Today I want to briefly share with you what I feel the top 7 supplements for men’s health are. These nutrients are important for various reasons, like preventing heart disease, enhancing hormone levels, optimizing bone density, and providing a healthier mental outlook.
Many men are low on these nutrients for the same reasons women are low: things like alcohol, tobacco and caffeine use, stress, and the medications they take like antacids and NSAIDS.
Excess exercise and stress can also deplete nutrients, as can malabsorption of nutrients from conditions like leaky gut stemming from food sensitivities.
- In my practice, it seems that my female patients are more diligent in taking their supplements than the men, so I’m going to start my recommendations with a multivitamin for men for them to cover their bases. If they take nothing else, take a high-quality capsule multivitamin, particularly one that contains a combo of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. My favorite product of ours to cover these bases is Mitochondrial Complex.
- Next, I recommend men take additional Vitamin D. Vitamin D can help support your bone density, your mood, energy, and immune health.
Strong evidence suggests the higher the level your Vitamin D the more reduced risk of various chronic conditions.
So how do you do this? Get your level checked.
You likely need much more than the RDA which is more like a minimum! That is the recommended amount established to prevent deficiency. It will not fix the deficiency.
Work with a health care provider to tailor your dosing to your level and symptoms.
Many times my patients need 5000, 10,000, or 50,000 IU to get their levels into the optimal range and then we can reduce the dose back down to a lesser maintenance dose which can vary by season.
- I’m also going to recommend that when D is taken, it be taken with K2. Although Vitamin D helps calcium get absorbed, K2 directs that calcium into the bones so you don’t get calcium in your arteries forming plaque or get kidney stones. So K2 is the third nutrient I recommend. We carry combination products of Vitamin D+K2 in liquid and capsule.
- Next, I recommend, magnesium which is a soothing calming mineral. It’s a cofactor for over 300 enzymes in your body. Half of your magnesium is found in your bones. It’s important for bone density, it’s necessary for hormone production, and it can help with sleep as it relaxes your mind. It can help relax your muscles, your bowels, and even maximize heart and nerve health. This can be dosed also based on levels and symptoms. The biggest side effects can be diarrhea and if that occurs, simply reduce your dose. This is less likely to happen when taking a capsule, amino acid chelated mineral form, like our magnesium glycinate.
- Omega 3s are essential, meaning we must obtain them from our food or from supplements. If you don’t have a coastal diet and access to fresh fish, you will need to supplement. Omega 3s are important for eye and brain health. They are very important for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to help the cognitive development of the child. They have tremendous cardiovascular benefits and can also help reduce insulin resistance. They are great to help reduce inflammation found in autoimmune diseases and can even help to reduce menstrual symptoms and support better mood.
When looking for a product, choose the one that contains both DHA and EPA. DHA supports optimal hormone signaling and EPA helps decrease inflammation. Also, assure your product is sourced from small fish like sardines and anchovies and is distilled and free of heavy metals. The triglyceride form is also best. Starting dose is usually 1000 mg or 1 gram/day.
- CoQ10 is a fat-soluble nutrient. It helps produce your cellular energy. You make less as you age. It is an antioxidant so it helps protect us from oxidative stress and free radicals. It can also help reduce heart disease. It can actually help to lower blood pressure. Symptoms of low CoQ10 include muscle weakness, fatigue, and even muscle pains. Medications like statin drugs for lowering cholesterol deplete this nutrient. It is usually dosed between 60-300 mg/day.
- Lastly, if men are struggling with high blood pressure or erectile dysfunction, nitric oxide boosting products like our NOX support containing citrulline, quercetin, and grape seed extract can be very helpful. It helps to maintain the elasticity of the cells lining your blood vessels and again enhances circulating nitric oxide levels.
As always alert your health care provider of any supplement you are taking and work with your health care provider on the dosage that is right for you.
Learn more about supplements in Chapter 4 of my book Your Longevity Blueprint.
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