This is part 2 of a 3 part blog on ideas to help you feel more vibrant with the energy to do what you enjoy most in life!
In part 1 we discussed how important getting adequate sleep and nutrition truly are.
Today I want to talk about the importance of optimizing your hormones for energy:
Low hormones can cause fatigue specifically low thyroid, cortisol, and sex hormones.
Let’s break those down.
Your thyroid helps with: metabolism, temperature regulation, hair growth, constipation, memory, and even fatigue!
- Low Thyroid specifically low T3 can lead to a variety of symptoms including fatigue. Make sure you get your Free T3 checked to see if it is not optimal.
- Low cortisol from the adrenals can also lead to fatigue. Have your saliva cortisol assessed.
- Cortisol is supposed to be highest in the am and slowly decrease throughout the day being lowest at night so you can sleep as I mentioned in the first blog of this series.
- Long term stress can eventually lead to low cortisol
- Manage stress and consider supplementation (adaptogenic herbs)
- Low testosterone can lead to poor mood, motivation, drive, libido, and energy. Get your serum (blood) testosterone checked as well. You will want to get not just your testosterone levels but your estrogens and progesterone as well.
- If you are found to be low various options exist to help improve levels.
- I use many herbs in my practice, but also improving nutrition and can help you to boost your hormone levels.
Most importantly find a functional medicine provider who can properly interpret your levels. You may have heard your thyroid levels are normal and they actually may not be optimal!
Learn more about hormones in Chapter 6 of my book Your Longevity Blueprint.
Always consult with your health care provider and share any supplements you are taking.
Thank you for tuning in. Please share this knowledge with a friend.
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