Amitay Eshel, the Co-founder, and CEO of Young Goose Skincare, is back with me for the second part of the two-part series on biohacking your skin. In part one, he shared how skin aging drives whole-body aging and strategies to reduce the functional biological age of your skin. He dove into why he started this company and how its products repair skin damage and incorporate peptides for a more youthful function in the skin.
Today, in part two, he talks about treating wrinkles, tackling hyperpigmentation, product uses, his personal skincare regimen, and why using a safe sunscreen is essential.
How to tackle hyperpigmentation:
- Improve epigenetics by improving the function of the melanocytes in the cells that create melanin
- Support NAD
- Incorporate NiaPolish exfoliator
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Amitay Eshel’s Bio:
Amitay Eshel is an entrepreneur in the biohacking and beauty fields.
He has held executive roles in the health, wellness, and beauty industry for over a decade, as well as being a business development consultant in that space.
As co-founder and CEO of Young Goose, the biohacking skincare company, and host of the Young Goose’s Biohacking Beauty podcast, Amitay has been making waves in his industry through education and innovation.
Young Goose embodies his two passions, performance optimization and skin health, with products that boost the functions of natural rejuvenation processes in the skin.
In this episode:
- What is a wrinkle? (35:23)
- How to treat wrinkles. (35:30)
- Tackling hyperpigmentation. (37:37)
- What is a hyperbaric mask? (42:07)
- Why is the Young Goose sunblock so special? (47:15)
- What is the best sunscreen to use? (49:39)
- The best products for tackling acne. (51:54)
- How much lipstick does the average American swallow in a year? (58:33)
- Amitay shares his skin regimen. (1:00:04)
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Episode Transcript
Amitay Eshel 0:05
Retinol is amazing. As research in longevity advances, we can actually see that it has some long incredible longevity benefits
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:17
Welcome to Your Longevity Blueprint Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Stephanie Gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. Today, you again get to hear from AMI tight eshowe, who's the co founder and CEO of Young Goose skincare. I divided this into a two part series previously, in part one, he shared how skin aging drives whole body aging and shared strategies to reduce our skin's functional biological age. He shared why he started this company and how these products truly repair skin damage and incorporate peptides for more youthful function in the skin. If you haven't listened to part one, go back and listen to part one. But today in part two, he will talk more specifically about treating wrinkles tackling hyperpigmentation product uses his skincare regimen and how important safe sunscreen is. Let's get started.
When answering so many questions, and I'm not quite sure the best way to go, we can either kind of stay on the product deck or maybe we can go back to questions like what's the best way to tackle wrinkles? And then you could kind of help you know apply a product to that answer. So maybe start with wrinkles.
Amitay Eshel 1:28
wrinkles. As I said before, it really is kind of a interesting because your skin has no idea it's a problem. And normally what we do is in order to treat wrinkles, we basically sweep them under the carpet, if you would the proverbial carpet. So Botox fillers, that's fine. I'm not against that, per se. I'm not saying don't do it or do it. But why what I'm saying is, is that you're not changing the fact that your skin has wrinkles or that your skin is older. So what we do in youngest will telling you whether yes or no, but we're going to make sure is that we correct the actual wrinkle. So how do we do that? First, as we said, we have to have the skill to be able to deal with them and to create good college and etc. And I Rinko really is a valley of college and really a depletion of college and because we moved our face in a very specific way over and over and over again. And it's not breakage in collagen matrix, rather a demarcation that the body couldn't fill. So what we need to do is kind of stimulate repair and we can do it in two ways we can do it again, bro care would be a more long term effect. And prepare does have a very, very interesting type of vitamin C. That is called th D which is in an S corp bait form of vitamin C, which I will just go ahead and say is better in a much healthier way than ascorbic vitamin C 3% of th these around is equivalent to anywhere from 15 to 20% ascorbic acids so just to give you an example so it's pretty strong as far as its vitamin C content, but what again, what we do also is improved the ability of your skin tool and the actual creation of collagen so we signal and support that wrinkle in laxity repair. If we wanted specific signaling for renewal there to repair that wrinkle, we turned to retinol, retinol got a lot of undue notoriety or a lot of criticism recently, I can tell you that even the most Puritan people I talk to if they do dive into the research, there is nothing there. Retinol is amazing. And as it grew as we kind of as research in longevity advances, we can actually see that it has some long incredible longevity benefits. It actually interacts with a one of the three major longevity pathways that is called mTOR I dimension sirtuins. mTOR is another amazing longevity pathway. Both procure and serum, the serum and then not not the cream and bio retinol which is a retinol they actually work on the mTOR pathway and bio retinol that really stimulates repair extremely quickly. It does have those the same qualities of diode barrier which we talked about before that it repairs your skin barrier. So it doesn't only stimulate repair normally the problem with retinols is that they leave us red irritated and flaky because they break down our skin barrier. So by incorporating those biomimetic oils, lipids that we build our skin barrier in bio barrier into bio retinol. We can actually prevent a lot of that random redness Yeah, yeah. So we can do it with two products and or combining them using procure serum in the morning. and bio retinol a few times a week at night, it's still a retinol, we still want to go slowly in the beginning if we're not used to retinols and can increase as we go on, but that's a really, really nice system. And that system can also work for pigmentation as well. So we're covering a lot of grounds by using those two. Well, that
Dr. Stephanie Gray 5:18
was kind of my next question. But I do just want to from a disclaimer standpoint, for listeners, just remind them that reticles are not safe if you're trying to conceive if you're pregnant, whatnot. And then make sure you use a sunblock, which we'll get to your sunblock also. But yeah, my next question was, how do we tackle hyperpigmentation, things like melasma. I have patients asked me about that all the time. And we don't offer aesthetic services here. I mean, we are very heavy on hormone replacement therapy and functional medicine. And so there are things antioxidants, whatnot, I can recommend for that. But I would love to hear you more talk about tackling that hyperpigmentation.
Amitay Eshel 5:49
So first and foremost, we need to improve epigenetics, right we need to improve how our melanocytes that the cells that create melanin function. So guess what we're going back to NAD, we're going back to supporting that. But as far as like really tackling hyperpigmentation as a whole, we do want to do it with bio retinol and procure. We can also incorporate another product that is called nya polish, which is cleaner. That's an exfoliator. And it also boosts NAD levels, which is very important.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 6:20
The carbachol your products boost NAD. I mean, that's like your homework.
Amitay Eshel 6:23
We do it with a lot of the products, but a lot of them have the relationship between like boosting NAD or working within a longevity pathway. It will be there are mainly three longevity pathways, a NPK, which we didn't talk about yet. mTOR and sirtuins. So what we talked about nightcrawlers, for example, and a D etcetera works with a sirtuins procure environmental works with mTOR. And the hyperbaric mask, which is probably our most popular product actually works with sirtuins and amtk. So we're gonna get to that. But basically, what we do want to do is incorporate now polish, starting low and slow again, once once per week, leaving it on for a few minutes washing it off, and trying to push it to a few times a week, leaving it on for 10 minutes. And that's going to create an amazing results result together with everything that we just said. And actually really create a robust, thick, beautiful skin and skin barrier both, we can definitely also add the hyperbaric mask.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 7:24
Let's go there. I recently went to Well, I had IV NAD training a couple weeks ago and then last week and I went to IV ozone training and I didn't take your products with me because I just had little travel sizes of another company's products. And I was so dry there. I was so spoiled using this new hyperbaric mask that was amazing. And I came home and I was like, Oh my gosh, I need to use these products again, because I felt like I had been deprived you know that half a week I was gone without them. And that the mask just I think has incredible results. My skin feels so good. I even made my husband use it to sit on the couch. And I said I'm coating your face with this. You're gonna have to save 20 minutes to try this out. Yeah. I don't know
Amitay Eshel 7:59
who you take. You get your ozone ozone training from that if it was Berger was Frank Shallenberger. Yeah, yeah. Okay. There's one company that they're actually out of Michigan and all of them use our product. So you couldn't do that. Yeah. Anyway, the hyperbaric mask is very interesting because their goal is to really mimic emulate the the effects the rejuvenate skin rejuvenation, rejuvenating effects of being in a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, but with a gel that we can apply overnight and get amazing results. So as I said, we talked about kind of the start of the regimen by talking about the cleanser. We talked about the middle by talking about you know, a couple of serums few serums that we use, and we talked about the end which is a moisturizer, eye cream, but there isn't there is another step after that, that we can really boost the entire system. There's one for the evening and one for the morning and in the evening. That's the hyperbaric mask, hyperbaric mask is a gel we applied after the moisturizer, and we leave it on overnight in what it does. We talked about wrinkles, it again it stimulates our fibroblasts, these cells. If melanocytes create melanin, create pigment. Fibroblasts create fiber, they create collagen. So it stimulates those cells. That's number one. Number two, it detoxifies the skin. So again, makes it so it's much easier for the skin to to create whatever it needs to create. It activates the sirtuins, which helps our skin behave like a younger skin. It activates a and b k, which is creating more energy in our cells. It increases the production of glutathione which is an antioxidant that a lot of people do IVs of it's much better than getting glutathione in a cream because glutathione smells like rotten eggs. So it's much better if we can have the skin created. But as far as because of that increased this rush of energy, whatever we did first, we did read by retinal pro care, we boosted NAD, all of that process all of that demand from the skin. Now the skin needs to go ahead and create the process that we've triggered, right? And the hyperbaric mass really supercharges. That process. So it really like if you give the skin and gave the skin homework that's like the Adderall or your skin don't take at all. I don't think that's as far as the mask. But I did say that past our moisturizer. There is a unless you have questions about the mask, do you have any questions about mess?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 10:36
Well, I would just for the listeners, I was gonna say so it also it's this this is applied last, like you said at night? And if I remember, right, when you're saying it like, yes, it's actually also supercharging the other products because it's helping those get absorbed more appropriately. Right. So you can either wear it like my husband, I wasn't it was a stretch for me to have him wear this for 20 minutes at night, but I will sleep with it on Yep. So you can also just sleep with it on and then wash it up in the morning. Of course,
Amitay Eshel 10:59
that would probably be the best and probably the easiest as well. What I would say is a lot of people obviously, if if someone comes to your clinic and they get a regimen, they're going to follow the regimen but a lot of people have their own regimen, right? They find out about us by like listening to this influencer or that and they just want to give our product a chance. A lot of those people are going to start with a hyperbaric mask. And why is that? It's because they don't actually need to sacrifice anything that they're already using. It's actually just going to improve whatever they're already using in life by different companies, by different manufacturer was whatever that is. So this is a product that plays very nicely with anything.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 11:38
So do you think so? Relatively speaking, is it safe to apply on top of those products to I mean, okay, okay, just making sure,
Amitay Eshel 11:45
yeah, it would make them work better. So definitely, what I would say is that you should also play it around the eyes. So it's, you know, most of the times there is a separation in our mind between, it's an eye cream, wanting to use only the eye can be applied over the eye cream as well by to your neck and chest as well, the back of the Han Solo preclinical study, we did actually applied it also on the back of the hands, we saw amazing results there. So really anywhere that you want to have skin rejuvenation, we have, you know, more affluent people that buy them in stacks of like 10 and apply it all over their body. I'm not judging, saying assaults. This is an amazing product to make sure that we that we really boost the ability of our skin to follow whatever homework we gave it. As far as the added product in the morning, obviously, we're talking about our bio shield, which is our SPF, which is our sunblock. So the sunlight is as we said is very special. Why is that is because if you live in a western city, remember I told you 80% is extrinsic aging, right? It's from the environment, but more of that is from pollution EMF and blue light than it is from UV radiation. That's that's normally what we get from the sun. Yeah, so if we sit all the way all the time in our office, or we travel a lot, or whatever that is, if we were if we run in Manhattan, right, wherever that is, we are getting way bombarded with heavy metals, were getting bombarded with pollution, different Wi Fi signals, your phone, you're talking on your phone, you're frying your your skin, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. That is why when we designed the bio shield, we went significantly further than just creating a product that protects you from the sun. So guess what it also has like Romans six, that magical antioxidant that also is it in anti nitrogen free radicals and carbon based free radicals. It also has a botanical complex that we have, that is also an antioxidant activating as well, but also is a longevity botanical complex. And it also has a really, really, really cool peptide that is called EC coin. And bitcoin is derived from these little bacteria that are called extremal files. And if anyone has gone to Yellowstone and saw those pools of water with different with almost like rainbow colors, kind of emanating from them. These are extremophiles, they live they live in extreme climates. And what we know about them is that they have this peptide on their on their cellular membrane, on the outside of their cells that repairs their cell protective layer extremely rapidly faster than the heat or salt or whatever that is damages it and that's why they can leave live on those environment. They're also called spaced teddy bears because of that, by the way, because they allegedly and survive in space. I don't think they can but that's what they say.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 14:58
This protects I mean, this is your main protector for EMFs, UV light, you know, pollution whatnot. And it's a mineral based sunscreen that doesn't cause the white funky residue on your skin. Yes.
Amitay Eshel 15:10
So most sunscreens that you know of are going to get in accumulate in your brain. Okay. And this is from studies they can see 10 years, 10 years later, they can see Chemical sunscreens and nano sized zinc oxide accumulated in the brain. And what we want to avoid are products that, especially sunscreens chemicals, that can get into your bloodstream, basically, and get accumulate in the brain. So what we do is we have a special type of zinc oxide, that's not Nano, it doesn't, doesn't get into your body. But it doesn't leave the white cast because it is a smaller diameter than a normal zinc oxide. It's not nano can absorb but it's smaller a little bit. But we also use iron oxides, we use these pigment that is that is not makeup men can use it to I use it. But this pigment makes it so it blends with every skin color, whether you're Fitzpatrick one which means extremely white, or Fitzpatrick six, which is the other end of the spectrum. So anyone can use this product without leaving a white residue, even though it's 100% mineral. And by the way, when most products say mineral sunscreen, it can be 1% mineral, and it can say screen. This is 100% mineral.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 16:30
What about tackling acne? I know many of my I would say that women in my major patient population are kind of past that demographic. But a lot of times they're asking for their daughters or whatnot, you know, what is the best product, you have a safe product for acne tackling acne.
Amitay Eshel 16:46
Yeah, so normally, the products that we're going to use for acne actually kill the entire skin flora. And they're going to create basically a wild wild west there afterwards. That's what that's why there's such high rebound rate and even worse, so what we do is we really try to nurture a good skin flora and make sure that we nursed the skin back into health. So a few ways to do the product that we didn't talk about is our bio C peptide spray, which is a spray that also can be used as a toner if people want to, but also something that you can use during the day. It does have peptides and vitamin C that protects you from blue light, etc. But also it improves skin flora. So that's number one. Number two, probably the hero as far as that, remember, really what changes our systems are the serums. Right? So the serum that I would highly recommend for people that have acne that whether adults or children or adolescents, it will be green tea phyto syrup. So Rente phyto serum all was born to begin with was created to improve red light therapy, because it improves red light therapy by 2%. But it also antimicrobial, antifungal and anti inflammatory,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 17:55
which has been cracking, right because it's a planetary, right, exactly
Amitay Eshel 17:59
most of us. So when we see acne, we are not seeing pee acne bacteria, which is the bacteria that causes acne, but we are seeing the inflammation that is caused from that. So this acne these, this bacteria builds your poor hair follicle, whatever that is, blocks the ability or secretions to come out inflammation, etc. So we want to eliminate that bacteria. But we also want to eliminate inflammation. What we also want to do is to allow the skin or to improve how the skin releases that skin because that's part of the issue. That's where people get active when they're stressed. The the cortisol makes it that you release a lot of dead skin, but you release it in a way. We're going to save on information here on time, but you don't really release it you just have it released from the top of your skin, but it accumulates, it doesn't get slept off very well. We definitely want to improve how your skin eliminate or removes dead skin. So again, we can go to nail polish. And we can go to bio retinol. And these two products are not going to kill the bacteria specifically, but they're going to unclog the pores, they are going to release the dead skin. So these are all important alongside using the care moisturizer. If you have children under 25. And they need a moisturizer, but they don't have a problem with NAD right? They have their reservoir. Yeah. So we can use care boost which is a lighter moisturizer that doesn't have an ID it has all the other the peptides, the resveratrol, everything else, but no NAD
Dr. Stephanie Gray 19:41
perfect. Want to ask you about two more products. For our listeners. I mean, I've even been using this can you mention the adaptogenic firming neck and chest product? And then I also want to talk about the lip plumper?
Amitay Eshel 19:52
Yeah, so this is actually a concept product and we sourced a few ingredients there that no one makes so we kind of need to make them on our own and And that normally is a very big endeavor, we obviously do it with NAD precursors, et cetera. But every time you take this upon yourself, it's almost like creating a whole new company. So this is a really, really concept product. And and what we did is we created a product that is a kitchen sink approach for skin refer neck and chest skin rejuvenation. So it does have a very potent type of vitamin C, again, not sorbic acid, which which is negative, it's not good. It also has peptides, that eliminates something that's called glycation. So glycation is when sugar molecules attached to proteins, and it is very good at countering that. But since this neck and chest product doesn't have NAD, because it really is not good at at absorbing NAD precursors, we needed to be very creative and find a different way to eliminate glycation. And we do it through El Hibben and called Hibben, which are two peptides that are really cool, they improve collagen production, etc. But they also eliminate glycation. And also we have there another peptide that's very good for collagen production and a Xylitol derivatives, that improves the ability of your skin to create hydration or to hydrate itself, which is really cool. We use something similar in a product that we didn't talk about which is the adaptogenic ah a firming Boost, which is the serum that someone that wants to improve their ability for their facial skin to hydrate itself to hold on to moisture. We also use a different pattern there that's called Aqua cell that does something very similar that in 11 days, doubles the ability of your skin to hold on to moisture.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 21:47
So that's the best hydrating product but you just mentioned I call
Amitay Eshel 21:50
it like a hydration gym. Some people have a problem that their skin barrier is impaired and they lose a lot of water. So that's going to be bio barrier a lot of the times we're going to start this as a precautionary but they're not mutually exclusive. Right we can use both the adaptogenic ha firming boost would be a treatment for skin that is dry that we want to improve its hydration
Dr. Stephanie Gray 22:14
wonderful adaptive glass Dr. Glass I should have put it on before this interview I forgot
Amitay Eshel 22:19
it's a really cool product because normally it is a lipstick or whatever you want to call that glass. I would say last lipgloss. Yeah. But what's really really cool about it is that it it uses normally a lip plumper is caustic agents uses agents that sensitize the skin, and then the skin becomes inflamed and puffs up. What's the problem with that? The problem is that an average American that uses lipstick swallows around four pounds of lipstick a year, foreigner backgrounds. Yes, but so we definitely want to know what's in our lip gloss or lipstick, right? So instead of having caustic agents which you would swallow and they will damage your esophagus and gonna cause irritation, we use a type of vitamin d3. We mentioned that that niacin makes you flush right, there's actually a type of vitamin B three that we use there that is even more flushing.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 23:17
Is that why you kind of feel I mean I've used it that way you kind of feel the tingling
Amitay Eshel 23:21
sort of Yeah, so that is what plumps your lips a little bit not a lot safer, healthier way to exactly and it turns into NAD awesome yes and we also have peptides there to make sure that that there's less cracking and chapping and to make sure that there's no like little lines on your lips don't eat on the outside of your lip line because
Dr. Stephanie Gray 23:42
yeah, yeah. Oh my burn Yeah. I know what listeners are thinking Okay, so tell me the order and this was a question my staff had also can you kind of go through? Well, I want to personally ask you what you use on a daily basis like what products you're using kind of start to finish in the morning start to finish at night. Just so patients kind of know again that order which we already identified a little bit of that being the sunscreen is the last thing in the morning. The mask is the last thing at night but can you kind of break that down for us?
Amitay Eshel 24:08
Yes. So I'm going to tell you what I use in why I use it and you can take off whatever you would not be using right. So obviously wash my face with the adaptogenic ha firming adaptogenic cleanser, excuse me. Leave it on the skin for 10 seconds to two minutes, wash it off. If you shave, if you want to do facial cupping or whatever you could do that as well. Or wash out, wash it off and dry my face with a towel and spray a few sprays of the biosci peptide spray. Immediately. I feel I need more hydration. Normally I don't but if I do, I will immediately apply the adaptogenic H A firming boost. Normally I don't what I do normally is a use in the morning the bio barrier which repairs my skin barrier and then I use Pro care. A lot of the times I'm lazy and I'm going to mix them both in my hand and apply them on my face to get Other so those are the serums for Yeah, yep, yep, exactly. So the middle point is our serums what are we what are we asking the skin to do? Then I apply my care moisturizer, excuse me first step I care. And I apply my Campbell Schweizer also over my I care for added hydration. In the morning, I, I let it absorb for a couple of minutes, apply my at a couple of pumps of the the bio shield, which is our SPF, and go about my day.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 25:28
Actually, let's pause you What about during the day, you use that peptide spray during the day? Yeah, so in front of
Amitay Eshel 25:33
the computer a lot, or I'm somewhere that I am exposed to a lot of UV light, or oh, excuse me, or blue light. I'll apply during the day. A lot of times when I'm outside. I don't take it with me. Now we have a travel size. So I do I was gonna ask you about that. Yeah, yeah. So now now I do take it with me because I have a travel size. And especially if I do something that I exerted a lot of energy, just pump it in, I get some energy back from from that. As far as the night I wash my face again, I'll shave again. No, I'm kidding. I wash my face, I apply the biosci peptide spray. And what I do, I don't actually use bio barrier or procure, I use bio retinol most nights is a person that has pretty thick and resilient skin. If I am not using the bio barrier, the bio retinol, I'll again do the combination of bio barrier and pro care. Apply my eyecare ply care moisturizer. And instead of the SPF, which I put in the morning, now I'll apply the hyperbaric mask, and I'll go to sleep with it once or twice a week. In the shower, I take a longer shower, I wash my face in the shower, and I massage my skin with nail polish very gently, couple times a week, like a facial at home, if you would, I leave it on for 10 minutes, I wash it off and wash it off very easily. And then I'll do my entire routine. Normally it happens in the evening. But it can be in any time of day.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 27:08
So it really sounds like the the regimen doesn't really differ between men and women. I mean, they they all can use many of these products. And the only
Amitay Eshel 27:15
where you you will see a difference is when we talk about a protocol where which we're building now, which is a cycle syncing protocol, etc. Obviously, in your practice, it's significant. Since you're talking you talk a lot about hormones. So obviously, every week of the month or every phase, because it's not necessarily a week, every phase of the menstrual cycle, a woman has a different hormonal makeup that expresses itself in the skin also differently. So in one phase of the cycle, you will be drier. And you will need the adaptogenic ha firming boost. Another one, you'll be oilier and you'll be actually having a problem releasing that skin you'll be more again, you'll be prone to acne. So we can use again by retina we can use Pro care. So that's a protocol we're going to come out with soon. That would show you how to cycle the serums specifically in between, in match serums to your menstrual cycle. And we we have mean the doctor mainly pills that's going to talk about it and Dr. Amy Horniman, obviously so
Dr. Stephanie Gray 28:25
Yeah, very cool. Exciting. Okay. This is great. And I'm sure listeners want to hear more. So what's the best way listeners can educate themselves on your products tell us where they can find you, your website, all that jazz.
Amitay Eshel 28:37
So first and foremost, I highly recommend listening to our podcast that really dives super, super, super deep into many of the aspects that we talked about today. But also things that are not necessarily about our products that can improve skin health. It's called biohacking beauty and find it on any web. Wherever you consume your podcasts. our Instagram page is extremely informative. Especially by the way if you're interested in cycle thinking and skincare, we do post about it once in a while. So you can definitely head out that head there it is young, underscore goose underscore skincare. And obviously our website is www young goose it's one word. There's two G's their young goose.com. And, you know, for the for your listeners, we actually have a special promo code that they get 10% off their first order, which is Dr. Gray, just Dr. Gray, one word, all caps, and they'll get 10% off. And yeah, I highly recommend taking a very short very, very short quiz that's on the websites. Instead of listening to me babble for a long time if you got tired, you can just go to that was basically identify what you want to treat and etc. And you'll get a recommendation to one of our systems. You can go directly to the systems as well and choose the system that's right for you.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 29:59
Well Wonderful, thank you so much. I will post obviously all those links and then that code capital, Dr. Gray in the show notes for the 10% off. I'll have to ask one more question. But actually, I'm going to turn that into two because I'm always very curious, like Where did the name young goose come from?
Amitay Eshel 30:14
We had to think of our feets on our feet when we launched the company because the name that we chose originally, we found that there is a supplement company with that name. So we actually own the trademark for the word for nesis or skincare. But we tried to trademark it also for supplements just in case we ever did it. And we found out there's another company when we said you know what? It just changed the name when we were researching. sirtuin activation. There were geese outside our lab that seemed to not grow. So it was about five years of research. And they seem to they reach sexual maturity. They reach sexual maturity in like two years, they look the same until they die, basically. So they were our mascot. for like six years, they look the same. This is this we thought or feels like we like the geese out there. Let's just call it young goose. And it stuck
Dr. Stephanie Gray 31:04
some truth in some comedy there. Yeah, love it. Last question. Finally, thank you for your time today, what would your hop longevity Tip Be?
Amitay Eshel 31:11
I would say temperature. Temperature is my top longevity tip. We talked a lot about molecules today. But our bodies as we if you remember when we talked about NAD, we said you know we actually didn't talk about it a lot. But we can take IVs we can take supplements, we can do this, we can do that. Our body isn't very good at using molecules throughout systems in the body. And we can give examples on how adrenaline in the brain and in our body is completely different. We can talk about melatonin in our gut. And in our brain, we can talk about nitric oxide inside your mitochondria, it kills the mitochondria outside of the mitochondria, we need it to dilate blood vessels, etc. So our body is not using the same molecule in a lot of different even oxytocin, which we all think of the love hormone. Connection hormone is really a stress hormone in a lot of different ways. Our body's not very good at using molecules to communicate to the whole body. And a lot of the times what we want to do in health is holistically address health, right in temperature is our body's way to communicate to the whole system at once. So if we can modulate our temperature in we can work out we can be in a sauna, we can go into an ice bath, we definitely want to think of improving our sleep, sleeping in a little bit cooler temperature than what we're used to. We really want to think of how we use temperature as a strategy for health and longevity,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 32:39
and hormesis. Back to kind of what you're saying. Yeah, no one's ever said that unique answer. Thank you. Absolutely. Thank you today for coming on the show. And just sharing with us how we can slow our skin aging repair damage showing how important NAD is, you're a gem of a human very easy to listen to. So I'm excited to see your company continue to explode. Congratulations, and thank you for coming on the show. It was my pleasure. Again, a great overview of all the youngest products, I highly encourage you at least try the hyperbaric mask and a serum of your choice. I've been using many of the products and I am in love. Remember to use the code listed in the show notes which should apply the 10% off and if it doesn't use code Dr. Gray, that's capital DRG or a why and as mentioned in the prior episode, for those of you who are local, we do have most products at the integrative health and hormone clinic and we'll to offer 10% off your first in store purchase if you reference this podcast and if you're very sensitive and nervous to try new products do not fear we have samples of some of the products you can try. Be sure to check out my book your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck, you can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book. Plus for a limited time the course is 50% off, check this offer out at your longevity blueprint.com and click the Course tab. One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. Leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I do read all the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics guests and for how you're applying what you learn on the show to create your own longevity blueprint. This podcast is produced by Team podcast thank you so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting
the information provided in this podcast is educational no information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
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