Your metabolic health is so important, but it’s so often overlooked! Wildly, only 12% of Americans are metabolically healthy – but you can achieve metabolic health, especially following six different strategies. I’m joined by Dr. Gus Vickery to talk about the importance of metabolic health and the strategies he uses to help his patients reach optimal metabolic health.
Labs to Request for Metabolic Health
- Fasting Blood Glucose
- Lipids
- HDL & Triglycerides
- Small Dense LDL
- Uric Acid
- Ferritin
- Glucose Tolerance Test
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About Dr. Gus Vickery
Dr. Gus Vickery is a board-certified family physician who specializes in personalized health consultations focused on total body and mind optimization. He is also a speaker and the author of Authentic Health (May 2018, MJ Publishing).
He founded Vickery Family Medicine in 2005 which has grown to multiple medical providers serving in 2 locations including The Clinic at Biltmore, an innovative direct to employer clinic for The Biltmore Company. He offers personalized health consultations both virtually and in person at his office in Asheville, NC.
He uses advanced biometrics, genetics, hormonal assessments, metabolic and nutritional assessments, and other advanced diagnostics to determine the proactive and comprehensive strategies that will help his clients experience their best health and lifespan.
Dr. Vickery is an honor graduate of the Medical College of Georgia. He is a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha honor medical society and teaches medical students for the department of family medicine of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
In This Episode
- The benefits of focusing on metabolic health [6:00]
- What labs your primary care provider can use to check your metabolic health [10:00]
- Strategies for reversing metabolic disease [14:30]
- The best nutrition and diet type to reverse metabolic disease [16:00]
- What happens when you prioritize strength training [19:30]
- How sleep impacts your metabolic health [26:30]
- Why you need to get outside in nature more [33:45]
- How your breath can energize or calm you down [24:30]
- How your environment negatively impacts your metabolic health [36:45]
Links & Resources
Use Code DIM to get 10% off DIM
Use Code MAGNESIUM for 10% Off Magnesium
Get Your Free Gift: Authentic Health eBook
Get Your Free Gift: Authentic Health Parable
Find Wild Health. Asheville Online
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Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast Production by the team at Counterweight Creative
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