Food is medicine, or it’s poison. The choice is yours and it affects not only yourself but your children. But to make the right choices, you need to have the right information and guidance. Today’s guest’s mission is to equip her patients with knowledge. That way they can take control of the health and wellbeing of themselves and their families.
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About Dr. Ana Maria Temple
Dr. Ana-Maria Temple is a pediatrician, award-winning speaker at Harvard Club of Boston, and a frequent guest on TV news and talk shows. In her 20 year career, she has treated over 36,000 patients. She owns her own practice, Integrative Health Carolinas in Charlotte, NC where she helps hundreds of families achieve wellness with less medication.
There are many steps you can take now to prevent the emergence of chronic diseases in your children. Like so many things, this starts with nutrition. Dr. Temple takes us on her journey of discovery that led her to radically overhaul her pantry. Within just a few years or eating properly, her children’s chronic health conditions all but disappeared.
Dr. Temple recommends that we all start with the basics. The body needs good nutrition to make healthy cells and hormones. Processed foods need to make way for more fruits and vegetables. Getting your kids to embrace this shift takes patience and a change in mindset. With that, they’ll be set up for a lifetime of healthy choices.
What changes can you make to your pantry today? Share it with me in the comments below!
My Your Longevity Blueprint course is currently 50% off to celebrate the launch of the podcast PLUS I’m throwing in a free personalized consultation!
In this episode
- Radically changing your children’s diet as preventative medicine
- Possible reasons why chronic diseases are becoming more common in children
- Great healthy food choices to offer your kids
- Why changing your mindset is a necessary step to embracing good nutritional choices
- The many benefits of regular nasal rinses
- Tips to help boost your children’s immune systems
“It cannot be the wrong answer to give my children more fruits and vegetables and less garbage.” [7:15]
“Food is either poison or it’s our nutrition and medication.” [9:07]
“We have to begin the journey of changing food habits before we even go down the road of supplements because we cannot out-supplement a bad diet.” [26:56]
“Before children reach for packaged food, they should reach for something that’s grown from the earth.” [34:10]
“Chronic disease begins in childhood and shows up in adulthood. We need to pay attention to our children now.” [41:36]
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Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast Production by the team at Counterweight Creative
Episode Transcript
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 0:03
my doctor's self was like, I don't know what to do. And my mom itself was like absolutely under no circumstances Is this the story of my children? Under no circumstances? Are my children gonna be on chronic disease for the rest of their lives? I don't know what the answer is with this is not the answer. And we're not going to write the story like this.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:25
Welcome to the longevity blueprint podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Stephanie gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. You're about to hear from Dr. Anna Maria temple, who is one entertaining pediatrician. She's a doc who When interviewed on the news about COVID was preaching the importance of eating our daily veggies for immune support. She practices what she preaches, and she preaches what doctors should be talking about food as medicine, or as poisoned. That choice is up to you. So let's get into her interview. Welcome to another episode of the longevity blueprint podcast today I am super excited to have Dr. annamaria temple on the show. She is a pediatrician, award winning speaker at Harvard club of Boston and a frequent guest on TV news and talk shows. And in her 20 year career, she has treated over 36,000 patients. She owns her own practice the integrative health Carolina's in Charlotte, North Carolina where she helps hundreds of families Achieve Wellness with less medications. Welcome, Dr. Temple to the show. So great to be here. I'm so excited.
So I met you in San Diego. And I've been following you on social media ever since and I highly recommend all the listeners follow you on social media because you have so many helpful posts. I myself have been running it functional medicine integrative practice for about 10 years, but I don't personally see children. And so after having a baby naturally I wanted to I started thinking well how can I apply the approach that I have been using with adults to children? And it turns out the approach is very similar right gut health is paramount. Step one step one of everything. Absolutely. So we're going to talk a lot about that today. I think many doctors don't talk about nutrition with their patients. And I know with my story, the health issues I've struggled through, no one ever asked me when I was eating when that, again is foundational. And so doctors, like yourself and me do talk about nutrition. So that's what this episode is going to be all about how we can really equip our children to not develop chronic conditions. I'm always preaching about how we can prevent chronic illnesses and adults, but we need to be starting preventing these problems in children. And so I will open with you kind of telling us your story and why you're so passionate about what you do. And then I want to start talking about the chronic disease increase in children. So let's get to your story. So tell us about yourself and how you started your practice and got so passionate about integrative care for children.
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 2:51
Yeah, well, you know, it's, um, I started out I'm a traditionally trained pediatrician, and in 2007, I found myself working full time And being a mother of three kids of three chronically ill kids. My two year old had seasonal allergies, the kind of allergies that when Easter was around you he couldn't go outside because if he went outside his eyes would swell shut, he would tear down his tears streaming down his face. And when the oak bloom to be covered in hives, he was on five allergy medicines at that time he was to my daughter at six she was she had chronic asthma with needing daily steroids, chronic eczema needing daily topical steroids chronical seasonal allergies that required daily DESERTEC and put with any cold it will go to an ear infection or sinus infection and get croup so she was on numerous antibiotics and steroids, not to mention constipation malesko and all the other fun stuff. I mean, just all in one package. And then it was for my middle one. I mean, he was just frankly disgusting. I mean, since the day he was born, it was just Gross here the kind of snot, like the kind of boogers that you know, when you see a kid walking down the street like in your mind, you're like, oh, welcome to mother allows that child to walk out of the house much less go to school, right? and dump it all off. He also had ADHD. I'll tell you there were not enough tissues in Costco to take care of this not it was that bad.
Anyway, so one day, I took the kids to their doctor, because I wanted to get to the root cause I was like, Why are my children taking chronic daily medication? This could not be the right answer. And when I took them, to the pediatrician, they said, Well, you know, annamaria I mean, the little one, he's already on so many medicines there. I quote, there are no more medications we can give them. We've run out of medication. Only thing we can offer is allergy shots. Again, he was too. As for the princesses, no big deal. You know, she'll just take down At least there is to prevent her asthma daily steroids topically to prevent her as much. And she will take her daily allergy medicines because if she controls her allergies will control her asthma will control her eczema. And, and, you know, maybe some umbrella and it's not you know, it's really kids this happens. And as for the middle one, they're like, he's just disgusting. And we're just gonna need more antibiotics. You know, I walked out of that office, and I was like my doctor self. I was in practice five years at that time, and my doctor self was like, I got nothing. I don't know what to do. And my mom itself was like, absolutely under no circumstances. Is this the story of my children?
Under no circumstances? Are my children gonna be on chronic disease for the rest of their lives? I don't know what the answer is. But this is not the answer. And we're not going to write the story like this. And then a week later, I went to my kids School, where the fog lifted. I understood the root cause of chronic disease. I saw nutritionist and the only thing that she talked about to the Kohl's parent group there. The only thing she talked about was sugar. And it was on that Tuesday afternoon, after work, I went home and to the heart of my entire family. I clean out the pantry. I mean out when the Lucky Charms cinnamon toast crunch, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, you know orange crackers with peanut butter because you know protein, chocolate milk from their lunch boxes because you know, calcium juice boxes, you name a garbage food, we had it and I chopped it. And that's when I became an outcast in my family, with my friends with my colleagues, my house husband was like, kids are fun. They should have fun food. If I don't understand. My family thought I lost my mind and my 24 partners At that time was literally like where? Where's the medical evidence behind this as like, I don't know where the medical evidence is because I was like, I think Google was just starting.
I don't know where the medical evidence is. But I can tell you that it cannot be the wrong answer that I'm going to give my children more fruits and vegetables and less garbage. Right. I know, in my heart, this is the right way to do it. And I'll tell you, I'm a warrior Mama. And I'm sure that anyone listening to that follows you as a warrior mom. And as a warrior Mama, when you know that this is the right path. There's nothing that's going to stop in your way because no one hurts your baby. Right? You can do a lot of things to us, but no one hurts the baby. And I was like, I think the babies are being hurt by the food. I'm feeding them over the next five years. I didn't know so I had to learn it the hard way. Over the next five years. My kids stopped having antibiotics. They didn't need any more steroids. The inhalers are gone. My child's allergy medicines, a little one One by one, the medicines went away within five years or off medications. By 2016. We moved to New Zealand to practice medicine there. They had, we had no doctors, no medical insurance, no medications. We and my children thrived. They jumped off the highest bungee towers, they climbed the highest mountains. And we never even so much use a Tylenol or Motrin or anything because we have learned how to thrive. And over the years as my children got better, my medical practice changed. I started asking my patients different questions. My mom has started asking me different questions. I started looking stuff up. And then I discovered functional medicine. And then when I was in New Zealand, I got to practice without malpractice. I just got to practice medicine the way it's supposed to be and 90% of my patients, never got medications and got better without medications. The other 10% I needed more time. When I came when I came back to the United Status like I'm not doing what I used to do, I'm going to do it differently. We're going to do medicine the way we're supposed to, you know, food is either poison, or is either our met our nutrition and medication. And so I got my certification in functional medicine, and I opened my own practice and now I can legitimately tell you that vegetables are good for you.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 9:25
Wonderful so your children are off on medications. That is, that is hope to listeners right there that fitness can be done. Because
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 9:34
you know what we hear from from families all the time, like it's genetics, there's nothing you can do about it. And like my blood boils, because I was into genetics is only one part of the story, but we have the power to change our health. We have the power to change our story. Just because somebody has a genetic gene doesn't mean that you have to accept the consequences,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 9:55
right? When I hear your little ones taking so many steroids and that potentially Being their reality until you change that for them. And owning a hormone clinic, I think oh my gosh, those steroids were going to eventually impact hormone production and fertility and who knows what other chronic diseases could arise as a result of that. So thankfully, you change their trajectory trajectory. Go, Mama. That's great.
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 10:17
Thank you. Well, I'll tell you, my middle one was headed for a DD meds 100% and my daughter was heading for anxiety meds, no doubt about it. And by doing that, and starting early, we, you know, we change the trajectory of what's going to happen. And I think a lot of people don't understand that chronic disease begins in childhood and shows up in adulthood. Just to your point, the story that I was giving a six year old could have impact on her fertility later on in her 20s and 30s. My a lot of adults are like, Oh, no, no, it's just what I did for the past couple years. Oh, no, no, it's just my diet now. And I was like, no, it has to do from the moment that you stepped foot on this earth is everything that we do and Access and you're seeing it in your clinic. The adults are always the best way. The most effective most cost effective. treatment is prevention.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 11:09
Yes, yes. So let's talk about chronic diseases in children not to divert here from the positive story, just hold. But let's talk about the reality of the rise of chronic disease in children. So what are you seeing in your practice? What symptoms that patients are presenting with and can you if you know, any statistics, can you list on statistics of chronic diseases in children over the past 100%
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 11:30
in you know, we'll start with autism, the most horrifying of things right? In when I was in residency, 20 years ago, the rates of autism are one in 100. Today, they're one and 1510 years from now we're going to one in seven. And ever. Everyone's like, Oh, well, you know, there's, there's different diagnostic criteria. We changed the way we manage it. There's all these things and I'm like, fine, okay, no, but Let's go with that for a second. How about type two diabetes? Type Two Diabetes is a chronic illness that is diagnosed by a blood test. You have it or you don't. There's no like, oh, somebody changed the criteria. 20 years ago when I was a resident, if I were to suggest that a child was admitted to the hospital because they might have type two diabetes, I would be asked to leave rounds because I did not exist in childhood. Zero in 1990, zero percent of children have type two diabetes. Now we're at 33%. One in six kids has type two diabetes is not 20 years. Yeah, that is nuts. And you cannot say genetics. I'm sorry that I'm going to take that we do not involve that
fact. Right. It's not possible.
You know, eczema, in 1971 and 15. children had eczema which eventually they are grouped today. One in five majority of kids end up Having eggs in my long term. And the numbers can go in the type one diabetes, which everyone's like, Ah, it's a genetic Type One Diabetes has increased 60% in the past 20 years, six, zero. And now you know, before it was like, you know, older kids would get it and now we seen it in babies. This is atrocious.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 13:24
It is it is. And for those listening, if you don't know what type one diabetes is, that's insulin dependent diabetes, where you have to take insulin, the rest of your life, which is an autoimmune condition, and where do autoimmune conditions start in the gut, right as functional medicine providers, that's where we truly believe these diseases start. So I will never forget through my fellowship program with American Academy of anti aging medicine. Pam Smith, once said, aging starts in the womb and I will never forget that aging starts the minute you're conceived. I mean, really, right. And so I know one of the best gifts I have strongly feel one of the best gifts I could have ever given myself. Was breast milk right? as an infant and now I get to make the choices on what he's eating, I'm buying the groceries, I get to decide what foods to feed him. So let's talk about real food. We know that gut health is important and the foods we're eating impact our gut health foods reading can contribute to inflammation there and so let's talk about what food is and what food is notch. Let's define that. So tell me what you recommend to your patients. What are your What are you telling them for basics as far as choosing foods for for their kids?
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 14:30
Right? Well, you know, one of the adult, I bring it down to the basics, I'm always like, Okay, well, let's think was, you know, a lot of people feel that food has nothing to do with their health. They're just like, has nothing to do with that. You're weird. And I was like, Okay, well, let's think what does the body use to make new cells because every day we make new cells, and we make new skin skin cells every 30 days. We make new lung cells every eight days. Your your GI tract is every two days right through your taste buds change every 30 days. What does the bond used to make new cells. It uses vitamins and minerals from food. And your patients and your adult patient. My teenage patients, they have hormones, and I'm always like, you know, when you think of a teenager, you're like, Okay, well, teenagers have acne, period issues, mood issues, unmotivated, tired, anger, right? Kind of things like that. And I'm always like, Alright, and we always say, Oh, that's because it's their hormones. And then I'm like, all right. What does the body use to make hormones,
to food, you think of a teenager's diet generally speaking in the United States, it is garbage, processed, colorful food. And then we look at their acne period, mood, motivation issues, and you're like, Huh, and then in my practice, we clean up that situation and also Have a sudden acne period mood motivation issues go away, because we have helped them create hormones that are going to make them productive members of society with fabulous skin and less periods, issues, which then helps them as adults with their fertility and mental health and all that stuff. Right? Right. And that's why I'm always like, we, we as a culture, when I was six years old, I had a babysitter, and he would help, he would watch me you'll help me eat after school. And every time I would eat, I would bring the food to myself. He's like, you're not living to eat. That is not your purpose in this life, your purpose in life as you eat, to live, you go to the food, and you focus on what food is, and it stuck with me in my head. I was six years old. I can't remember my kids social security number. I could remember six years old him saying that. And the point that I bring him on like, we have to look at our plate. Our plate food hurts us or heals us. I tell people fruits and vegetables because that is the number one is like, Oh, well, it's hard. Well yeah, when your taste buds are always eating Doritos. doritos are made in a lab by scientists, and they create very specific chemical compounds to make your taste buds explode. It's always like a party in your mouth. So then when you finish that bag of Doritos, you're thinking about the next bag of Doritos. They're addicting. The scientists are brilliant. Yes, they're addicting. Brilliant, and poor mother nature's like, let me make a tomato, you know, and then then after the party that you had in your mouth, you eat a tomato. It's kind of like wah wah. And so people are like, oh, like me, I'm like, Yeah, but the more you train your taste buds to appreciate tomatoes and celery and broccoli, the less likely you're going to be craving Doritos, but it's an effort. It doesn't just come one day you wake up and you just have amazing taste buds. You don't get off the couch one day and you run a marathon you train and you need the mindset books. Before we do anything, you've got to change your mindset. This body is all I have been given. This body is all I have. I can trade it for a new one. I can substitute it. So I got so the same way you treat your iPhone,
okay? I think
we treat our iPhone better than our bodies. You're very right. And so I want people you know, for my teenagers, I'm always like, I want you to teach you your body like your phone is sacred, and therefore you're not going to put garbage in just like you don't charge your iPhone with data rates. Stop charging your phone with garbage. We're going to drink water. We're going to look at fruits and vegetables because they're key to our gut health. When we go to the store, a simple takeaway is when you turn a package around, if you can't read it, donate it. If you can't understand what monosodium glutamate is, neither can your body and so your body's like oh, monosodium glutamate What is that? Let me see. Let me put that in the brain. I don't know what that is. Let me put that in the ovaries right body knows you No wheat milk, tomato cucumber, it knows these foods it doesn't know monosodium glutamate, glutamate or sucralose or dextrose, whatever other garbage. So number one, if you can't read it, don't eat it. It doesn't mean you Google it. If you have to pick your phone up to Google an ingredient, you're going to put the thing back. The second thing is less than five is my motto in life in green ingredients in the package, always less than five ingredients in the package and you will stay out of trouble just those two simple rules and then you don't have to be like so now tell me all the names of sugar I have to remember it now. Now can't read it. Don't eat it less than five or less ingredients less than five in your package foods. And that is just a great start. And you got and again, you're going to crowd out the bad with the good because a lot of you don't want to go I'm an extremist. And I was like let me check the pantry but I still did it over a long period of time. I took the cheeses and substituted with good ingredient cheese and then I substituted with less ingredients. Jesus, it was a process. Sure. This is not a sprint, it's a marathon and give yourself grace, you're going to have good meals and bad meals. But just because you have a bad meal doesn't mean you give up. It just means I had a bad meal. Sure, and the next meal, you have the chance to do it all over again.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 20:18
Could you be missing out on magnesium if you aren't already taking magnesium you likely should be are deficient food sources caffeine consumption, stress and exercise rob us of magnesium, which is an important cofactor for hundreds of processes in the body. It can calm your mind and ease your nerves to help you sleep at night and help reduce anxiety, PMS and headaches. It can relax your muscles when you have cramps your bowels when you're constipated, and it's required for energy hormone production and vitamin D absorption. If you're interested in exploring more about how magnesium can help support you living a longer healthier life and the exact type of magnesium supplement to look for, check out my blog post the magnificence of magnesium found at your longevity blueprint comm forward slash blog and use code Magnesium for 10% off our magnesium keylite product at your longevity blueprint calm. Now let's get back to the episode I want to go back to MSG. I personally don't like MSG because it makes my heart race. I mean, I do not tolerate it at all. It's very excited to worry what so when you were saying it goes to the brain, what that can translate into symptom wise is a DD ADHD anxiety, right? insomnia, whatnot. So MSG is something we need to be avoiding. And I'm going to, we're going to go here we're going to go down the path of talking about your chick fil a post on social media. Because you had you had lots of comments there and I think what you brought to light was very important now. I love chick fil A's mission. I love how clean the restaurant is and how kindly they treat their employees and their customers and I think they they do that better than any other fast food restaurant out there. However, their chicken is still corn fed. Right? It's still I don't No, it's genetically modified but I know based on the posts that you had, I now know their chicken has MSG I never knew their chicken had MSG, even the grilled chicken has MSG antifoaming agents, right they're using in their sauces, vegetable oils. So for listeners who think chick fil a is not fast food, can you break down? Why eating that is still not helpful to our bodies. Why are those things bad?
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 22:27
Well, you know, a lot of my family's read ingredients and everything. And I'm going to go to this one next to we read ingredients and vaccines and you make an opinion. We don't eat ingredients in our food. We make an opinion in our hair dye and everything. Yeah, paradigmatic polish, but when it comes to chicks away, we give it a pass. And I see this over and over and I was like, why did they get a pass? I agree. There's so nice. There's so kind. they donate. They do. They treat employees kindly. They have great pay, but that still doesn't give them the right To make this food garbage, it's still garbage because if you look at what we allow in the United States versus what we allow in Europe, I pulled up you know, McDonald's fries in the United States and McDonald's fries in Europe, two different things. It's not even the same ballpark. And we are saying yes and what I want the listeners another takeaway, every time you purchase one of these garbage foods, you are saying yes, this is okay for my children to eat MSG. They did have they made a policy statement that they said we we are going to remove MSG from all our food products in 2020. I pulled up the ingredient list. I do not go to chick fil a. I pulled up the ingredients online. I took a screenshot of their ingredients. It's still MSG, and I got so much hate mail, because they're like your food shaming and I was like, I'm not bullshitting I'm just giving you a screenshot of their ingredients. Why do we check ingredients on popcorn and vaccines We chick fil a well I got It's okay, because I just have it once a week. How awesome. My question to my listeners and your listeners has been? How often should children have antifoaming agents? How often is it okay to have MSG in your diet? You know, how often Is it okay for your children to smoke weed? or How often is it for your child to drink alcohol? I mean, you know, people are like, Oh, you're ridiculous because you go in there I was like, Well, again, we're seeing Coke is okay for children to drink in school, but cigarettes are not okay. If we're looking at the medical data, we can see that there's equally toxic and we have made these general ideas based on marketing. Just remember again, and I'm not trying to beat them up but when you have good customer care when you treat your employees nicely, you everything is clean, they love on you. It is part of their marketing. They're doing a beautiful job for the community. But that's still marketing because you end up eating that, what they call as food. And I have an issue with the ingredients, I would have no problem if they can clean up the ingredients like they promised, they made a huge thing that they're going to clean up their ingredients, and they haven't done so at this time.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 25:16
All right. Another thing I want to just shed light on his accent I mentioned most fast food, chicken or beef, for that matter, usually is fed corn. This is a problem. And not to mention a lot of the sauces have soybean oil. So these oils are loaded with omega sixes. And so the meat so even the chicken and the beef that have eaten corn, not grass, have a ratio of six to threes when we think of omega sixes to threes at about 20 to one which is very towards the inflammatory state, right? Interestingly, we humans have interest there's very similar omega ratios in our blood. So we're showing much higher levels of sixes, two threes, now instead We could get pasture raised if we could get grass fed beef from a local farmer right and make our own hamburgers whatnot. Most of the grass fed meats are what we're finding are showing the ratios of six to threes, more like six to one instead of 20 to one. So the amount of omega sixes is much reduced, which is much better for us at a less inflammatory state. And that's what we want our bodies and that's also why we need to take omega threes we need to eat fish, we need to take fish oil to raise the omega threes which are anti inflammatory to protect us against all these omega sixes. We're getting bombarded with what the meats were consuming and the oils were consuming as well. So all the more reason to not eat fast food and just get your own farm fresh whatever it is, eggs or meat, whatnot. Let's go back to symptoms for a moment. So you've mentioned eczema, you mentioned some symptoms your children had, what are the most common presenting symptoms in your office that you see and then see improved with diet changes
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 27:00
Most common that I see is eczema a lot, a lot of skin issues. stomach issues, a lot of stomach pain, belly pain. People have seen gastroenterologist on all kinds of medications including Pepcid, anti reflux medications. So chronic abdominal pain is huge. I do see ADHD and a lot of neurological inflammatory conditions. I mean kids that can't even put clothes on that are screaming that are irritated in the pandas category, which is a neurological inflammation caused by strep or other bacterial infections. I would say those are the top ones that I see. And we always go back to nutrition and food is our number one mainstay. You know, when people see us they're like, well, what supplements do we get because you're an integrative doctor and I was like, no, not so fast. My friends, food is first and they have to change that we have to begin the journey of changing food habits before we even go down the road of supplements because you cannot out supplement
Dr. Stephanie Gray 27:59
a battery. diet? Correct? I say that all the time. There's no pill, potion or powder that's going to replace lifestyle changes, you have to change your diet. So do you run food sensitivity testing on your patients? Or do you recommend a specific diet? Or
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 28:13
how do we do it? Yeah, we do. I will say that in my youngsters that have eczema, abdominal pain, asthma and skin conditions, the food sensitivity test is a game changer. In my kids with neurological issues. It's not as helpful. We do go after dairy and gluten. Unfortunately, they're the most inflammatory. And everybody's like, You're so weird with your glaring good. And I'm like, Well, no, the problem is that it's too much in our diet, too much of any good thing. Now just making a broad generalized because there are a lot of details to the gluten and dairy but as a broad thing is in everybody's died, we're drowning in it, just like you can't go out in the sunshine for 12 hours and just lay there because you'll get fried that's too much of a good thing, but sometimes Good we want sunshine we get vitamin D it's good for our skin. But at 12 hours we're sitting there in the sun all day you fry water sitting in a bathtub, it's great for you, you bathe yourself you know hydrating we sit in the tub for four hours you become wrinkly pruned and your skin is like disintegrating because too much of a good thing. The same thing when we have so much gluten and dairy and a lot of my patients are like we don't need that much gluten and dairy. I'm like great. So at the next family event, I want you to be gluten and dairy free. Let me know where you can eat. You never know where everyone is like what is so incredibly hard. I'm like, Yes because we are drowning in these two items. They are from the food industry.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 29:41
agreed to see a lot of ear infections also.
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 29:45
We do see a lot of ear infections. And they when the kids with a I've had a lot of kids that came in with tubes and a lot of antibiotics and the antibiotics have led to eczema and all these other things vicious cycle here vicious cycle and I'm Fortunately, because with recurrent ear infections, they keep getting told, you're just going to get tubes and we'll be better. A lot of parents are like, Oh, we don't need you because we're going to get tubes. And then they see me when they've lost all their hair. So now they have a full hair, eyebrows and lashes gone because of the antibiotics because of the recurrent ear infections when their eczema is out of control, because of the same story when their anxiety is out of control, because of the same story. So I would say people tend to say recurring ear infections are not as significant if you will, until it goes down the path and I'm always trying to tell folks, I'm like, when the body keeps having the issue over and over again, it's a red flag, your body's trying to tell you something is out of whack. Totally doesn't mean I need tubes. Something is disagreeing in my gut Someone please pay attention because when we don't be attention, then the situation gets worse and worse, and then it takes forever to get better. And it becomes very costly.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 30:59
Right now. Having tubes put in or tonsils or adenoids removed whatnot that it's similar to even with patients I see in my practice having your uterus removed, having a hysterectomy doesn't get to the root cause of the hormone imbalance that caused the need for hysterectomy in the first place. So having those organs removed, isn't getting it any more putting putting the tubes in isn't necessarily getting at the root cause of the problem. So I imagine you are for chiropractic care, which could help with ear infections. I know it's helps many patients and then dairy free to really help reduce inflammation. I know dairy consuming dairy is highly associated with being a cause for many upper respiratory conditions. So not just ear infections, but even sinus infections, whatnot. I imagine taking kids off dairy is a game changer in that department to there has
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 31:44
been a game changer. You know what I'll tell you and I'm always like, fully transparent in my previous life. When I was just doing traditional stuff I was go loves an old wives tale I don't. That's what he said. And now when like we're looking here, look at all the evidence that it actually causes. is a huge problem. So now we have tons of medical data that actually shows that this indeed, is a huge problem not to mention them when we do that in practice, the kids
Dr. Stephanie Gray 32:09
get better. Awesome. What are your favorite like nasal rinses? I know a lot of those. Speaking of ingredients, you look at the ingredient list and they're just packed with things. I don't want to shove up my son's nose. So should a nasal rinse be needed? What are your favorite brands are our options.
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 32:27
I'm a simple kind of girl. I like my one, you know, one of each kind of thing. But x Lear is one of my favorites because it's just a lien has grapefruit seed extract, which is great anti viral, anti bacterial, has xylitol and actually xylitol even though it's a sugar has been shown in studies that it's been taken regularly actually decreases the risk of ear infections because it prevents the binding of bacteria to the posts due to the back of your throat. Yeah, so actually, there's a one that I use, it's easy, it's convenient, relatively inexpensive, and I'll tell you in the you know, time will code That flu season whatever I will even allergy season. When you come from outside, you wash your hands and you rinse your nose with x layer and the reason you do that you wash your hands to get all the bacteria viruses and particles off your hands sure when you do a nasal rinse at this like as you come in from the house, you washing out the pollen, you washing out the Bible particles, viruses like to stick to dry mucous membranes, so if you can keep your nose nice and moist, yeah, viruses are less likely our bacteria are less likely to attach and there washes out the pollen too. So it's really just kind of trifecta.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 33:35
With that. Let's transition into your recommendations for protecting our kiddos from COVID. I know you've had lots of social media posts and interviews on that so give us that was one good tip give us a couple other tips for immune boosting.
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 33:47
Yes. You know immune So again, we have to have our mindset that the mask is not the answer. She's like see glasses not the children not sharing toys is not The answer The answer lies within us understanding that we have our body and we have an immune system given to us by mom mother nature that is powerful enough to overcome coded nowhere in the traditional media. Do we hear we have the power to defeat this. No, we act like we're sitting ducks that we're going to die on on ventilators at any moment. I mean,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 34:23
literally. Yep, yep.
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 34:26
Yes, instead of we have the power folks go to the store grabbing fruits and vegetables because gut health our immune system is made in our gut. And what does the body use to make powerful immune cells fruits and vegetables and good nutrition are the children should have a fruit or vegetable that every meal I would say both. Even if you eat one bite of carrot and one grape as your starting point at breakfast, that is better than zero. Any amount makes a difference. So fruits and vegetables should be at Every meal and I will argue even at every snack, a good rule of thumb for snacks is before children reach for a package food they should reach for something that's grown from the earth. And that way you're not saying no to packaged foods which we said less than five ingredients. But we are saying Of course you can have a package food but we that's that's a treat where you're we're going to feed our body with is a fruit or vegetable and then if you're still hungry, you can have a package food. I've done that with my children for years until it's become an ingrained habit and it's amazing and the power. We're going to make sure that our children even though they're in summer, they're getting proper amount of sleep. Allowing teenagers to stay up until two o'clock in the morning on Snapchat and Tiktok because their friends are there is not a good enough reason. Sleep is paramount during sleep is when we mount an immune response and the body is a lot of people like it's a waste of time. 20 of your blood supply goes to the immune system and you powered it up. If you ever noticed is when That's when kids have fever. That's when they're becoming ordinary and more congested. That's because that's the body's cleaning house is trying to get not dimension detox, right balancing of the hormones that happens it many times. Also de stress. Be careful of the social media messages you guys are getting.
Because if you hang out on platforms that are negative, because you want to make sure you don't miss anything, and now you're seeing informed is what everybody tells me. The more negativity the more negative you're going to become. The more negative your mindset, the more toxic your environment, the more depressed your immune system becomes. So there's a fine line between staying informed and becoming immersed, or a lot of patients did and become immersed. Let's, let's go there. Again. Once again, vaccine. Everyone is drowning in the vaccine saga, and all they read all day long. I need to know. like nothing's changed from yesterday. Like literally nothing's changed. Nothing's changed from like two months ago. You keep talking and worrying and circling in that genre. You will become toxic remar remember that you become who you think you are. So if you keep telling your body, I'm worried, I'm stressed, I'm worried, I'm stressed, I'm not a good enough mom, we're going to get COVID we're going to die. That is what you're going to become that will become your reality. So we need to really worry about what we're watching on social media. Get a little get a little news so you can be stay with and then surround yourself with positivity. The brain loves to gripe on negative stuff. And I probably you can agree that, you know, we will have a day when everybody's doing amazing, right? And you're like, Oh my gosh, everyone's amazing. I'm an amazing doctor, and my practice doing amazing and then you get one email with one person that is upset about something and your whole day is shattered. The same thing happens when we look at media the brain grabs on to negative so I would say food, sleep stress, please go outside. We need to go outside sunshine is good vitamin D going out in the nature is so Amazing or immune system, take your shoes off and walk in the grass grounding helps rebalance our stress hormones and helps us get you know, put together. Teach your children how to be kind, do not tell your children don't play with other kids because they might have covid it I am very concerned about the negative psychological impact that our children are going to have for lifelong because you need to teach kids you are strong enough, you are powerful enough, your immune system is strong. It doesn't matter who you hang out with, you will be fine. And I would say those are the things that I would go with. I know people are gonna want to know supplements.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 38:37
I'm just going to touch on top three, yeah, top three,
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 38:41
vitamin D,
your omega threes, and I would add to zinc in the time. I don't want people to be on zinc forever. We're talking like if you go to a turn, yeah, yes, short term zinc, you're going to camp the exact you are coming down with symptoms exam. I'm not a fan of like taking zinc every single day. But I would say vitamin D and omega threes are my top two that are just you don't pass go without taking those. Zinc, vitamin C. And probiotics. I will say we use them judiciously because all those need to be rotated the body doesn't want the same thing. So I do love probiotics but I think people get stuck on a brand for years. And just like everything else we need to rotate voucher.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 39:23
Wonderful, awesome, awesome. Well, you have a book coming out. So do you want to tell us a little bit about that?
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 39:30
Yeah, I'm super excited. It's it's raising Healthy Kids in unhealthy worlds. There's no guide there that actually helps a parent just some basics. Like how do you find food we don't know how to eat anymore. My mom was like they need an MD degree a nutritionist degree now you need political science degree because you got to like understand the politics. And I there's the book breaks it down into simple steps on how to feed your kids right what to feed them, how to help them sleep more. How to tackle technology. It's the basics of life, that we are in a new world the way we used to raise children 20 years ago, it is not the way we raise children now. So I'm just doing a simple guide, it's actually going to be in a bullet point. So my mama's can quickly go through it and like a reference guide sunscreen, how do I buy it detergents? How do I get it? And may simplifying because there's so much information out there, that a lot of times because of so much information, we we don't take action, because we're paralyzed by indecision. So this book will help you make decisions and get your family on a healthy track. And if you're already healthy track, it will help you stay on that healthy track. So when your kids grow up, they don't have chronic disease, and they don't need chronic adult medicine doctors because you've already put the work in the beginning for a different kind of story in the end,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 40:49
changing that direct trajectory again, like you did with your kids, so that sounds like a much needed resource. I'm excited to read it. You also currently have an eczema course available. So tell the listeners a little bit about And I'll post the link to her course in the show notes to
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 41:03
the that we've had, I've had so many families with so many skin conditions, there's so many children's suffering, all you have to do is do a quick Google search on another web search on Facebook and the amount of support groups and the kids. I mean, it's just heartbreaking. So after treating hundreds of kids successfully, I took I looked, I step back and I looked at what are the common things that I've done with all my patients that have gotten better. And then I put together a course that takes you from point A to point B in a straight fashion without guesswork without spending money on ridiculous supplements, with knowing what to do, because again, in the era of information, we have too much and it's too confusing. So I put a plan in place that will work for most children, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. And in our course you get Facebook once a week, your Facebook Lives with my nutritionist and health coach that helps you guide you with all the food changes because it's hard. And then once a week there As a Facebook group with me where we tackle meat supplement things or and troubleshoot more of the medical aspects, so not only do you get how to do it online, but you have live support that is happening two times a week, because we want you to be successful.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 42:15
Wonderful, very, very helpful core sounds like I know you've already given us so many tips. I always conclude the podcast with a top longevity tip Do you have given you can repeat something that we've already said? What would your top longevity tip be?
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 42:31
chronic disease begins in childhood and shows up in adulthood and we need to pay attention to our children. Now. Don't forget about the kids. A lot of adults are like taking care of their bodies and autoimmune conditions and their kids are eating chicken nuggets and garbage food. Don't forget to children because by helping them be healthy now they will avoid the problems that you're dealing with right now.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 42:54
Perfect. Where can listeners find you?
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 42:57
Super simple on my website at Dr. Ama Maria calm So Dr. Anna maria.com, or on Instagram would love to see you there tons of free information. We do tons of educational stuff. And then you get to see the goofy life that I live, live. And that is at Dr. Anna Maria temple. We'd love to see you there. And just my goal is to transform 10,000 children's lives in the next 12 months. And I can only do it with a community. Like all of you guys. It's not a one woman show. It's a community effort. And I think the tides are changing. I'm so excited to be part of your tribe.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 43:35
Awesome. Thank you so much for coming on the show. This was very helpful. I can't wait to share it with many of my my friends who are Mama's, and thank you for reminding us like you just said that we as adults need to take care of our children. Sometimes we eat healthier than they do. And that makes no sense. So thank you for that reminder that nutrition is starting at a very young age and we have control over that and if we want to prevent chronic diseases, it starts with how what we're feeding our children at a young age. So Thank you for all the strategies you've given us today. Thank you for giving us hope that we can improve our children's lives as well. Thanks for coming on the show.
Dr. Ana Maria Temple 44:07
Thank you and I thank you so much for everything that you do. And I'm so glad that we partnered up to do this great show. I can't wait to share it.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 44:13
What a reminder this was that it is just as important to feed my child a healthy meal as it is my husband. We have such a responsibility as parents, we can work to prevent chronic disease with future generations but it starts with how and what we're feeding our children. Lastly, as Dr. Temple mentions, she has an amazing eczema course link of which will be posted in the show notes. Use this link with code eczema 100. That's a Cz ma 100 for $100 off. Be sure to check out my book your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck. You can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book. Plus for a limited time Not only is the course 50% off, but you also get your first consult with me for free. Check this offer out at your longevity blueprint calm and click the course tab. One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. And leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I read all the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics, guests or how you're applying what you've learned on the show to create your own longevity blueprint. The podcast is produced by the team at counterweight creative. As always, thanks so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting.
The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
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