It’s never too late to start reducing the toxic load in your home. I’m joined by Genevieve White who brings her incredible story back from chronic illness. Genevieve also shares some insight into how to start reducing your household toxins, from easy to implement tips to longer-term projects to undertake.
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The Easiest & Most Impactful Way to Reduce Your Toxic Load:
- Open your windows every day
- Leave your shoes at the door
- Dust often with a moist rag
- Remove the phthalates in your home
About Genevieve White
Genevieve White healed herself from years of chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, and generalized pain through extensive detoxification of both her body and her living environment. This experience moved her to leave her career in marketing and become a Certified Health Coach and Environmental Health Specialist.
In this capacity, she works with people on the autoimmune spectrum that haven’t been able to get the help they need from their doctors. Together they address diet and lifestyle factors that ultimately lead to more energy, better digestion, and resolved inflammation.
Her knowledge and expertise make her a go-to resource for people experiencing chronic conditions, and her interviews and writing are available on a variety of online natural health summits, docu-series, and websites.
The Toxic Load in Our Home
Genevieve White brings quite the tale of how an unusually high toxic load made her chronically ill – to the point she didn’t know if she’d ever be well again. However, once she discovered the source of her illness: toxins – she transformed her lifestyle, reduced the toxins in her regular routine, and found her way back to herself.
She explains some of the processes she went through to reduce her toxic load. Genevieve’s biggest recommendation is to undergo detoxes, especially from the use of saunas.
But it’s not just the toxic load in our bodies and outside the home that we should worry about. Genevieve reveals that the air inside our home is significantly more toxic than the outside air. This is due to our use of chemical cleaners, detergents, perfumes, personal care products, and quite a few other products you might not even consider.
How to Start Reducing Your Toxic Load
Genevieve shares that many of our household products contain phthalates and other chemicals. She recommends replacing our storage containers, carpets, shower curtains, mattresses, and everyday cleaners. It doesn’t have to be all at once as we all know that can be an expensive undertaking, but when you do replace something, try to choose something with a lower toxic load.
Environmental toxins predominantly link to the prevalence of chronic illness our society has right now. As we’ve developed more and more different types of chemicals and plastics, our bodies have come under pretty severe stress trying to keep up with it. As Genevieve says, no one’s body is built to be able to detoxify that amount of exposure.
Genevieve leaves us with some parting advice to start reducing your toxic load immediately. From opening your windows every day to taking your shoes off at the door, there are simple ways you can create lasting change in your house.
What products will you start replacing with lower toxic loads? Let me know in the comments below!
“We have way more exposures to toxins than our bodies are built for. There are over 84,000 chemicals listed for use in the US marketplace. No one’s body is built to be able to detoxify that amount of exposure.” [6:36]
“What people need to be aware of is that in most situations if it says BPA-free, it’s been replaced by BPS or BPF which is just as dangerous, if not worse, than BPA. I recommend people replace these products with glass or stainless steel.” [16:56]
“If you’re not detoxifying and going through the process of being really careful with getting these toxins out of your body as you’re losing weight, you’re releasing the toxins into your bloodstream which is making you sick. That’s why you keep going on the diet cycle.” [26:03]
In This Episode
- How to remove heavy metal toxicity from your body [9:00]
- Why the air inside our home is more toxic than the air outside [10:30]
- Some of the hidden sources of plastic you need to be aware of [14:00]
- Why you need to replace your household plastics with less toxic materials [18:00]
- Why environmental toxins relate to chronic disease [24:30]
- How to easily reduce your household toxic load [34:00]
Links & Resources
Get your Free copy of How to Make or Buy Personal Care Products that Support Your Health
Buy a Magnolia Barrier Protector for your Mattress
Buy a Mattress Wrap to Block Off-Gassing Chemicals
Learn About Safety Ratings for Household Cleaners
Follow Genevieve White on Instagram | Facebook
Get your copy of the Your Longevity Blueprint book and claim your bonuses here
Follow Dr. Stephanie Gray on Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | Twitter | LinkedIn
Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast Production by the team at Counterweight Creative
Resources Mentioned
Episode 10: 5 Pillars Of A Toxin-free Lifestyle With Aimee Carlson
Episode 32: Happy Hormones For Life With Dr. Deb Matthew
Episode 15: Community And Curiosity For Longevity With Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum
Episode Transcript
Genevieve White 0:04
When you have people in your life when you feel like you can just really be you and feel loved and accepted and that gives you a purpose, I think is extraordinarily important.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:18
Welcome to the longevity blueprint podcast. I'm your host Dr. Stephanie gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. You are about to hear from Genevieve White will discuss the connection between toxins and chronic disease and share with us how you can reduce your exposure specifically to household toxins. Let's get started.
Welcome to another episode of The your longevity blueprint podcast today I have on guest Genevieve white. She healed herself from years of chronic fatigue, digestive disorders and generalized pain through extensive detoxification of both her body and her living environment. This experience moved her to leave her career in marketing and become a certified health coach and environmental health specialists. In this capacity, she works with people on the autoimmune spectrum that haven't been able to get the help they need from their doctors. And together they address diet and lifestyle factors that ultimately lead to more energy, better digestion and resolved inflammation. Her knowledge and expertise makes her a go to resource for people experiencing chronic conditions. And her interviews and writing can be seen on a variety of online health summits, docu series and websites. So welcome to the show.
Genevieve White 1:41
Thank you, Stephanie. I'm so glad to be here.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 1:44
Well tell us your story. What made you decide to become a health coach? Tell us your health journey?
Genevieve White 1:49
Yeah, I mean, like so many of us in the health space, I had, you know, a personal health journey. Definitely. That got me in here. It started early 2010. And I basically became very ill very suddenly, it took two years and 16 practitioners to finally figure out that I had high levels of four different heavy metals, pesticide residues that had just kind of built up in my body some combustion byproducts. Basically, I was just super toxic. And to the point where I had severe chronic fatigue, IBS, all over body pain, I had gotten to the point where I could only work from home, I needed to be near my bed near my kitchen near my bathroom, life was tough. And after about two years of you know, this journey of kind of figuring out what was going on, it took about another 18 months of treating my body and treating my home to start feeling like I was starting to be me again, like I was getting myself back, my kids starting to feel like they were getting their mom back, you know, like they really kind of questioned whether they last me forever. So it definitely was life changing.
And I just realized that a lot of people were not aware of the resources available to them. They're not aware of the the levels of toxicity in our environment. People kept telling me you have to tell your story once you're well and you have to take the information that you've learned and share it with the world. So I went back to school and got my certificate as a health coach and then furthered my education in environmental health, I actually have an environmental health educational background, but it was more around sustainable buildings. So I went focused more on the health piece. And now that's what I do I work on environmental health is really just one piece of what I do with people, it's always part of it, you know, it's included in everything, it's included in what we're eating, it's included in lifestyle interventions, you know, it's just part of every piece of our life. So it needs to be part of every piece of our healing,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 4:02
and you didn't get your health back. It sounds like which is wonderful. I'm sure your kids were patiently waiting for that.
Genevieve White 4:09
Absolutely. Our relationships have I mean, it took a little while, you know, for that to get to the point where they could kind of feel like they could trust me again and didn't hurt because my I had these incredible mood swings, you know, it was just nuts, you know, but now they're they're grown and we have great relationships now and I've gone and my personal health, you know, when I was sick, I would still make it a point to do some sort of movement every day but had to be really careful. And sometimes it was just a slow walk around the block just holding on to my husband and just kind of taking forever to make that walk around the block. And now I can hike for miles I've moved to the mountains and you know, I mean, it's just a world of difference.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 4:49
Sounds like you were very sick and you saw lots of practitioners. So I have to ask, what type of practitioner finally tested you for heavy metals?
Genevieve White 4:57
A naturopathic physician although she said was not the first naturopathic physician that I saw, I saw kind of all the the spectrum of practitioners. And she's the first one that said, you know, she was kind of She's like a really good detective. She's actually more of a mental health practitioner. She's at the Ayman clinic now, but she just noticed some symptoms that she had knew were symptoms of mercury toxicity. And so she had me tested for that. And we found that, indeed, my mercury was about five times the level, but also my lead was as well and some other things, also,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 5:35
And where do you think those levels stemmed from? Or was it just your life of accumulation of those those metals?
Genevieve White 5:42
Yeah, I mean, there was no single event that exposed me to those, it's a combination of like you said, just what's in our environment, I grew up in a home that was built in the early 1900s. So pre lead paint, so I was exposed to that I had some mercury fillings. There is mercury in the air, and the soil and the water, you know, all throughout the world. But I also found that I had some genetic defects, for lack of a better word that made it difficult for me to process certain toxins. So, you know, we have these detox pathways built into our bodies, we're finding that more and more, there are people that have what's called single nucleotide polymorphisms, basically a genetic defect that makes it so that it's hard to detoxify certain things. On top of that, we have just way more exposure than our bodies are built for. There's over 84,000 chemicals listed for use in the US marketplace. They're no one's body is built to be able to detoxify that amount of exposure.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 6:56
I get asked all the time, what's one product that I just can't live without when it comes to maintaining my own health and longevity? And my answer is something you've actually heard me mentioned on several episodes. It's called mitochondria complex, and it's pretty much the Cadillac of multivitamins, and it's packed with antioxidants, including three key players acetyl, l carnitine, alpha lipoic acid and an acetal cysteine. Think of a steam engine that requires coal to be continually shoveled into the furnace to power the train forward. acetyl l carnitine. Does that for your body by shoveling short chain fatty acids into your cells to provide your body with energy? This is an absolutely essential task to keeping you running.
However, what's a byproduct of fire? You guessed it smoke. Unfortunately, in this analogy, smoke from fire equals free radicals. To combat those free radicals. Other antioxidants are needed and that's where alpha lipoic acid and acetylcysteine come in. Together they scavenge free radicals and help boost and recharge Bluetooth ion the most potent antioxidant in the body. To top it off mitochondrial complex also contains a little bit of green tea extract, broccoli seed extract with sulforaphane and even resveratrol. Research has shown that when athletes and individuals that are under stress begin taking this product they are less likely to get sick as they're giving their body what it needs to conquer those stressors who doesn't need protection from stress and cellular damage at this time? I certainly do. I take this product every day.
If you're interested in learning more about how mitochondrial complex can help support you living a longer healthier life, check out my blog post on why antioxidants are important found out your longevity blueprint.com forward slash y dash antioxidants dash r dash important for in chapter four of my book your longevity blueprint to get 10% off our mitochondrial complex, just use code energy when checking out at your longevity blueprint calm. Now let's get back to the show. So how did you treat yourself for heavy metal toxicity? What were maybe just list two or three of the things that you did specifically, to help rid your body of those?
Genevieve White 8:55
Well, I did the key lesion therapy, which is a pharmaceutical agent that pulls the metals out of the body. I did that for a pretty brief amount of time. It's not it's something that you have to be very careful with and have someone that really knows what they're doing to guide you through the process. I did a lot of sweating. So I initially I did just a little bit of sweating because my body was not able to sweat. So I would go to this place like five days a week and spend just 10 minutes in there at a low temperature and then get in a cold shower and then get in for another 10 minutes but eventually got to the point where I was where I purchased a sauna and I was sitting in there for three hours at a time. Yeah, and now I do it for maintenance. You know I get in there for about 30 minutes and about 130 a couple of days a week and it really helps me stay in this you know it helps my body continue to detoxify so I don't start to get that build up again. And then on top of that, you know, just a ton of supplements,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 10:01
why I'm so happy that your story has a happy ending. And we want our patients to have that as well. So for the listeners, let's, let's start talking about why addressing household toxins specifically, because I know that's one of your specialties is so important.
Genevieve White 10:16
Yeah, absolutely. So when people think of environmental toxins, I tend to think of like oil spills and, you know, big smokestacks and things like that. And they feel like there's nothing they can do about it. Right. But you know, that was the the other piece, like we talked about all the internal stuff I did the external stuff was to change out my laundry soap and get rid of the error, fresh, and you know, quote, unquote, fresheners and all of that stuff. Because it turns out that the EPA has been there, studies have been done to find that the air quality in our homes is five to seven times worse and up to 100 times in certain situations than the air outside. So that's what I mean, when I say that we have a lot of control over our exposures. And when I talk about household toxins, I think it's really important to acknowledge that a lot of the exposures that we're having are in the home,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 11:08
Can you give us some examples of those?
Genevieve White 11:10
I mean, everyone, everywhere, they're everywhere. Oh, you know, in our personal care products, like our shampoos, and our deodorants and our soaps, those are full of chemicals, those are basically unregulated, and could have just about anything in there any of those 84,000 chemicals, which, you know, by the way, only 200 of those have been tested for safety, only 11 are banned or restricted. So, you know, that's one place, that's our household cleaners, it's our, our furnishings, our home itself, there's stuff that's off gassing everywhere, I'm thinking right now of like the bed that's behind me. And if it were a conventional bed, all the chemicals that would be coming out of there, you know, like the fire retardants, for example, I'm thinking of the press, wood furnishings and the formaldehyde that's off gassing from those. So you know, all these everyday products that we just don't think about.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 12:11
Sure. And so I have to ask, so since you don't have a conventional bed, do you have like an organic mattress? Or what's your recommendation?
Genevieve White 12:18
Yeah, I mean, there's more and more great products out there. sameena is a good one. No, I say m i na, avocado is another good one there. There really are several I have, you know, a ton of bookmarks, different products. You know, I actually am preparing to move so I'm waiting to buy a new mattress for myself. And so I have a case over it, I have one layer over it. That's specifically for Bo C's and then I have another layer over that that's made out of the one for vo C's is actually a plastic. It's like an inert plastic. And then outside that I have another one that's made of a tightly woven, organic cotton. And that keeps for one thing, the plastic in there. And then it keeps, you know any allergens out as well.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 13:13
So I'm going to ask what Brandon? Yeah, I heard that. Like, it's like a mattress cover basically is what you have.
Genevieve White 13:19
The fabric one I believe is called Magnolia. I've had it for so long. And I cannot remember the name of the plastic
Dr. Stephanie Gray 13:29
one. That's all right. For the listeners. If she gets back to me, I'll put this in the show notes on her on questions. She's not prepared for fun. But of course I want to know because I I'm slowly making these changes as well. I kind of thought I was ahead of the game. But like, like you said, They're everywhere. Everywhere I look. I'm like, oh, there's another exposure. So specifically, before we started recording today, I was asking about the shower curtain liners. So those are typically vinyl. So can you explain why that's bad? And what an alternative is a safe alternative?
Genevieve White 14:02
Yeah, absolutely. So that's, that's a great example. I myself used to get nauseous and like lightheaded every time I was in the shower and I could not figure out why. And what I learned was first of all, I had a vinyl surround. So it wasn't like tile. It was you know, vinyl surrounding on the wall. And then I had one of those vinyl liners and what was happening was the heat from the water was releasing the chemicals. I was breathing those because I was basically in like this box right here. And that's what was that was making me lightheaded. And when I changed out my shower curtain it stopped. I mean, you know, wow. Right? So the reason the main thing that's in vinyl that's problematic is salads. So pallets are a class of chemicals that are used for many things, but partially to keep plastics soft. So you'll find it in things like the shower curtain liners. You'll find it in vinyl, flooring, you'll find it in children's bath toys.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 15:04
Mm hmm.
Genevieve White 15:05
You know, they're now and more and more, you can find children's toys that are marked valliant free. But please do look for that. It's spelled PHTH a la te. Just you know, it looks kind of weird. So just so people know, that's what it is. Yep. And yeah, so what we were just discussing about before the recording is that you can get a polyester blend shower curtain, which does not need the liner, and then you just throw it in the wash every once in a while to make sure that you don't get mold and mildew on the fabric.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 15:38
Other exposures to this sort of plastic that I I know I've been exposed to in the past are things like that, correct me if I'm wrong, the plastic lining like coffee cups, go to Starbucks, you get coffee, that plastic lining that cup, which I no longer I don't even drink coffee anymore. But plastics are everywhere. And they're really dangerous to our endocrine systems, they can bind to hormone receptors and cause harm. Let's stay on the plastic topic for a moment here. What are some other examples.
Genevieve White 16:08
So you are right about coffee cups, what we also need to think about with those types of food packaging is the grease proofing like that you have in your to go cups, or your to go boxes, which is basically the same as what they have in most coffee cups. And that has the perfluorinated chemicals. So the same stuff that's in Teflon is in that packaging, it's nice, and like microwave popcorn bags, things like that. So that's something to be aware of. So okay, other other sources of plastics, I mean, my gosh, they're everywhere, right? And some plastics are worse than others, for sure. You know, we've kind of been trained by the media to look for BPA free because there was this big push a while ago to get BPA out of commerce, what people need to be aware of is, in most situations, if it says BPA free, it's been replaced by bps, or BPF, which is just as dangerous, if not worse than BPA. So I highly recommend that people replace those products with glass or stainless steel, you know, glass especially has become so much more affordable lately for water bottles.
So like I've got this thing from Target that when I first got a glass water bottle, it was like $25, I had to look all over online to find it, you know, now I can go to Target and get one for 10 bucks, you know, I mean, they're, they're so widely available, you can even get the Voss water bottle which is over by the awkwafina and all of those that are made for single use but as class you can reuse it as much as you want and that's just a few bucks. So that kind of stuff is widely affordable and available and and then there's you know, what are you storing your food in? And what are you heating your food and so the things that break down plastic are heat abrasives and acid and time. So if you think about you know, like most people have that plastic where that's turned permanently red or pink like they cannot get the color out of there. That is a really great example of why you don't want acid and heat touching your plastic it's because the molecules and that plastic have actually traded places with the molecules in your sauce,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 18:26
throw that out, throw that out.
Genevieve White 18:32
And never ever ever put hot food in your plastic again, do not heat your food in the microwave in plastic please and you know over time just gradually replaced that stuff you can do the same thing like with the water bottle you know when you get your nut butter get it in a glass jar instead of a plastic jar and then just start using that for your food storage you know just reuse those jars You don't even have to go out and buy you know new food storage containers
Dr. Stephanie Gray 18:59
that's the good thinking I really wasn't thinking about to go containers Not that I really go out to eat that much but you almost need to bring your own glass container when you go out to eat to take your leftovers home and never really thought about that. What about in the home transitioning from plastics? What about carpets? And you know wood flooring so what what is dangerous about having carpet in the home if you believe that or not? And what's your preferred flooring?
Genevieve White 19:27
If I could tell everyone to get carpeting on their house I would but uh you know, I know it's unrealistic. So I just tell people to you know, vacuum regularly use a heap of filter you know, if you get a backing with the heap a filter that's going to be better. But you know, the the main risk with carpet is first of all, you're going to have the dust and the dust mites and all of that, you know, the allergens that tend to just live in the carpet. Right? They don't want it they don't really leave. And there there are all kinds of chemicals that are that are in the carpet, most carpet. has been treated as like a stain resistant. So that is going to also have that same sort of stuff that's in the Teflon, that same perfluorinated chemicals.
So you don't want that. And then the padding behind your carpet, generally speaking is going to be treated with the fire retardants. So all of those chemicals, you know, you mentioned endocrine disruptors, those are those all qualify. So you know, endocrine disruptors, for those of you that don't know, your endocrine system is your hormone system. And basically, every part of your body is regulated by your hormones, right? I mean, your your ability to process sugar, your ability to sleep at night, your ability to feel alert in the morning, your ability to regulate your weight, I mean, you know, your sex drive your fertility on and on, I mean, these chemicals affect basically every aspect of your health.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 20:57
So you would prefer patients not have carpet, what about wood flooring, I mean, I assume the wood flooring is going to be treated with something and it's going to off gas, something also?
Genevieve White 21:07
Well, I mean, if you have real wood flooring, which, you know, there's less and less of now that you get more of this kind of pressed wood that has like a, like an image of woodgrain over it, that is going to have the formaldehyde, the formaldehyde in it. And that will off gas for several years. Actual wood, actual real hardwood, yes, you do have to be thoughtful about what's used as a stain. But for the most part, soon after it dries, it's going to be relatively inert. So if you're doing the staining yourself, be sure to you know, really research the product that you're using, or if you're going to be living in the home while the work is being done. But if you were you know, if you can go on vacation for a while, while you're having your floors installed, or having them refinished, you know, make sure they open all the windows for sure. But you know, once it's all aired out pretty well, I that I'm not as concerned about that, you know, other people might be more, of course, you know, in the environmental health world, there's all sorts of varying opinions. But I'm less worried about that than these materials that are consistently off gassing for years on end.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 22:26
Sure. Okay. Any other major household toxins we should be aware of?
Genevieve White 22:32
Oh, boy, there's so many I mean, dry cleaning is a big one. First of all, if you if you can avoid getting your clothes dry cleaned, please do, there is an alternative called wet cleaning, you know, those places that say that they're, you know, eco cleaners generally are not that much safer than then typical dry cleaning. But if you're going to get your clothes dry cleaned, make sure that those also get aired out. So put them in the trunk of your car, when you bring them home, when you get them home, take the plastic off, and then you know, let it air out outside or in the garage or someplace. Even if you have like a separate closet for that or something, you know, just to let that air out. Don't wait to take the plastic off until you're going to put that on your body because that right, those chemicals are carcinogenic, and they're going to be absorbed into your bloodstream through your skin if you don't let it air out.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 23:26
And definitely don't take it in your small closet and then open it that's connected to where you sleep and you're gonna inhale all those those chemicals. And actually, I may not say this right either, but I believe dry cleaning contains a chemical called like trichloroethylene, something like that, that is essentially can be used as almost an anesthetic. Well, I shouldn't say it instead of more like anesthesia has sedative effects. So because a lot of brain fog and drowsiness and you don't want to be inhaling that. So that's good advice. Let those close air out in your garage without the plastic before you even bring them in your home, let alone your master bedroom or your master closet.
Genevieve White 24:04
Dr. Stephanie Gray 24:05
Yeah. So So why are these toxins so dangerous? We've talked a little bit about the endocrine disruption that they can cause but how do they cause chronic disease? So why are this is new information for listener? Why does this matter? Why Why do toxins matter?
Genevieve White 24:19
Well, I mean, basically, environmental toxins can be connected to pretty much any chronic disease that you can think of, you know, I mean, they have an effect on like you said, like, you know, the entire endocrine system, which is is massive. They so many of them are carcinogenic, they cause birth defects, they cause behavioral health issues. They cause lowered IQ, you know, you name it. And what I find for a lot of people is whether or not these toxins are a factor in, in your diagnosis, you know, and getting to that point of a diet, you know whether or not they're a trigger I find that removing them from your environment is basically removing a roadblock to healing.
So for people that find that they're constantly trying this diet and that diet and going to that doctor and that doctor and that pharmaceutical and you know, on and on and on and on, and they, you know, get on this vicious cycle where they're getting better, you know, it's just this kind of like, steps forward steps back sort of situation. And once they get this out of their environment, they're removing that barrier, and they can heal again, because what's happened? Okay, so here's a really good example. So a lot of these toxins that we're discussing are lipophilic. So in other words, they love to be stored in fat. So I talked to people all the time that are on a weight of like a frustrating weight loss journey, where they go on a diet, they have success, they begin to lose weight, and then they get sick.
And then they go off the diet, because they just need to get better. And then all the weight comes back, usually with a few pounds as well, what's happening if you're not detoxifying, if you're not, you know, going through the process of being really careful with like, getting these things out of your body, as you're losing weight, you're releasing the toxins into your bloodstream, which is making you sick. And that's why you keep going on this cycle. You know, it's similar with all sorts of things hashimotos, arthritis, cancer, you name it, get these chemicals out of the way, and then you can finally heal.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 26:31
And like that, yes, removing the roadblock is important. And so back to the home and just cleaning products in general, I like to ask you personally, what some healthier, healthier alternatives are that you use? For cleaning? I know you have some do your own tips, you want to share a few of those with us? Yeah, for sure. So
Genevieve White 26:51
while we're on the topic, I just want to mention that, you know, we talked a little bit about follies and the fact that they're used for all different sorts of things. So one of those things is holding fragrance in your product. So if you so any place where you see in your cleaners or your personal care products, if you see the ingredient fragrance, that can be up to a couple 100 chemicals in there, because that's a trade secret. And it almost always includes salads, because salads hold scent, you know, one of the biggest impacts that a person can make is just get all those products that say fragrance out of your house. And a lot of times you don't even need to replace them. So you know, people have cleaners for, you know, something for the toilet and something for the floor and something for the counter and on and on and on and on.
And you don't need to have 27 different cleaners in your house, you can just have one or two Sure. Or you can use vinegar, baking soda, and oh my goodness water. Just use a wet rag like we get so paranoid about germs. And in most situations I talk sometimes about like the whole microbiome, like people have been learning more and more about the gut microbiome. You know, we also have a microbiome on our skin and in our mouth and in our vaginas, you know, we have, we have these bacteria all over that are important to our health and they're in your home to like your home should not be a sterile environment. So first of all, I don't just blast all the surfaces in my home with you know, bleach or ammonia or anything like that. And I don't use anything in my home that has a warning label. Because those are dangerous.
There's a reason there's a warning label on those things, they can kill you and then sometimes in very small doses, like something that says poison or danger only takes a couple drops to kill 150 pound individual, you know, so think about your pets and your children like it's just not worth it, you know? So an answer to your question. One product that I really like is called branch basics concentrate, and you can use it you know for pretty much everything in your home. Personally, I don't like it on my windows. I haven't found the right balance to not make my windows streaky but I use it pretty much anywhere else. It's pretty affordable and they give you very clear instructions on you know proper dilution for the task at hand. You can even use it as a laundry detergent. And they have a lot of good educational materials as well.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 29:31
So they're like sodium lauryl sulfate free like they're they're definitely you approved brand.
Genevieve White 29:39
They're very much me approved brand. A couple good resources for finding safe cleaners made safe.org is a good one. That is a panel of environmental health experts and they really closely vet their products. There's not a ton of stuff listed on there because it's fairly new and light and they really spend a lot of time researching The products, but anything that they have listed on there, I would recommend I feel very comfortable recommending anything there. Another good resource is Environmental Working Group. So if you go to ew g.org slash, I believe it's healthy cleaning. But if you go to the main page, there'll be a link there. And they've rated 1000s of products. So you can go there and see the cleaners, they rate A through F. So just go, you can either enter your specific cleaner and see how it rates. Or if you want, say glass cleaner, you can click on the glass cleaner and see what they recommend.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 30:37
Yep, I like that resource like that a lot. What else can we do to reduce our toxic load quickly, so you've alluded to clearly switching out our personal care products, our home cleaning products, getting safe flooring, if we can in our home, and not sleeping on a flame retardant Laden, you know, mattress pad, using a sauna, for help with detox. Any other tips to help us detox from these chemicals?
Genevieve White 31:05
Yeah, I mean, you know that the easiest, and most impactful things that you can do are a open the windows in your house every day, if you can, you know, especially if you just if you can open one end, and then open the other end to get like a nice cross breeze and just push out all the stale air. Right. I mean, it's it's, you would not believe I got a letter from mom a while ago who had two children on the autoimmune spectrum, or I'm sorry, not on on the autism spectrum. And all she did was change what she was giving them for breakfast, and open the windows and took out all the cleaners that have fragrance and her child for the first time that for the first time ever, the two of them were playing together. And one of them had never looked her in the eyes. And they were she and now was on a regular basis. I mean, you would I mean, it's just incredible. Yeah, the difference it makes just getting fresh air in your home.
So open the windows. Number two, leave your shoes at the door, because you're tracking in everything that you step in. So you're tracking in the pesticides, the motor oil, the pet waste, all of that stuff, just leave your shoes at the door. My goodness, especially if you have carpet, because the ones who stepped on the carpet, it's you know, it's there. So those are two really easy and impactful things. The third thing I would say is to dust often with a moist rag. So they took household dust samples and tested to see what chemicals were in there. And they were laden with mold, and fire retardants and the Falaise and you know a lot of the stuff that we've been discussing today, you know, and so it's blowing around in that in the air in your home, and it's on the surfaces. And if you have children, especially that are, you know, playing on the floor or crawling around on the floor, just clean those areas, often, what I do is I actually spritz the air, I have like a, like a sanitizing blend of essential oils that you can do with just little water, whatever, and let the dust kind of fall to the floor, I have hardwoods. So then I just take the dry mop the floors, just a little bit damp, but it's enough to kind of get that up. So you're pulling a lot of it out of the air because it's you know, heavy with the moisture, and then wiping it up from the floor.
So I do that about once a week. It's also really important just to go over all your horizontal surfaces, especially if in your if you're in an older home, you want to clean around the windows and the doors often because you probably have some lead paint in there. So just cleaning, you know, is huge getting rid of the clutter. So you don't have dust piling up on all these various things, right. And then the satellites, so satellites have a pretty short half life. If you can get valleys out of your home, you'll reduce the load in your body very significantly with a matter of days. Yeah, just that stuff that includes fragrance. You know, you don't have to get rid of all that all at once. But maybe look Hi, guess I don't need three of these same cleaners. Why don't I get rid of a couple and you know, I'm running low on my deodorant. What should I replace it with? You know,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 34:28
you don't have to do it all at once. Those are wonderful tips. And like you even shared with your story at the beginning you didn't get better in a day It took 18 months or two years whatnot for you to really nourish yourself back to health. So this is an ongoing process. On a past interview, one of my guests said, you know this is this is not a sprint. This is a marathon, though this is something we're going to be on for a long time and there are decisions we get to make every day with what we want to bring into the house or not bringing the house so those are wonderful tips. I have to ask I always ask my guests at the end of the podcast what their top lines devotee tip, maybe. So what would your top tip be? Well,
Genevieve White 35:03
I mean, obviously, I feel like you know, getting the toxins out of your home is important. But to tell you the truth, the first thing I think of when I hear that question is community, I mean, it's on a completely, you know, different topic, station. But I think, you know, having people in your life where you can really, I mean, first of all, you want to be authentic all the time. But when you have people in your life, when you feel like you can just really be you and feel loved and accepted. And that gives you a purpose, I think is extraordinarily important. So that's the first thing that that I think of him when you look at like the Blue Zones and places like that. That's one of you know, where people live longer, they have more longevity and better health and all of that. That's one of the things that you know, they all have a purpose in life and they have it a role in the community.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 35:53
I value Yeah. And now you're creating a community to help educate patients on what we talked about today on reducing their toxic burden. So tell us about that. Tell us about where viewers can find you and the free gift you have for them.
Genevieve White 36:07
Sure, so you can find me on environmental health coach.com when you go there on the homepage, there's actually if you if you're on the autoimmune spectrum, which is basically anyone who has you know, chronic symptoms, there's lots of great resources there. I'm also on Facebook at Genevieve ye hc and also on Instagram at the same handle. My free gift to you today is my natural beauty guide. So this is for men and women alike. It's not cosmetics, it's more personal care products. So there's recipes and what to look for when you're shopping, both for things like skincare haircare, deodorants, those sorts of things that can just be a good, impactful first step, you know, things that you use on a day to day basis, that if you stop applying to your skin, every day is going is going to start making a difference in your health.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 37:06
Wonderful. I'll post that in the show notes, of course. So thank you so much for providing that and for coming on the show. And really giving us all these tips today to help really change the health of our family. So adults and children, educating us on how to get rid of these toxins to prevent and treat chronic disease so we can live a longer, healthier life. So thank you again for coming on the show.
Genevieve White 37:27
While you're so welcome, Stephanie. Thank you for having me. And thank you for just having this resource available to people.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 37:35
Although toxins are everywhere, there are things we can do daily to reduce our incoming burden. Genevieve gave me a good reminder that honestly I need to desk my house more but also I'll be leaving my shoes at the door tonight and she got me thinking I also need to be wiping off Lily's paws more routinely as she's likely bringing in lots of toxins into the home as well. I'll be opening my windows more often and I'll be taking glass to go containers to restaurants. I didn't even realize those containers were lined with salads. Yikes. Stay tuned for further episodes on detox programs sauna use an even safer skincare. And you know, I've been in the market for a safe mattress for a while so I'll keep you posted with my decision. Stay tuned for further episodes on detox programs, sauna use and even safer skincare. And you know what I've been in the market for safe mattress for a while so I'll keep you posted with my decision when I complete my research.
Be sure to check out my book your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck. You can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book. Plus for a limited time the course is 50% off check this offer out at your longevity blueprint.com and click the course tab. One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. And leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I read all of the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics, guests or how you're applying what you've learned on the show to create your own longevity blueprint. The podcast is produced by the team at counterweight creative. As always, thanks so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting. The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
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