Today I’m going to continue with part 3 in the liver detox series and get to supplements that can help you detox.
In Part 1 I made a case for how important it is to detox your body. In part two we started by discussing ways to clean up the diet and water you intake.
First, know that the liver is your most important organ for detoxification.
It filters blood and with the gallbladder produces bile to help transport toxins out.
Detox Pathways
In regards to our detox pathways, toxins start as being fat soluble. Our liver needs to be able to change them to a water-soluble toxin so that we can get rid of them in our stool. P450 enzymes take the substances and biotransform them into intermediary metabolites.
Who has experienced headaches or nausea with a detox before? This is why. The toxin gets stuck as an intermediary metabolite (IM). It’s necessary for Phase II to grab this IM metabolite and send it out as a harmless substance. What is needed for this to happen?
Detox Nutrients
Detox nutrients are micronutrients like magnesium, B Vitamins, amino acids, and glutathione.
These are needed as fuel, as building blocks for the liver to do what it needs to do. If these nutrients are MISSING the liver won’t work as well.
So some of the first supplements I recommend for detoxing the body are simply what can be found in a multivitamin like our Complete Multivitamin. If you’ve never taken one before now is the time to start.
The most simple way to help my patients work to detox with supplements is through the use of Our Core Restore program. This contains a multivitamin with the micronutrients I mentioned.
It also contains a product called Phytocore to help enhance your detox pathways.
What do I mean by this? It contains lipotropics and choleretics.
Lipotropics to help break fat down and transport it out of the liver. These include methionine, choline, and inositol.
Choleretics/cholegogues (herbs) are involved in bile production and help the liver produce bile and the gallbladder to express it out. You may have heard of artichoke before which is one example
So really this product serves to increase production and excretion of bile, help to transport the toxins and lubricate the stool to get them out so reabsorption of the toxins doesn’t take place.
Lastly, it contains other great liver support ingredients like silymarin (milk thistle), dandelion, yellow dock, and beat.
If we’re going to help our bodies dump toxins into the gut, they need to get bound and eliminated so they don’t just get recirculated right back into the bloodstream.
That’s where the next component of the detox program comes in. The Core Support powder contains 15g of protein as well as 5 grams of 5g Fiber and Bentonite. It provides support for each Phase II Pathway and has antioxidants to increase Cellular Energy like NAC and ALA and to boost glutathione.
Included in the Core Restore kit are directions for exactly what supplements to take and when, and how to eat (what foods to include and avoid). You can try a 1 or 2-week program.
Just like we change our filters in our homes, and just like how we take our cars to get oil changes, we need to also work to help our body flush out toxins.
This program is one way to do so!
You have the power to work to revitalize your liver.
Consider the Core Support Liver Detox program twice annually.
Learn more about detoxing the body in Chapter 5 of my book Your Longevity Blueprint.
Thank you for tuning in. Please share this knowledge with a friend.
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