EMFs are the cigarettes of our time. They are dangerous to our health and our environment, but EMFs dangers are largely unknown. In part two of my discussion with Sinclair Kennally, we dive into the problem with EMFs, why the average person doesn’t take their threat seriously, and how to reduce your EMF exposure. We also talk about the dangers of plastic.
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How to Reduce the Danger of EMFs
- Turn your cell data, WiFi, and Bluetooth off
- Use an RF safe shield
- Test for dirty electricity at home and work
- Reduce the use of electronics in your home
About Sinclair Kennally
Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC, is a former chronic illness patient turned health activist. As an award-winning expert on chronic digestive illnesses, CEO of DetoxRejuveNation.com, and host of Your Health Reset Podcast, she’s on a mission to help people discover the real reasons behind their health issues, and take their power back.
Why EMFs are Dangerous
Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs) are everywhere. They’re in your home, your purse, your car, your office, your child’s school, and in most public spaces. Sinclair Kennally continues our conversation and explains why EMFs are bad for you.
Unfortunately for us, EMFs come from more sources than just your cell phone, though Sinclair gives some great advice on reducing exposure from your cell. One of the biggest problems is actually dirty electricity – that’s that annoying, buzzing electrical sound you can hear even when nothing is on.
There are thousands of studies that show the damage EMFs cause to our health. You’d think with all this research, people would be more invested in reducing their exposure to EMFs. While there is a rise in some consumers to do so, there is a lot of money pumped into suppressing the negative press about EMFs. Sinclair says Big Tech is even more harmful than Big Pharma!
The Problem with Plastics
We also talk about the danger of plastics. You already know that there is a huge environmental impact with the rise of plastic use across the world, but Sinclair really stresses how detrimental plastics are to your health.
The average American consumes a credit card’s worth of plastic every single week. Let that sink in. And if you regularly drink bottled water, the amount of plastic you eat is even higher than that.
There are so many small bits of microplastics in the products we use and, sadly, in the food we eat. Plastic disrupts your body’s self-healing response and mechanisms, which means that while it’s destroying your body, your body can’t even heal itself from plastic!
Are you concerned about the impact EMFs have on your health? Do you think EMFs or plastic have led to any of your long-term health conditions? Call the Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic today and schedule your first appointment at 319-363-0033.
“Most people, when they think of EMFs, think about how their cell phone is bad and 5G is scary. They’re not wrong, but that’s a very small part of the picture. When you think about EMFs, there are actually several kinds.” [1:19]
“This stuff is invisible and that’s partially why EMFs have been called the smoking of our time. They are equal, if not greater, than a carcinogenic exposure and it’s so widespread.” [5:50]
“People don’t realize how fatigued they are because everyone else around them is also stressed and fatigued and displaying a slow creep of chronic health issues. What they are comparing their health to is misleading them, so when you talk about taking their conveniences away or asking them to look into EMFs for themselves, it feels like way too big a burden. It feels disproportionately difficult than it would if they were healthy.” [8:19]
“Get to know your cell phone settings. You do not need your cellular data, WiFi, and Bluetooth on all the time, you just don’t. Those are three ways for your phone to broadcast at your body. It’s not just about when are you using your cell phone; your cell phone company is using your cell phone for you. You are broadcasting a signal, not just receiving one.” [9:10]
“You really have to think about your sources of plastic exposure and almost treat it like a game so that you don’t wear yourself out. We don’t want you going through life afraid. We want you to feel vibrant, alive, vital, happy, and carefree because you know that you’ve taken the time to make the best decisions for your family.” [26:30]
In This Episode
- Why EMFs are bad for you [1:15]
- How to test for dirty electricity [4:00]
- Why people don’t believe in the danger of EMFs [6:30]
- Why plastics are a problem for you and the environment [19:45]
- How plastic disrupts your body’s self-healing mechanisms [28:00]
Links & Resources
Get $300 Off at Air Doctor Using Code GRAY15
Get 10% Off Core Restore Chocolate & Vanilla with Code LIVERDETOX
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Get your copy of the Your Longevity Blueprint book and claim your bonuses here
Follow Dr. Stephanie Gray on Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | Twitter | LinkedIn
Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast Production by the team at Counterweight Creative
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Episode Transcript
Sinclair Kennally 0:02
Most people when they think if you miss the think about, you know your cell phone is bad and 5g is scary. You're not wrong. But that's a very, very small part of the picture.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:12
Welcome to the your longevity blueprint podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Stephanie gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. You're about to hear from Sinclair kan Aly again, this is part two of a two part series. As I mentioned last week, our topic today is the importance of detoxification. So if you missed part one, please go back and First listen to last week's episode where we covered industrial chemicals, heavy metals and mold. Today in Part Two, we dive deep into EMFs and plastics, we talked about how all these interfere with our longevity and our ability to self heal. Let's get rolling again.
I want to go back to EMFs here and I want to spend some time with EMF because I know this is this has become a passion of mine. And I know you could do a whole episode which you probably have on your podcast on EMFs. Yeah, so tell us why they're bad. Tell us why they've increased and then let's spend some time on the good stuff as far as what we can do to reduce our exposure.
Sinclair Kennally 1:17
Yeah, absolutely. So most people when they think of EMS, they think about, you know, your cell phone is bad. And 5g is scary. And you know both of those things that you're not wrong. But that's a very, very small part of the picture. So let's just break this down for a second. And no, I'm not going to tell you for your cell phone. So when you think about EMF, there's actually several kinds, there's RF, which is radiation. That's from Wi Fi routers, cellphone towers, microwaves, Bluetooth, cell phones, smart devices. Smart, it turns out is not so smart for the body. No, no. And it's pretty telling when you know, like Microsoft on their campuses doesn't have Wi Fi. They're all wired in fiber. Right? Right. What do you telling listeners? Did
Dr. Stephanie Gray 2:02
you know that? Yes, did you know that. And the
Sinclair Kennally 2:05
former CEO of Microsoft Canada actually resigned several years ago over this issue, and their refusal to deal with it and instead went into building a nonprofit environmental health trust, where he actually educates schools to pull Wi Fi out of the class for him. That's great. Yeah, it's very interesting story is checking out. So that's our F. And then you also have just for simplicity sake, because people can get overwhelmed with this quickly, I'll just go through them. Dirty electricity, that's anything over 60 cycles per second, that's extra noise pollution on your circuits, basically. And that comes from your appliances, from nearby cell phone towers from your own smart devices. It's basically irritating, fuzzy background noise that shouldn't be there. And it causes a lot of distress that in itself, like Michael, my partner had serious anxiety.
For years, like he would walk into his office at work and just like be overcome by anxiety could not deal with it come to find out through electricity was the first type of EMF that he discovered and measured for us, he was sitting in 19 reading of 1900, right at his desk, and it should be 50 or below to avoid biological effects. So we put in a very small, unobtrusive filter right on the outlet behind his desk. And it dropped it down to 80. Still a little high, but significantly different, right? That thing was like 30 bucks. And his anxiety totally went away. So we got excited. We ran around our whole office building, we didn't tell any of our employees, what we were doing. And we put filters wherever the readings were too high. Well, they're sick days went down, their interdepartmental fighting went down, confusion on projects went down. It's like, oh, this is very now
Dr. Stephanie Gray 3:52
we're on to something here. What Sinclair saying is, so a this can be tested for so. So we have a meter that you can I'm sure you sell these maybe as well. You can plug into say meter, a reader or whatnot, a device that you can plug into outlets to test if there's dirty electricity coming out of that outlet, right? So because I know for the listeners, they may be thinking, What is she? What exactly is she talking about? So then you can put a I guess you would call it a filter in that outlet? Or you can put something on your actual would you call it your circuit breaker to clean up the dirty electricity like through the whole home?
Sinclair Kennally 4:25
Exactly. So it can be put on the circuit panel itself or throughout the home or office building at each outlet where the hotspots are. So the meter that's the industry standard is called the Stetzer meter. It's very easy to pick up I think it's like 100 bucks. We sell them it's no big deal. And you can take these measurements and then apply these small filters by hotspot throughout your home or office building or you can make an modification to the panel itself and deal with the whole building.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 4:55
So that's for dirty electricity. So that's different right then this Radiation from the cell phone. Right? So there are there are layers of these?
Sinclair Kennally 5:04
Yes. So let's back up. Because with RF, your job is to reduce your exposure as much as possible, especially when you're sleeping, right, because your body is much more sensitized to Earth while it's asleep. It's trying to build these complex detox enzyme chains that can take up to six hours to build to flush toxins out of your body. It's trying to regenerate, and EMFs disrupt all of those processes. So you want to think about shielding yourself, where you can't turn something off, like, do you really need your wireless printer on all day long? Like how often do you use that thing, just unplug it. And it's important to understand like a meter for us. RF is really fun to use, because it gets the whole family on board, because it creates a way for you to see it, right, because this stuff is invisible. And that's partially why EMS have been called the smoking of our time. I haven't heard that smoking, that makes sense. They are equal if not greater as the carcinogenic exposure. And it's so widespread.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 6:02
So why do people not I have you have some family members who just don't I mean, my dad has a business on EMF mitigation. So he believes in this, but why do some people not believe it? Is it because the these toxins are invisible? And without having a reader a meter to kind of read the degree of exposure? Why do you think so many people don't necessarily believe in the danger of EMFs? Are there studies to support this? Are
Sinclair Kennally 6:29
there's over 14,000 studies? This is not an edgy, like, you know, is it true? Isn't it like no, this is well established scientific fact. Go on PubMed, type in EMF, you will see well over 14,000 studies. That's what it was a couple years ago, I think it's actually closer to 20,000 studies. Now. It's just that there's so much money in suppressing this information. And every once in a while, if you follow people like Stephanie and me, we might share, you know, or retweet something like turns out look at this lawsuit revealed that telecom companies knew that, you know, our apps were disruptive to your health, and they actually had a way to reduce your exposure to them with their technology, and they didn't come and then look at this payout that happened. But it's not getting put on the news, because who advertises on TV, these companies and big tech is now over five times as powerful as Big Pharma. When you look at the lobbying dollars, so there's a very real payoff to being ignorant.
And I think that the American simmer is still catching up, you know, with our explosion of chronic health issues recently, you know, there's a big awakening happening there has been over the last several years, right. But we're still combating this idea that we were raised with, which is like we live in the US or developed country, we are safe because someone else is doing this thinking for us, right? Well, the truth is, we're all in a grand experiment right now. And we're just starting to see the side effects of those experiments. And you and me, the everyday folks are the first ones to feel it. So the canaries in the coal mine are the ones that are speaking up. And it's whether or not we listen, or do we wait until something happens to somebody in our family? It's really your choice. And I was the dump. Okay, I really did not want to hear about any of this. So I have all kinds of compassion for the people in the family that don't want to listen, because when you
Dr. Stephanie Gray 8:15
it's easier ignorance is bliss until you get cancer. Yeah.
Sinclair Kennally 8:19
And also, people don't realize how fatigued they are right now. Because everybody else around them is also stressed and fatigued and displaying a slow creep of chronic health issues, that they don't have anything to compare, or what they are comparing it to is actually misleading them. So when you talk about taking their conveniences away, or asking them to look into this and think for themselves, it feels like way too big a burden. It feels disproportionately difficult than it would if you were healthy.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 8:47
Yeah, I think you nailed that on the head. That's good. So how do you feel about things like safesleeve cases? I've always advocated for these, but I understand that only the front is really blocking any radiation. So what are your tips for your patients and listeners on what they can do for reducing dangerous from cell phones.
Sinclair Kennally 9:08
So the first thing is good to know your settings, because you do not need your cellular data, your Wi Fi and your Bluetooth on all at the same time. You just don't. And there's that's three ways for your phone to broadcast distress at your body. Because it's not just about when are you using your cell phone, your cell phone company is using your cell phone for you and you are broadcasting a signal not just receiving one. So if we all turn off our wireless devices, or we turn off the ability for the companies to do this, they wouldn't be able to prop up their networks by bouncing their signals across our devices and their networks a crash. It's always creating distress whether or not you're using it so just be deliberate. If you don't need it on turn it off, or at least turn off the Bluetooth and the Wi Fi and keep the cellular data on you only need one signal at a time to bring something in distances.
You're friend when it comes to radiation to RF, so radiation distress, we'll call it just to put it in real terms, because that's what it is. The biological effects have an exponential drop off, the further away they get from your body. So it really does matter and make a difference. If you put it on speakerphone, and hold it at arm's length, put it on the table, or on your desk, you know, the person can still hear you. Please don't put it up to your face ever again, not next to your brain because you are you have no skull bone protecting you between your ear and your brain. It's one of the most vulnerable places. So why would we put Bluetooth there bluetooth headphones. Please don't do that. Especially the health practitioners listening. You don't look smart anymore. You do not look cool. Stop doing it. Your patients are getting Wi Fi. You look dumb.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 10:47
Yes, I have patients who come to their appointments wearing their bluetooth headphones, and you know that they're they're trying to work or they're you know, and no, don't do that. Don't do that. So yes, of distance you're saying and then are you do you like these cases? Are you a fan of
Sinclair Kennally 11:03
I like safesleeve. And I'll tell you why. Because for me, the meters always tell the story. Many of these cases are placebo effects at best like it like if you're spending $20 or $100 on like, a hologram something. If you can't measure the change on a meter, it was a waste of money. I'm sorry, you know, and I am super woowoo. I really am. I'm a giant hippie, but I don't put my beautiful crystals on top of my stack of bills and expect them to take care of my bank account. Do you understand what I'm saying? Totally, totally. And the same goes for EMS. For me, you know that the laws of physics do not bend for a sticker. So save shield is a great option. Especially because when you think about and I have mine right here, too.
When you think about shielding yourself from radiation, you want to create a shadow between yourself and the source of radiation. Do you want to physically block it and shield it? So like, for example, with smart meters, we had a client who was living in a townhome and they were like their neighbor's smart meter, which broadcasts a really strong RF signal was just a few feet away from their bed. And they had no way to and the neighbor didn't want to talk about it, you know, didn't want to deal with it wouldn't put a cover on it or anything. So we actually painted the wall or what? No, because that has its own issues, we should totally do an episode just about this nerd out. We created an RF shield with just really cheap materials from Home Depot behind a painting and hung the painting in a certain there. Yeah, because it was so close to the meter itself, it was able to completely block the signal. So super interesting. There's always a way we want to think in terms of creating a shadow
Dr. Stephanie Gray 12:45
shield shadow. I love that. Yeah. So what's the problem with the paint? Or is it just that maybe where you're going with this is that people who are inexperienced could create more of a danger for themselves if they create their own Faraday cage and then get stuck in it while they're using their cell phone. Do you believe paint can EMF blocking paint can be used appropriately? If the user is aware and measuring and knows like where to which wall to paint whatnot?
Sinclair Kennally 13:10
I am yet to see a scenario where the shielding paint is an appropriate investment. I'll put it that way. It's not that it doesn't reflect the signal. It does. Does. Yeah, that's exactly what it does. So what home Do you know where you will have indefinite full buy in from every person who comes into the home to not bring smart devices in and create this endless bounce?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 13:34
I would say for a single person if you're the only person living in your home and you're putting your phone on airplane mode. Who doesn't have companies?
Sinclair Kennally 13:41
Yeah, yeah. And also you have to think about every window has to be shielded as well. I can't tell you the number of times people brought us in. Oh, we're really sick because we do these EMF mitigations for people, someone in our home is really sick. But we did the EMF shielding. We have the paint everywhere. It's like okay, what's going on with the windows because they're not shielded. And so you are letting in all the neighbor's frequencies, and then they're bouncing. Yeah, off of your walls at you.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 14:09
Between the fumes from car exhaust, industrial emissions, and as many of us have experienced recently, smoke from forest fires, the air we breathe is often filled with harmful pollutants. But did you know that the EPA has shown that indoor air can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air? This is why at my clinic and at my home, I use air Doctor air filters. These filters are 100 times more effective than ordinary purifiers and help capture smoke viruses, bacteria, pollen, mold and dust mites. In fact, they capture 100% of some of the most dangerous ultra fine particles as small as point 003 microns in size, and that's pretty small. They have a proprietary dual action carbon gas trap voc filter, which combines two types of media activated carbon to remove gassing odors and potassium or manganite to deactivate certain volatile organic compounds VOCs like formaldehyde.
Air DRS auto mode uses the professional grade air quality sensor To assess the air in the room and immediately adjust to correct levels of air filtration, the sensor will also alert you when your air quality is compromised by changing its indicator lights from green to yellow or red. I discovered this feature almost immediately after installing my air doctor at home when the indicator light went from green to red. It got me wondering why the air was so bad and I did some digging. It turned out there was a problem with my furnace. After it was fixed air Doctor sensor immediately turned back to green. And I not discovered the issue with the help of their doctor, we could have ended up with much greater problems. I often recommend the air doctor to my patients dealing with mold toxicity. Of course, I always recommend they remove themselves from the mold exposure as soon as possible. But I understand it takes time to remediate the home. So in the meantime, as well as on an ongoing basis, I recommend they get air doctors running in their homes.
One of these machines would be a great Christmas gift for a loved one stop by the integrative health and hormone clinic if you'd like to see different sizes, or visit the bonus tab of my website, your longevity blueprint comm to find a special link for $280 off the 83,000 using code Gray 15. That's capital G ra y 15. And watch for even greater promotions during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But you must use my link which we'll post in the show notes. This is a same same reason why airplanes can be so dangerous, right? So you're basically this big metal bullet. And there's how many people in a small space there's distance is not on your side when you're in an airplane, right? So those rays are bouncing off all the walls of the plane and you're just getting slammed. I feel like that's partly why patients get so tired when they travel to I don't know what
Sinclair Kennally 16:34
yeah, and there's supplements that you can take so that you're more resilience because
Dr. Stephanie Gray 16:38
like antioxidants, that's what I tell patients. Yeah, because
Sinclair Kennally 16:41
95% of the distress that EMS cause in the moment to your cells is oxidative stress. When you look at how peroxy nitric works, but that's a huge rabbit hole. But you can take something like molecular hydrogen tabs for an after the flight you can take rosemary, which is neuroprotective. Against EMF damage, you can you know add it to your food that's a very small dose. We can take a rosemary tincture or even you know dried rosemary and a capsule,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 17:06
rosemary, Rosemary gray for your thyroid to why
Sinclair Kennally 17:09
Yeah. But the bottom line for RF is shield especially while you're asleep. That's why like a canopies things like that are such a great solution.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 17:18
Yep, I know you're the expert here. But I want to I want to mention a few things on that as far as shielding at night. So I do you think it's important that you assess your home with a meter because you want to know like, as we discovered that for years, my husband's head was as we sleep, the master bedroom was right up against our cable box, which was on the latter side of that wall. And he had not, he'd never been a great sleeper. And he's still not an amazing sleeper, but he sleeps a heck of a lot better having turned off the Wi Fi at night or having we don't even have the cable box anymore. Now we don't even watch TV. It's gone now. But we used to every single night and it would drive him nuts.
But he knew it was helpful. I would say unplug it, did you unplug Did you unplug the cable, because I didn't want that right penetrating into his head, which I could literally assess with a meter and until you spend the time to go around your house and look for dirty electricity. And look for where things like your cable box or your router or whatever are causing problems. You just don't know where those problems lie. Same is true with even infants. So you want to look and see where are you positioning that crib, right? Or is there are dirty electricity around that crib, listeners may think I'm crazy. But we never had a baby monitor generations ago there. There were no baby monitors, you can survive without a baby monitor. You don't need a wireless baby monitor right? Broadcasting into your baby's your baby's head. So I did get one at my shower. And I tested it and it was the highest of any of them and devices in the home including the cable box. And I said I can't use this. Are you kidding me set this right by my son. No way, Jose. So I think baby monitors are a huge source of radiation exposure in the home as well.
Sinclair Kennally 18:51
Really a lot of nursery related tech now which is totally unnecessary. So the nursery can actually be the highest exposure to the most vulnerable being in the entire home. Ah, Ah, scary with our rapid EMF reset process is to help people understand that we're actually coming out with an infant safety, EMF safety certification this year for birth workers. So smart. Yeah, so smart.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 19:15
Well, we spent a lot of time on EMFs which I have thoroughly enjoyed. But I do want to talk about plastics because I feel like that's another I think you believe that's another root cause of not just digestive diseases, but chronic illness. So are plastics bad. Where are we finding them? Yeah. Take the mic on plastics.
Sinclair Kennally 19:36
Well, spoiler alert. If I mentioned I'm a lot of fun at parties. Back when we had parties were joining me. Yeah, then. So it's true plastics and we got to understand what we're talking about with plastics, petroleum based substances, polymers that are not natural. And most of the time we're talking About the off gassing from plastics or the microplastics as plastics break down, for example, in your washing machine, you know from your super fancy synthetic clothing and you're a high performance, you know, athletic high tech, you know, windbreaker, or whatever it is that wicks moisture away from you that's has all that great, all those great properties that you paid extra for. That's breaking down, and it's going into the municipal water stream. And we are not designed to filter that out.
And neither are most of the filters that are on the market today. So we are drinking plastics as much as we are eating or breathing them in. So really important to understand and that water is getting is irrigating your food, your organic crops. Yep, yeah. And it is also an of course, there are plastics in our personal care products, which we've already covered today. So I won't spend a lot of time on it, but you will absorb those, you know, all the plastics. Jergens, for example, is gonna go right through your skin, and into your interstitium and then your lymph and then you know, chunk up your liver.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 21:05
It's the time of year where many of my patients are feeling the motivation to detox, cleanse, reset, whatever you want to call it. After the year we've had in 2020 I think we all could use some renewal in our lives. Of course, one of the most common resolutions at the start of the new year is to focus on exercise and clean eating, but I'm going to be honest, you likely need more than that. If you're looking to truly build optimal health. You likely change the furnace filters in your home regularly and in your car you probably pay close attention to scheduling oil changes, and both your car and your home this regular maintenance removes gunk that keeps those systems from operating at their best and even breaking down over time. Have you ever thought about the gunk that accumulates in your body? That gunk often takes the form of toxins that accumulate over time?
Can you believe that each year the average person is exposed to 14 pounds of pesticides, herbicides, food additives and preservatives. That's about the equivalent of a bowling ball of toxins. Just like your home and your car. Regular maintenance is required to restore your body's ability to cleanse itself and eliminate these toxins to keep you operating at your best and prevent long term damage. You might know that your liver is responsible for filtering toxins from your system and you can think about this as a glass of water. If you keep on pouring in the water, the glass will eventually get full and overflow. Similarly over your lifetime your liver may accumulate a large amount of toxins and need assistance clearing them out. When it comes to supporting your liver. Consider a strategically designed research structured liver cleanse program. To help with phase one and phase two detox pathways. You need a program with ingredients like beet, artichoke, dandelion, Milk Thistle and Alpha Lipoic Acid all of which help your liver and gallbladder purge toxins and then a fiber protein powder to bind the toxins so that you can eliminate them. In my practice, I recommend the core restore program.
The kit comes with day by day instructions making it very clear and easy to understand how to change your lifestyle what to eat and which supplements to take. Staying healthy can be difficult but straightforward, easy to follow cleanses like the core restore program can help you get back on track and pilot you into better behaviors moving forward in 2021 Please don't start this program if you have active gallstones or diabetes without consulting with your medical provider and this is not for those who are pregnant or nursing. I know from personal experience this type of program will help you feel better lose weight release stored toxins and benefit your entire body. Check out more product information on our website your longevity blueprint calm and use code liver detox for 10% off either the chocolate or vanilla core restore programs. Now let's get back to the show can greatly impact your hormones as well.
Not a funny story a sad story yesterday so I'm going to just kind of I guess bash this brand we bought a GE Profile Series dishwasher I mean it was over $1,000 It was like the we were like we're gonna splurge and get this really nice dishwasher right with a top rack that we had never had before for baby stuff and whatnot then I think we bought a lemon so I don't think it's G we literally bought a lemon but to make a long story short the plastic pieces that hold the bottom rack in commonly fall off and then they hit the metal rack on the bottom and melt and so leaching plastic fumes Is that what you would call them I don't know into the house and so we the dishwasher was under warranty and so we had I see the look on her face is like no this is bad.
We had while the machine was under warranty we had someone come out to try to fix it it was never thoroughly fixed. And literally yesterday my in laws were over and they were in the dishwasher and this happened and it's I feel like I almost have post traumatic stress from this happening because I try to weed no there are toxins everywhere but I feel like I really try to make wise choices and with keeping distance on my side with EMFs and not exposing myself to plastics and then here I have this lemon of a dishwasher that's leaching these toxic fumes into my home. And I literally mid afternoon was like I have to go home I told the staff I'm like Emily If I didn't have patients yesterday afternoon, I was just working, but I had to go home and get my son out of the house.
While we aired it out. It's snowing here, it's freezing. I told my in laws go home, we're getting out of here, I took the dog and my son, we have multiple air doctors running in the house, and it did air out. But that's just one example, you know, of how we're exposed to these toxic fumes. And I think maybe a regular, maybe 80% of lay people would just say, Oh, no big deal. It's a little smell. It's probably not hazardous to your health. And they may have some Advil, yeah, yeah, not a big deal. And the first time this happened, I had a headache almost immediately, almost immediately. And of course, it happened at like, we ran the dishwasher at like, 1030 at night. So at 11 o'clock at night, we started smelling these fumes. And I told Eric, this is not good. We can't sleep in this house tonight, and I gotta go to work in the morning. So I know I'm more aware of this issue. But I wanted to give that story to listeners just to for them to be aware of these sort of things, because these plastics like you're saying, so I can inhale those plastics, and then they can get stored in my body and lead to chronic disease.
So our house is aired out, and we're getting rid of the dishwasher. That was the final straw. We're getting a new dishwasher. Hopefully we can get one in the next few months. Hopefully they're in supply chain issues there. But I'm done. I've had it, they've never fixed it. Some of those decisions, although they might be big financial decisions, right? Get another dishwasher. It's worth it for your family. Like you said, you pay now or you pay later. So we are getting a new dishwasher.
Sinclair Kennally 26:29
The story is so important because you really have to think about your sources of exposure and almost treat it like a game guys who are listening, so that you don't wear yourself out. Because we don't want you going through life afraid we want you feeling vibrant and alive and vital and happy and carefree. Because you know, you've taken the time to make the best decisions for your family. And you're always in a state of learning and curiosity. And you're not getting overwhelmed. Like you could take that story from Dr. Stephanie and get totally overwhelmed. Or you could decide, You know what, I'm going to get curious now. And if that can happen from her dishwasher, think about what putting plastics and you know, plastic Tupperware and storage would do in the dishwasher as well. You know, because plastics, they are endocrine disruptors, right? Because a lot of them have fun Xeno estrogen properties, which means they mimic estrogen.
And they throw off your body's ability to maintain its own appropriate hormone levels, right. So we really need to think through how they affect the body. Because they also get stored like we ingest more than enough plastic to form a credit card every week as American. Wow. And also that is not getting excreted. If it is it's going through the bowels usually, thankfully, but it's often getting stored. And like for example, we talked about biofilm earlier, it can get lodged in biofilm in the gut lining and you're like, why can't I absorb my food? And I'm spending hundreds of dollars a month on supplements? Why can't I fix this? In the digestive tract? Which is one of the fastest healing systems in the body? Why can't it just heal itself? That's because these things are disrupting your body's self healing mechanisms. So that's why we care right in the
Dr. Stephanie Gray 28:04
first place. Yes, yes, absolutely. You're such a wealth of knowledge. And I can talk to you for another hour. But I know you got to go. So in conclusion of this episode, tell us a few things. So first, tell us where listeners can find you what your businesses where you're located. I guess start there,
Sinclair Kennally 28:20
where you can find us at detects rejuvenation comm. We see clients all over the world. And we actually have a summit coming up that I want to make sure we talk about because you're a guest on it. It's called it starts in the gut. Surprise, surprise, yes. Discover your root causes get rapid results. And it's a deep dive into everything talking about today, how to assess your life, or what may have been causing the original cause of your health disruption, and how to get your life back. Right. Come listen to our podcast, your health reset on all podcast distribution channels. You can find us on Instagram detox rejuvenation. Same thing with Facebook. I also run a really amazing meditation platform with my partner Dr. Tom Warcraft called meditate RX where we use meditation to support your health protocols for people working on chronic illness.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 29:09
Love it. Love it. I saw last night you posted something on your Facebook page about the insect apocalypse. I didn't read it all. But it's something about like, Why have insects declined 75% It's probably from toxins. And I know we don't have time to get into that. But go check out her Facebook page for some fun posts like that. And then lastly, I did want to ask you too many questions at once. So I wanted to start with those last two but tell us about your free gift. So you have a detox quiz also.
Sinclair Kennally 29:32
Yeah, we do and it's a really great way for you to check for yourself, hey, what stage Am I in? What would detox do for me if I if I did a real detox? You know, what am I in the practice stage? You know, what can this do for me? So how high do you score with your symptoms and how do you compare to other people? It's pretty eye opening.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 29:49
Love. I love it. I will post a link to that in the show notes. Last but not least, top longevity tip.
Sinclair Kennally 29:54
Top longevity tip obviously is detox Come in Yeah, no, but seriously to consider where you're at to understand that you are a part of your environment, you are not separate from it, and to consider the source for everything that you bring into your life and into your family's lives and into your bodies. Because the number one thing that we can do, yes, there are some toxins you can't avoid, but we're still our number one source of exposure. So you get to choose the quality of your life, you know, our ill health span, at the end of our lives has more than doubled. That used to be 10 years long, but we would feel not so good at the end of our lives, just in the last 10 years that has doubled to 20 years of ill health at the end of our lives, that is not okay, we're going one direction. So you can switch to organic tea, you can switch to organic loose leaf tea so it's not in a plastic tea bag. You can take a fresh look at your water filtration system and choose something within your budget. You can choose to go organic, you can make sure you never microwave food in a plastic container again, you know, these are really small things that you can do to add up to your longevity and protect your family. And there's so worth it. You got this guys, you can do this.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 30:59
Love it. Love it. Love it. I love this episode. Well, thank you so much Sinclair for coming on the show today and hopefully enlightening our audience on several places. They're exposed to toxins, while still instilling and empowering hope that they can do something about this toxic world. So thanks for coming on the show today.
Sinclair Kennally 31:14
My pleasure. Thanks so much, Stephanie.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 31:19
That was awesome. I'm going to have to bring her on the show. Again, we could have spoken for another hour. Be sure and listen to my interview with Steve dake on liver cleansing, which was originally episode 43. But considering all this detox talk, I decided to run it again next week. If you want to hear more from Sinclair, be sure to check out the show notes with links to her detox quiz. And I'd love to have you join us for her Summit. It starts in the gut March 16 through 21st. I'd especially love it if you use my link to register in the show notes. I think my interview may actually be opening the summit. Be sure to check out my book your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck. You can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book plus for a limited time the course is 50% off, check this offer out at your longevity blueprint comm and click the Course tab. One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. Leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I do read all the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics guests and for how you're applying what you learn on the show to create your own longevity blueprint. The podcast is produced by the team at counterweight creative as always thank you so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting.
The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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