil. And so there are certain things you definitely want to look for organic, but there are certain things like that are just used for surfactants. Just to make like something like a more like a cleanser versus a moisturizer. You can always buy everything organic. So some of our products are as much as 98% organic, but like it's not always easy to get 100%
Dr. Stephanie Gray 27:01
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Dr. Trevor Cates 28:37
Yeah, absolutely. With my skincare line I wanted to the reason why I created it is because my patients kept asking me for recommendations on a natural skincare line. And I would just say you know, choose something that's clean that doesn't, that's free of these ingredients, then they would come back to me and they'd say, Dr. Hayes, I've tried and they just don't work, they don't give me the results that I'm looking for. So that's when I started to look into research of what is the skin actually need on the outside. And that's when he started to look a lot into the research around the skin microbiome. And there's more research about the skin microbiome and what helps support healthy skin microbiome.
Our skin has this natural barrier function to it and that means it has this mild acidity to it when we use skincare products and so important to for them to be in this mildly acidic range and not have a high pH so a lot of cleansers have a foamy kind of property to them which which actually stripping and damaging to the skin. And then we're constantly trying to build the skin backup after cleansing. So this is probably why I created my skincare line is I wanted it to be free of all the toxic ingredients. I also wanted it to have the right pH and the research that I found it's more of a 4.5 to five pH range. is more ideal for skincare products. So all my products are for the face are in that range. And certainly we don't want things over 5.5.
And so that's what I wanted. And then also there were certain natural actives that I wanted to make sure that my skincare products had pomegranate, fruit seed oil, rose hips, a seabuckthorn fruit oil, also things like aloe and a co q 10. And, and tocopherol. And a lot of ingredients that we know are really great for the skin, green tea, different teas that are great for the skin, even things like rhodiola a lot of these things you know, you take a supplement finding is that there's some great information about them also containing high amounts of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, the omegas our skin loves that on the outside, too.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 30:50
So tell us about your I guess daily routine. So what do you use on your face? Your products and in what order? Yeah, so
Dr. Trevor Cates 30:59
what I created was a four step skincare system, there's a step one cleanser, antioxidant serum, a moisturizer, and a plant based oil blend. And so this is what I use. This is what I recommend people do morning and night. You want to start as I mentioned, a lot of people make the biggest mistake they make is with their cleanser. So you want to start with a cleanser like ours that is nourishing while cleansing. So it's actually an oil based cleanser. And it is great for all skin types in sometimes people with earlier scan have to get used to the idea of putting something with a little bit of oil to wash their face.
We've been trained to have this squeaky clean feeling of our skin, but that squeaky clean feeling is actually stripped skin removed all the beneficial properties to our skin along with the makeup and everything else we've been trying to remove. But yeah, and so then you know using things like serums and moisturizers are also great. And so I recommend that both morning and night and then people are going out in the sun. I also recommend using a mineral based sunblock or sunscreen rather that is more of a zinc oxide based sunscreen rather than more of a chemical based.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 32:17
I have to ask how do you remove your eye makeup,
Dr. Trevor Cates 32:20
our cleanser, our step one actually will remove all makeup. But I also We also carry these sponges. It's like konjac sponge. And I recommend people use that with a cleanser and they make sure it's warm because with oil based cleansers. The warm water helps dissolve it so you're not left with a heavy feeling. And using a natural sponge like this will help you can just use that all on your IR and because it's so clean, it's not going to irritate your eyes. There's no fragrance Senate, we don't even put essential oils on the cleanser. Because even though it's you know, if you get them in the eye, that can be your thing. So it takes everything off. And I know it's sometimes it's hard for people to believe. But it doesn't have to be I think we overcomplicate skincare.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 33:06
Well, it sounds like you've simplified it. So obviously you created your your line based on the need that you heard from your patients always asking you kind of what where do I find safe skincare, so I'm going to kind of not drop a bomb on you. If I want to ask you about child personal care products. Are there brands for kids that you
Dr. Trevor Cates 33:22
recommend? I mean, off the top of your head that you know, even just for shampoo, conditioner, body wash, like for little ones that you know are safe. The products that we make at the spa. They're safe for people of all ages, including babies, it's we have body products, we have a body wash and a body moisturizer.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 33:38
Okay, I didn't know that.
Dr. Trevor Cates 33:39
Yeah, they are safe for people of all ages. And they're still they still work to which people are like, well, if they're going to work on a baby, they're not going to work on my, you know, stinky after workout body, but they actually do that's the great thing about these products. And as far as haircare I'm, I'm not a pro on that as much about that. So I'm not gonna go into that.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 34:03
That's all right. Well, do you have any top longevity tips for our listeners?
Dr. Trevor Cates 34:08
Yeah, you know, so much of what we've been talking about today are all about longevity, because we want to live longer. We also want to feel great as we're getting older, and we want our skin to keep up with us with the rest of our body. So everything that I've talked about. So I encourage people to think back to those four different areas that I talked about, like clean slate, clean slate, clean body, clean mine, those are all really important for longevity.
And if you can do one of these every day, it doesn't have to take a lot of time. But it's really those daily lifestyle choices that we make. And if you have a slip up, it's okay. It's a new day start over again, but you can't expect to just do it on the weekends. It's really about incorporating Get as much as you can every day. And it doesn't. It doesn't have to be complicated. But like getting a healthy smoothie in the morning, having a nice clean skincare routine, just start your day or enjoy your day. Having a stress management certificate even just be taking a few deep breaths or taking a moment to step out into nature. And also maybe just drinking filtered water rather than regular tap water. Just choose something and start there.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 35:26
That's a great as you're saying clean plate. Clean Slate I'm thinking Trevor Kate, I'm thinking rhymes with your rhymes with your name. Well, it will tell us I hear you have a free gift for our listeners. So tell us a little bit more about that
Dr. Trevor Cates 35:40
people can go to the skin quiz and get you know find out their skin chip, which I recommend that they do. I also have something unique for your audience, we're going to give you guys some 20% off all of the products at the spa doctor, I'm going to share a link with you and a discount code to share with your audience so that they can get that
Dr. Stephanie Gray 36:01
wonderful so you'll have to check the link in the show notes and we'll put that that promotional code there so you can try out her products. I'm excited myself. So tell us also where listeners can find you and hear more about your company. Yeah,
Dr. Trevor Cates 36:12
so this can quiz is a great place to start or on where are you know, online. We're on social media, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, that's where we hang out mostly
Dr. Stephanie Gray 36:23
as a spa doctor is that okay? Wonderful. Well thank you for coming on the show and sharing with us what skincare really means what we need to be doing and thank you for simplifying it. So thanks for coming on the show. Absolutely. Thank you for having me. Well, there you have it simple safe skincare does exist. I actually used her skincare essentials line this morning and my skin feels amazing. Use code Dr. Gray 24 20% offer products at the spa Dr. Calm and be sure to take her skin quiz at the skin quiz calm. Remember the four root causes of skin and body aging, oxidative stress, blood sugar issues, hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies.
All of which we'll be talking about more on the show. Be sure to check out my book your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck, you can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book. Plus for a limited time, not only is the course 50% off, but you also get your first consult with me for free. Check this offer out at your longevity blueprint.com and click the course tab. One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. And leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I read all the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics, guests or how you're applying what you've learned on the show to create your own longevity blueprint podcast is produced by the team at counterweight creative. As always, thanks so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting.
The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
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