Toxins are one of the leading contributors to disease and they’re literally all around us. Naomi Damask and Aimee Carlson explain what’s changed in the last few decades to bring toxins to the forefront of our disease conversations. They talk about how to test for toxin exposure and share why we all need to be better about taking ownership of our health and reducing our toxic load.
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Four Toxins to Remove from Your Life
- Mold
- Heavy Metals
- Hidden Infections
- General Toxicity (Environmental Toxins, Personal Care Products, EMFs, Cookware, Etc)
About Aimee Carlson
Aimee Carlson is the host of The Toxin Terminator podcast, a best-selling author, and featured expert guest on numerous podcasts and summits. Aimee has spent the last 7 years removing hidden toxins from her own home to be free of chronic disease and helps hundreds do the same. Through her podcast, she has access to some of the top doctors, healers, experts, and industry leaders in the natural health and wellness field.
Aimee’s passion is giving hope to those who are still suffering, getting no relief from traditional medicine, and ready to take control by detoxing and cleansing their health and environment.
About Naomi Damask
Naomi Damask is a certified wellness coach, wellness entrepreneur in the epigenetic, biohacking, and nutrigenomics sector of the wellness industry.
She is the founder of the Vitamin C Party – a party that everyone needs to attend as it focuses on some of the most important aspects of wellness – community, connection, and conversation!
Naomi’s mission is to educate women on how to live a preventative lifestyle. She’s the co-host of the weekly podcast, Wellness Wednesday Worldwide, and is regularly featured on many podcasts. She is a mom to two active teenage daughters, serves on non-profit boards, and enjoys living an active lifestyle of yoga, hiking, paddleboarding, and downhill skiing.
The Importance of Your Toxic Load
Aimee Carlson and Naomi Damask talk about their own histories with toxic overload. They both share the importance of taking ownership of your own role within your healthcare and your personal responsibility to start removing toxins from your lifestyle. Toxins are one of the leading forms of disease but you can make changes to reduce their impact on your body.
There are so many different diseases, signs, and symptoms of toxin exposure, but Aimee and Naomi break down some of the most common signs. Brain fog, in particular, is a leading sign that you’re living in a moldy environment.
There are four big toxin groups that you want to eliminate from your life. Naomi and Aimee share some great tips on how to reduce the toxins from your kitchen – one of the biggest sources of at-home toxic burden! Start by reducing your plastic use and go from there.
Testing for Your Toxicity
We all believe it’s so important to get tested to see your own toxic load before treating yourself for toxin exposure. The best tests we recommend are:
- Neurotoxicity Questionnaire
- Visual Contrast Sensitivity Test
- Mycotoxin Test
- D.U.T.C.H. Test
These tests will give your physician or naturopathic practitioner a great starting point to see what the best way to improve your health while reducing your toxic load is. I perform many of these tests in my own clinic.
Aimee and Naomi talk about your body’s Detox Funnel; this is a term they coined to describe your mouth to colon channel. An optimal Detox Funnel starts with a healthy mouth, including what dental work you have, and ends with a regular, daily bowel movement. Another important aspect of the Detox Funnel is ensuring your lymphatic system is working optimally by hot/cold activity and dry brushing.
Finally, we talk about the best foods and supplements to take to optimally reduce your toxic load. Naomi and Aimee recognize that supplements aren’t the best way to get these vitamins and nutrients but understand that sometimes they’re a necessity.
Are you concerned about your toxic load? We can test for toxicity here! Call the Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic today and schedule your first appointment at 319-363-0033.
“It’s so much more than diet and exercise. We have to look at our emotional toxins, as well. Those thoughts that we constantly have, we have to detox from those, just as much as learning about our body. We have to look at the whole house because it all works together.” [8:50]
“Our bodies are a beautiful gift. We are meant to heal but we live in a toxic soup right now. We have to take ownership. We have to do all that we can do to fight off the toxins.” [9:44]
“70% of our toxins are released through deep breath. I’ve seen this statistic numerous times and in numerous places, we release a lot through our breath, through our lungs. Don’t forget about deep breathing.” [48:47]
In This Episode
- Why toxins are a leading contributor to disease [11:00]
- Some of the signs and symptoms of toxic overload [15:45]
- What toxins to remove from your life [18:30]
- What changes to make for a toxin-free kitchen [21:00]
- The tests you need to certify toxicity [25:00]
- What you need to know about your dental health [31:00]
- How to use optimally your body’s natural Detox Funnel to remove toxins [38:00]
- How to use dry brushing to improve your lymphatic system [44:00]
- How to breathe deeply to remove toxins [49:00]
- What food and supplements to use to help decrease your toxic load [53:00]
Links & Resources
Use Code LIVERDETOX 10% for Off Chocolate or Vanilla Core Restre
Use Code ENERGY for 10% Off Mitochondrial Complex
Learn About the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
Listen to Aimee Carlson’s Previous Episode: 5 Pillars Of A Toxin-Free Lifestyle With Aimee Carlson
Follow Aimee Carlson on Facebook | YouTube
Get your copy of the Your Longevity Blueprint book and claim your bonuses here
Follow Dr. Stephanie Gray on Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | Twitter | LinkedIn
Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast Production by the team at Counterweight Creative
Related Episodes
Episode 41: How To Reduce Toxins In The Home With Genevieve White
Episode 45: Castor Oil Packs With Dr. Marisol Teijeiro
Episode 23: Dutch Testing With Estrogen Metabolism With Dr. Carrie Jones
Episode Transcript
Aimee Carlson 0:02
Our body nudges us. It gives us that little tap, tap tap Hey, pay attention to me. And if we don't listen, they morph into disease.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:12
Welcome to the your longevity blueprint podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Stephanie gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. You're about to hear from Amy Carlson and Naomi mask and we're gonna dive back into why consistently making a conscious effort to detox our bodies is so important. Now while this is a repeat topic on the podcast, I promise we're going to share new information today. Let's get started.
Thanks for joining me for another episode of The your longevity blueprint podcast today I have back on the show Amy Carlson. She was one of my first guests back in episode 10, where we discussed five pillars of a toxin free lifestyle. She's the host of the toxin Terminator podcast, a best selling author and featured expert guest on numerous podcasts and summits. Amy has spent the last seven years removing hidden toxins from her own home to be free of chronic disease and has helped hundreds do the same. Through her podcast she has had access to some of the top doctors, healers, experts and industry leaders in the natural health and wellness field. Amy's passion is giving back to those who are still suffering getting no relief from traditional medicine and ready to take control by detoxing and cleansing their health and environment. Now since the time that I interviewed her, she has joined with Naomi de mask creating a Facebook group called Transforming Women's Health which I'm going to let them share a little bit about.
I was able to speak to their group last October 2020 for breast cancer awareness month on estrogen metabolism testing. So let me tell you a little bit about Naomi here. So Naomi is a certified wellness coach wellness entrepreneur in the epigenetic biohacking and nutrigenomics sector of the wellness industry. She's the founder of the vitamin C party, a party that everybody needs to attend as it focuses on some of the most important aspects of wellness, community connection and conversation. Naomi's mission is to educate women around how to live a preventative lifestyle. She is now co leading the group I mentioned transforming women's health. Each month she brings together an expert wellness speaker to address some of the most important information around women's health. She's also the co host of the weekly podcast Wellness Wednesday worldwide and is regularly featured on many podcast. She's a mom to two active teenage daughters serves on nonprofit boards and enjoys living an active lifestyle of yoga, hiking, paddleboarding, and downhill skiing. So welcome to the show, Amy and Naomi.
Aimee Carlson 2:37
We're happy to be here. Anytime we can talk about women's health and helping women who might be struggling. That's good day for me.
Naomi Damask 2:47
I know I'm so excited, Stephanie. Just because I know these conversations are so important and people are really thirsty for this knowledge right now.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 2:55
I totally agree. So as your listeners likely remember, chapter five of my book, Your longevity blueprint is all about toxin. So I'm going to remind you here within that blueprint analogy, I'm comparing our laundry room, I'm sorry, I'm comparing the laundry room and the home to the gallbladder and liver in our bodies. You need a great washer and dryer in your home as well as soap to do the good job of cleaning your clothes, cleaning up that dirty laundry so the pile doesn't keep burdening you and keep building up right? The same is true for our bodies. throughout our lifetime we accumulate a large burden of toxins that can cause chronic disease and today we're going to talk more about why that happens.
Now in March 2020, I launched five back to back episodes specifically with detox topics which you may have listened to on liver cleansing, prolonged fasting detoxing the home infrared sauna using castor oil packs. So if those topics interest you and after listening today, if you want to know more about detoxing, please go back and listen to those episodes 41 through 45. I really don't think we could ever exhaust the topic of detoxification though we live in this toxic world. And I have two women on the show today who are very passionate about educating women specifically on ways to minimize their toxic burden. So this is a forever ongoing journey. We're going to continue talking about detoxification today. So with that being said, I'm going to stop talking and let these ladies start talking. I would like for them each to share their journeys back to health and that involved a lot of detoxification. So I'd like for each of you to kind of share your journey.
Aimee Carlson 4:17
You bet. I'll go first because my story is pretty short if that's okay with you. So, eight years ago, I was suffering from multiple chronic diseases. I actually was diagnosed in menopause at the age of 36, which is a battle 11 years sooner than the average woman gets into menopause. I had lots and lots of reproductive issues happening. And I was seeing all kinds of specialists spending all kinds of money trying to get everything figured out and I really was hitting roadblocks everywhere I turned. I also suffered from migraines that took my vision on the left side. I had lost that vision on the left side, daily headaches that were happening in my life. So I was kind of a mess running through all of that stuff. And I accidentally through essential oils was introduced to this lifestyle of living more naturally, I put my trust and faith in the doctors and thought that, you know, if anything, they could heal me. And they didn't.
And when I learned about essential oils quite by accident, it really opened up this whole world to me, of really trying to dig into the home and learning what was I using, what was the lifestyle that I had lived prior to that, that was contributing to the things that I had going on in my body. And bit by bit, it all started changing around, I was able to complete my menopause journey with very little symptoms at all. I got my vision back, I do not have headaches or migraines anymore. And so for me, that was huge, you know, success in transforming my life. And quite honestly, when I got into this journey to finding out that the products that I was using inside my home, were not safe made me angry. I was in the automotive industry. And I worked there for 30 years, and we are highly regulated. And so I've never even crossed my mind that that other industries are not as regulated as we were. And I wanted to give it a voice. I wanted to go out and share exactly what it was that made the difference for me, and that was removing toxins from my home. So I'm grateful for this journey and grateful where it's it's led me
Dr. Stephanie Gray 6:33
and thus you became the toxin Terminator.
Aimee Carlson 6:38
And when I got into this Stephanie, people were talking about eating people were talking about exercise, but no one was talking about toxin.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 6:45
Yeah, agreed. And they still I mean, we are today talking about toxins, but still 90% of conventional trained doctors don't even just that doesn't even cross their mind to discuss with patients. So yep, so hence Naomi's story. So Naomi, please share your story.
Naomi Damask 7:00
So it's definitely my life changed nine years ago, when I was diagnosed with two invasive breast cancer tumors, and I was in my 30s. And cancer did not run necessarily in my genes, per se. And that really just opened a whole new world to me, because I was like, how am I getting cancer, I was active. I used to run marathons. You know, I was supposedly eating pretty clean, I thought I loved a healthy lifestyle. And it really made me pause to wonder and look at my life. And I say this all the time that I take ownership of my cancer. And I don't blame myself, but I do take ownership because now that I know better. I can look and put all the puzzle pieces together, right? It goes all the way back to high school I look at I was constantly having issues with you know, heavy periods, cramping, and all that.
But the solution that was always given to me was like, well, we can put you on birth control. That was always the solution. And I was like, I don't want that. I don't want that. And it wasn't until college that after college, actually that I did go on birth control. But that still wasn't solving my problems. And you know, I just look at that whole journey. I had Epstein Barr Virus in high school. You know, it's those different hidden toxins that Amy and I we like to talk about. It's not just one area. But what I've learned is I've seen five oncologists over the past nine years. And no one no one and all these other doctors that I've talked to have ever talked to me about any of the things that I'm doing in my life,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 8:34
which is so sad. And I would make me angry, like Amy said, you know, you were angry. But but you have a good attitude, Naomi, you're not angry, you're taking ownership.
Naomi Damask 8:42
I am and I you know what, and I find this to be a blessing because now I get to help so many women, I get to help them understand our body. And I always say it's so much more than diet and exercise, we have to look at our emotional toxins as well. Those thoughts that we constantly are having those, we also need to detox from just as much as learning about our body and how our body works. And we can't just say, I'm just going to look at this area, we have to look at like how you were when using the analogy of the laundry room, we had to look at the whole house, right? Because it all works together. Right? And we really need to heal our bodies from the inside. And that's where it really starts to make sense is like you stop to think oh well our bodies are made to detox like what you're saying castor oil packs.
I love using those I talk about those all the time, all the simple things and it's basically things that our great grandparents used to do that make sense to heal our bodies we using food as our medicine. And so it's just it's a beautiful thing that God gave us is our get our bodies and are meant to heal. But we live in a toxic soup right now. So we have to take ownership we have to do all that we can do to fight off the toxins. So we need you know person like Amy in our world. It's all about those hidden toxins. And then I do love to talk about the detoxification pathways. I've ran a group on Facebook now for about four years about the lymphatic system. And the reason why I did it was hold myself accountable, but also to bring awareness that this is an important system in our body that really helps with our immune system. But it's everything is linked together, we can't just separate one thing, we have to look at the body as a whole. And that's why what you do, as a practitioner is so important with the functional medicine side of things. Yes.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 10:35
Well, I totally agree. A lot of my guests that I've had on the podcast, say when you know better, you do better, right? So we want listeners to know better. And that's what I want to talk about today. So thank you both for, for sharing your stories. Let's get into why toxins are a leading contributor to disease and inflammation. So all you guys decide who wants to answer what question what I'll just start asking
Aimee Carlson 10:57
at that sounds great. When it comes to toxins, this is the thing is we're exposed to so many different toxins inside our home outside our homes. And what happens is, these toxins build up it, you know, when we do our boot camp, I do this little visual where I have a picture, I have two pitchers of water. And I asked my listeners, you know, okay, tell me what you do on a daily basis. And they start rattling off, like I get up and I make coffee, and I drop a little bit of food coloring in there because most coffee has toxins in it. And we just go about doing that. And then I say okay, here's the the clear water was nice, healthy cells, that's the healthy cells. And then once it comes becomes colored, that's the toxins building up inside the cells of the body. And that leads to the inflammation in the cell. And that leads to disease, right? So this is why toxins are so important. But then we we talk about what are ways that we can get rid of toxins in so we start scooping water out and we add more clear what you know fresh water and
Dr. Stephanie Gray 12:04
you have a solution to pollution is dilution. What is that? What they say? Yeah,
Aimee Carlson 12:07
right. But it never gets clear. Again, it you know, we can lighten it, but it never gets clearer. And that's what I think we're missing when we talk about toxins with most people is that we're looking at things in the laundry room, things in the kitchen, you know, and which are good things, but we're not looking at the toxins that are actually building up in the cell. So when we do this exercise, again, I talked to them about the five steps that are actually going to get rid of the toxins inside the cell. And when we do each five step all the sudden, we've got crystal clear water and nice healthy cells, the people who have I've taken the toxins away from my personal care products, right, but I'm still have hormone resistance, I still have insulin resistance, I have weight loss resistance, I can't lose all that weight. It's because we still haven't got the toxins out of the cell.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 13:03
Mm hmm. I totally agree. I'm gonna go off on a tangent real quick. And then we'll have to say this. Because this episode will launch after I launched a lot of episodes with OB jeans, I've interviewed, I don't know, six to 10 Different OB Gen Xers who were conventionally trained. And now they're practicing more functional medicine. And many of them say similar to my practice, they see women come in with weight loss resistance, right, right. And yes, we can give them bioidentical natural hormones, or we can optimize their hormones, that doesn't guarantee everyone's gonna lose weight. So a lot of those women when they hit menopause, right, they're doing nothing different, other than their toxic burden has continued to grow. Yeah, they cannot lose weight. And so a lot of women don't want to hear it, because they just want to come in and get a prescription for, you know, natural hormone replacement therapy. And there's a time and place for that I prescribe a lot of that. But they don't want to hear that they're going to have to make some changes to get rid of the toxins so they can lose the weight. So I just wanted to, and all these OB genes had this overwhelming consensus, they all agreed, they all told me the same thing that they think toxins are a huge contributor to contributor to weight gain in that population.
Naomi Damask 14:06
Right? Well, while we also know that it's actually most genes, like for me, it's not cancer isn't the driver, the genes, it's actually lifestyle and environmental. And so that goes back to the toxins that were exposed to. And some of them we can't control some we can control. So I always say we got to do what we can control in the situation, and the ones that we can't control, alright, well, then we need to make sure our body is really equipped to handle it, like what we're saying repairing the cell membrane, like getting into that cell and learning about methylation. Like I just actually did a talk today and that's what we're talking about tonight on our bootcamp is the methylation of the cells and all those fun scientific things that we learned back in eighth grade that we never thought we'd really need to know about right?
Aimee Carlson 14:57
thing to, you know, your question was about why toxins the leading driver, and I want our audience to understand and maybe they've heard these numbers before. But since World War Two over 86,000 chemicals have been introduced into production in our world, and every single year 15,000 More get added in. So the toxic law is just getting bigger and bigger. And here's the the scary part of this is that only 1010 have actually been tested for narrow toxicity to our bodies. There are zero tests that have been done that like if you use shampoo and body wash, what are those ingredients gonna do in conjunction with each other?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 15:40
We're a big soupy experiment. Yeah. Yeah, toxic soup experiment. So tell us how would we know if we've been exposed to toxins clearly, which with a statistics you just shared? We are but can you give us some examples? And maybe things that you found through both of your journeys?
Naomi Damask 15:55
Definitely, there's different signs, our bodies are always giving us clues, like brain fog, what's going on with your skin? You know, a lot of times that was me, like I knew something was happening because I was having acne and I really didn't have acne as a teenager, and also as an adult in your 30s. More acne, you know, it's just the headaches for me was a big thing I suffered from migraines, it's all clues that our bodies are giving us that we have an overload, our bucket is overflowing in our
Aimee Carlson 16:25
body, right? digestive issues, you know, some of the very first symptoms of toxic burden on the body is a change in body odor. That is one of the very first clues is going on with your body. So if you've got a change in body odor, even your feces if your feces has a change in body odor, there's something going on and we need to start paying attention. Our body kind of nudges us, it gives us that little tap, tap tap Hey, pay attention to me. And if we don't listen, these symptoms that Naomi listed out and things like digestive issues as well. They morph into disease, you know, autoimmune diseases, they morph into diabetes, they morph into our disease. Yeah, yeah. disease, stroke and cancer. You know, so when are we going to pay attention to the signals the body's giving us?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 17:15
A lot of people look normal, and they take they want the pill for the ill, right until the pills no longer work? Yeah, right.
Naomi Damask 17:23
It's an easier solution. And that was the whole thing is when I was having the migraines, when I went to go see a doctor, his solution was, first of all, he just told me, lady, you're stressed, I ran my own business. I was a mom, you know, have a new baby, a toddler, my husband was in grad school. Plus, he traveled internationally for his business. And he just looked at me it was like, you're stressed. Here's the script, take some drugs. And I was like, No, I don't do that. But like, what's going on? Never once did I connect the dots because I went to the doctor Stephanie for solutions, right. And that's when I realized afterwards that I'm like, I need to use my story to educate people that you also have to be your own advocate, and really understand like, I'm having migraines when linking them back. Now. They were hormonal, right? And it wasn't because I was asked to gym positive. Hmm.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 18:16
Ah, so frustrating, again, to think about at the time, but so glad you are where you are now. And we want to hear the end of your story eventually through this podcast for your good news. But let's go back to some toxins then. So what are some important toxins that the listeners should know that we really should be concentrating on removing from our lives?
Aimee Carlson 18:35
Well, we like to think that there's kind of the four amigos or the four worst offenders of toxins. So we've got mold, you know, is a big one, that a lot of people don't realize all the different areas of exposure that we have for mold. You have heavy metals, and we talk about heavy metal. Well, we'll get into that. We've got heavy metals, we have mold, we have hidden infections, and we'll talk more about those. And then we have general toxicity. And this is your environmental toxins, the things that you're using inside the home. Sure.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 19:08
So personal care products, and then also cleaning products, whatnot. Right?
Aimee Carlson 19:12
Yeah. And cookware, cookwares EMF, you know, they're inside the home. There's all kinds of, you know, it could be building materials, it could be, you know, all the VOCs that happen inside that home. So there's lots of different toxins. And, of course, we don't want to be overwhelming and we don't want people to think oh my gosh, you know, I can't live inside my home. There's certainly things that we can do. And we just start somewhere. You know, Naomi likes to say it's, it's all those little 1% that are going to add up to 100%. Right? Yes.
Naomi Damask 19:45
Yeah. And like Amy was saying we will start to do better by buying organic foods, but then I'll swatch people still cook their foods, either in the microwave or storing them with plastic and not in glass or cooking with Teflon versus like, Okay, well, those are all chemicals. Right? What are we doing? You know, he didn't our food up in the microwave. What are we really doing to that food? Are we even actually killing off the bacterias? Because there is going to be some bacterias and your your foods. Right, right. And so it's okay those little Yeah, right. Yeah, right. We weren't Yeah, our body needs actually, when we're in a good homeostasis, we can fight off those bacterias. But it's like, what can we do? What can we control? And we're not saying go do everything at once. But it's like, alright, you ran out of laundry. So let's replace it, right? Something a better choice.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 20:41
Just make the small steps and like you said, they, they certainly add up. So I have to ask here. What's your favorite cookware? Or what's your favorite swap you've made in the kitchen? You can drop some brands here.
Aimee Carlson 20:51
Okay, so I know for me, there's two things that I have done. Well, three things that are like big for me. Number one is you I use stainless steel cookware. I don't use anything with the nonstick coating on it. And actually I have I have Stainless Steel Cookware that is probably 50 years old. You know, it's been around a long, long time, and it's royal prestige. I think they call them something else now and last for forever. Secondly, I use zero plastic. A couple of the things that I have done is I use
Dr. Stephanie Gray 21:25
glass. What about plastic lids? Do you have plastic lids on your
Aimee Carlson 21:29
some of them do have plastic lids, you know, they snap off into the base out of mason jars too. So there's no plastic involved with that at all. Some products I'll store in stainless steel containers, especially when you got little ones you know you've got more volume so little stainless steel containers would be great. And then the other thing too is I use reusable silicone bags, rather than the plastic ziplock bags. Yes. Are you wash them and reuse some
Dr. Stephanie Gray 21:58
good tips? stasher bags or what are those? What's that brand stash stash?
Naomi Damask 22:01
Are they sure Sasha Yeah, sure referring to
Aimee Carlson 22:05
right I got mine are Cuisinart is yeah, I've gifted
Dr. Stephanie Gray 22:08
some of those to the staff in past years for Christmas, because I did find them useful. And I want them to make these safe swaps as well. And, you know, my son is now oh, by the time this episode airs, he will have been in school for a while but he's just kind of preparing to go to school. And so I thought okay, I got to find him a non toxic lunchbox. And a lot of my friends had these planet boxes. They're you know, they're
Naomi Damask 22:27
so wonderful. Yeah, so
Dr. Stephanie Gray 22:29
you know, my husband's like this looks kind of weird it's kind of funky look. But I said he's not going with the plastic one I can tell you that. So I ordered this little lunch box and it does have little stainless steel containers inside for his dips or whatnot. So you know I have to now be thinking of what can I do for my son so that he from the beginning can start with you know, a low toxic burn and hopefully his won't accumulate at the right mind it so those are great tips. Like I love those I agree with those. Naomi you probably were gonna say the same thing you have any
Naomi Damask 23:00
other I was gonna say I use similar like my stainless steel pots and pans I actually got from my mom so use those I use no nonstick cast iron. I cook a lot on cast iron as well. Glass that was the other thing I replaced for the most part I still have all glass my husband still like says you know once in a while having some plastic still there and I'm like fine. But then for the my girls similar to you, Stephanie. I went ahead and there's a line. It's an online website called Mighty nest. Yeah. Great place. Yes. And that's where I went and got all like the stainless steel reusable containers. And they weren't cheap. I will say that but guess what my my daughter's now. Both of them are about to be in high school. And I've had them since preschool.
So it was a good investment. And then I have reusable a lot of them. I have reusable cloth bags as well that I use for their food. Some of them have like a they're a French brand. So they have more of like a almost like a beeswax lining in the inside of them as well. And I use those we use reusable water bottles. I will save glass jars. I use a lot of mason jars as well. That's why I tell people you don't have to spend the money if you're buying even spaghetti jars or something less than a glass jar. Save those jars. Manny's jars. Yeah, we have so many choices. Now. I will use like I love kombucha, so if I buy a kombucha bottle, I will reuse those and I now use those to drink out of I'll use it to make homemade salad dressing sent home. I'm big about repurposing.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 24:34
Yeah, I feel like my generation my grandma saved everything right? She was always repurposing something. Right? And my generation hasn't always done that we just throw away and buy new No, we need to be thinking of repurposing things. I love that. So what are the specific tests that you recommend? And I may chime in here with my opinion on some of these to tell me what are the specific tests that you recommend to your clients to help them evaluate their toxicities? Maybe In regards to molds, metals, infections and things that you were just mentioning.
Aimee Carlson 25:04
So I'm a certified toxicity and detox specialist, there are a couple of tests that I can do within that scope and realm to have the tests that I can do are one is called a narrow toxicity questionnaire. So it is simply a questionnaire, but it gives us a high level view for someone just coming in that we can we can identify, do we have biotoxins? Do we have heavy metals? Do we have some general toxicity, it's divided into categories, and I can see where some areas of exposure might be and can lead to a next step.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 25:40
So screening, big comprehensive screening,
Aimee Carlson 25:43
exactly. And then the next test that I can do as a VCs test is the visual contrast sensitivity tests. And that can really identify mold, heavy metals, toxin genotoxicity exposures that we have through that contrast test that we take from there. Usually, I'll go one or the other, it will lead me into do they need to see somebody like you, Dr. Gray, that we need to do a mycotoxin test, there's tests that we can do B A blood via urine be the hair that you know, can really dive in deep when we have that snapshot view. So I always tell people start with the least invasive first. Yeah, and take a look at that. And then from there, it's going to guide us on to where we need to go.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 26:29
I totally agree. The Visual Contrast Sensitivity is really cheap test, I think it's like 1015 bucks to do online. And that's essentially looking at if your body if the circulation to the back of your eye where your ability to detect contrast is has been compromised from biotoxin illnesses, things like Lyme and mold and whatnot. So it's a really helpful screening. I started doing a lot of those in my practice, when I first started learning about this. And then patients that you know, through the months and years later that have retested we see a lot of improvement. So it's really encouraging for them to see that improvement. So I totally agree. I think those are those are great tests. Do you want anything Naomi?
Naomi Damask 27:02
I was just gonna say Dr. Gray, I think it's so important for us to test and not be guessing. Because that's the whole thing is if you can just go ahead, you're going to end up spending more money by keep guessing and guessing versus just spend the money, get the testing done. I also am a big believer, and I know you offer this test Dr. Gray is the Dutch test yet for myself, I look at the fact that nine years out I've never ever been offered this test suggested this test yet my cancer was estrogen driven, that I've just am baffled. And that will tell you a lot of things, it's going to give you clues as to what's going on in your body. And then also your gut, your gut. And also if you're just wanting your homocysteine like just to see your blood panel, normal blood panel as well. And last thing is to test your genetic snips. Because then you'll have a better understanding if you are MTHFR, you're in to understand your methylation and why you need to be doing the certain things for yourself, because that all has to go back to detoxification. And so for me, I now know, I have two markers with MTHFR. Sure,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 28:15
I want to comment on so much of what you both just said, because to the listeners, this can be very overwhelming because I think a lot of us are now aware, okay, I need to maybe purchase safer personal care products, right. But then we don't think oh my gosh, I could have environmental exposures like in the air, I'm breathing in my home to mold whatnot. So there are tests that functional medicine practitioners like myself can run, I run a urine mycotoxin test on patients all the time. And many times even patients with heavy bleeding right back to Naomi, some of the challenges you had, I've had sometimes heavy bleeding is from higher estrogen from certain molds, right, that can literally mimic estrogen in the body. Mold can cause not just respiratory symptoms that can cause a slew of symptoms through the entire body. But I will say brain fog is one of the top symptoms of mold. A lot of my patients who come to me taking Adderall or taking stimulants were able to discover what was you know, stressing the body, compromising their ability to make neurotransmitters many times that's been molded, and I've been able to get patients off meds like Adderall. So we can test for mold. We can test for heavy metals.
I will say I commonly see high lead. I commonly see high cadmium, especially in smokers. I can tell if someone smokes just by running a nutritional evaluation on him. Sometimes we'll see aluminum Well, you know, there are there are other metals that we can see aluminum can come from deodorant back to personal care products. So there are a lot of just screenings just like you're saying you can offer patients a screening questionnaire that can then increase the suspicion of toxic burden. And then you can go to your functional medicine practitioner to have them run a more comprehensive analysis. Chapter eight of my book is all about infection. So I talked about viruses and I put mold and lime in that category as well. And then chapter six is all about hormones where I talk a little bit about estrogen metabolism and the Dutch testing that Naomi is alluding to I have an entire episode on I don't know what episode it was, but it was Last fall in October with a director of precision analytical Carrie Jones.
So that that episode is literally called estrogen metabolism testing. And if you have had endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, breast cancer, whatnot, highly encourage you listen to that episode. So what Naomi is saying is that she has had, she has detected that she has some genetic variants that have set her up for poor estrogen methylation, we'll just say poor estrogen detoxification, right. She never knew that her doctors never tested her. She finally has had testing done, which has discovered some of that, and there are nutritional interventions, she now has the power to, you know, initiate that can improve her methylation improve her detoxification of estrogen. So I couldn't agree more having a hormone clinic looking at at hormone metabolism in the Dutch test and looking at genetics can help providers like myself put the pieces of the puzzle together that patients are looking for. So I agree it's, you save money by just doing the test versus guessing because otherwise, we just don't know, do you need B vitamins or not? Right, let's let's do the test and figure that out.
Aimee Carlson 30:57
I was just gonna say when you were talking about hidden infections, you mentioned line, and a couple other things. But we also need to be looking at our oral health when we're talking about hidden infections. If you are somebody who has had wisdom teeth pulled, if you've had tooth extracts, if you've had root canals, then it's very highly likely that you could have pockets, you know, going on the bacteria has developed inside there has gotten into the bloodstream, and this is what we call a hidden infection. And many times, they can take up to 20 plus years to really a surface within the body. And the testing that can be done with us is really just a good oral dental exam, going to your dentist and having them do a good look inside the mouth to be able to see what is happening inside the mouth. But that is a really big source of a lot of hidden infections is our mouth.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 31:51
It's the time of year where many of my patients are feeling the motivation to detox, cleanse, reset, whatever you want to call it. After the year we've had in 2020 I think we all could use some renewal in our lives. Of course, one of the most common resolutions at the start of the new year is to focus on exercise and clean eating, but I'm going to be honest, you likely need more than that. If you're looking to truly build optimal health. You likely change the furnace filters in your home regularly and in your car you probably pay close attention to scheduling oil changes, and both your car in your home this regular maintenance removes gunk that keeps those systems from operating at their best and even breaking down over time. Have you ever thought about the gunk that accumulates in your body? That gunk often takes the form of toxins that accumulate over time? Can you believe that each year the average person is exposed to 14 pounds of pesticides, herbicides, food additives and preservatives.
That's about the equivalent of a bowling ball of toxins. Just like your home and your car. Regular maintenance is required to restore your body's ability to cleanse itself and eliminate these toxins to keep you operating at your best and prevent long term damage. You might know that your liver is responsible for filtering toxins from your system and you can think about this as a glass of water. If you keep on pouring in the water, the glass will eventually get full and overflow. Similarly over your lifetime your liver may accumulate a large amount of toxins and need assistance clearing them out. When it comes to supporting your liver. Consider a strategically designed research structured liver cleanse program. To help with phase one and phase two detox pathways. You need a program with ingredients like beet, artichoke, dandelion, Milk Thistle and Alpha Lipoic Acid all of which help your liver and gallbladder purge toxins and then a fiber protein powder to bind the toxins so that you can eliminate them. In my practice, I recommend the core restore program.
The kit comes with day by day instructions making it very clear and easy to understand how to change your lifestyle what to eat and which supplements to take. Staying healthy can be difficult, but straightforward, easy to follow cleanses like the core restore program can help you get back on track and pilot you into better behaviors moving forward in 2021. Please don't start this program if you have active gallstones or diabetes without consulting with your medical provider. And this is not for those who are pregnant or nursing. I know from personal experience this type of program will help you feel better lose weight, release stored toxins and benefit your entire body. Check out more product information on our website, your longevity blueprint calm and use code liver detox for 10% off either the chocolate or vanilla core restore programs. Now let's get back to the show. So I totally agree. So what she's saying is a lot of bacteria can get trapped and you can have what's called a cavitation.
And I will say I would highly encourage you see a holistic environmental dentist who is more trained in detecting these sorts of issues because there are a lot of times just like Naomi, how you went to your doctor and you know they could not for you much other than birth control. A lot of patients go to their dentist and they're left saying you're fine. Everything's fine. They're just they're not trained as a detective to look for these problems. So I do think I agree I send patients to dentist who use ozone to really totally clean out the mouth get rid of those cavitations Do you have a good point that which also made me want to mention to the listeners another hidden infection is yeast. When you're talking about the oral cavity, I had a patient yesterday who came in with extreme bloating extreme bloating, she's been to you know, see her gi several times they've scoped her every possible way recommended every medication in the book.
And all I had to do is look at her tongue to tell her she was Yeastie Hemi she had big white furry tongue, right? That's not normal. So all the antibiotics she had taken for acne for various reasons likely had led to this yeast I'm sure that's only I've seen her once. I'm sure that's only part of my discovery with her and on her journey to health. But I could just tell by looking at her tongue that her gut health was not optimal based on her oral health. So if your doctors never looked in your mouth and never commented on anything, find a doctor that's going to do a more thorough physical examination on
Aimee Carlson 35:46
you and look at your silver fillings. If you still have silver fillings inside your mouth, get them out that mercury toxicity that's happening inside your mouth is really affecting the body in many, many different ways on they did a study in Germany, where they had 17,000 People with silver fillings and they tested their saliva, they had not chew at all and tested how much mercury was in their saliva. Then they had them chew and tested the mercury levels in their saliva, then they had him chew gum. Okay, this is eye opening, and test the mercury levels. So the FDA says a safe mercury level was like point four micro is MC G's, it's m m micro grams per day of exposures, what you can have at a safe level, just not even chewing, it was 11.4 micrograms. When they chewed, it was 38 point something 38.9, I believe. And then when they were chewing gum repeatedly over and over again, those levels were anywhere from 10 times to 100 times higher than the 38.9. Wow.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 36:55
So essentially, you're exposing yourself to mercury vapors with every single two. Yeah, yeah. Well, not even just having them in your mouth. But chewing made it worse. Yeah.
Naomi Damask 37:05
Dentists will right now put sealants on your teeth, especially at kids. They'll be like, Oh, they're starting to form a cavity. Let's put a ceiling on it. That is also a big no, no, it's literally trapping that in. It's also a lot of those Sealants are made with BPA. So it's now also another toxin putting into your mouth. And I know for a fact I need to go do a bunch of dental work. I haven't found a holistic dentist. But I have a root canal. And it just happens to be on the same side. As we're both my breast tumors were
Dr. Stephanie Gray 37:34
Aimee Carlson 37:35
There's a website and we can share it for the show notes. There's websites where you can find holistic dentist.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 37:41
Yes, absolutely. I interviewed one, I have another one coming on the show. And so if you just Google, I can't remember what the association of is something like environmental the International Academy
Naomi Damask 37:51
of oral medicine
Dr. Stephanie Gray 37:53
International. Cool. Thank you so much. All right. I'll bring us back to the his and his questions. We're having fun here. So tell us what the detox funnel is? Is this something that you kind of made up? Tell us about the detox funnel,
Naomi Damask 38:08
the detoxification like pathway and funnels, there's companies out there that are talking about it more and more now that are sort of specializing in this area. But we really have to look at the different layers. And really, you want to first basically make sure the bottom of the funnel is functioning properly, which would be your colon
Dr. Stephanie Gray 38:25
make sense? You had to poop to eliminate toxins? Yes, yes. And if
Naomi Damask 38:29
that's not working, if you start trying to work on something else, it's not going to make a difference. We have to be eliminating there. And then going to the next layer, which is going to be the bile, the liver, the kidneys, address in the skin, addressing those layers of the detoxification pathways, and making sure like we're saying how the liver that is so important in the liver right now is our major detoxification organ, yet it's being taxed nonstop. They're saying the fatty liver disease I think it's by like 2025 is gonna be like, like the number one disease that's out there. And it's not associated with alcohol. It's literally because we are so full of toxins and we're not helping our bodies lighten the toxin load
Dr. Stephanie Gray 39:10
and the more toxins were exposed to the more nutrients we need to help us detox from the toxins,
Naomi Damask 39:16
exactly more stress, just cycle the cycle that we're not getting off of and we're just our keeps spinning around. So then the next layer in the final is going to be the lymphatic system and addressing the lymphatic system and making sure that we are you know, we are sweating every day. You talk a lot about using Asana, I think I saw you last night posted something about your asana Dr. Gray, that is a great way to get toxins out of our bodies is through our sweating. We can do like I like to do my rebounder jumping on a little mini trampoline or bouncing up and down. You can sit on a big yoga ball to bounce you can jump rope, but it's that up down motion because our lymphatic system is not associated with an organ. So we actually physically have to like a pumping order We actually have to physically move our lymphatic system.
Dry brushing is another great way, hot, cold showers are an excellent way as well to help the lymphatic system move. And the lymphatic system is our sewer system, it's there to take out the garbage in our body. And then they discovered that the brain actually has its own set of lymphatic system, the glymphatic system. And that's why sleep is so important because that is when that part of your body is actually going to detox is during the sleep process. Totally agree. And then on the next layer after that, we have the cells and the tissues. So it's just all the different layers of our detoxification pathways and our body and looking at all of them and how they all work together, but making sure that we're clearing them out in order, so that way we can eliminate the toxins properly.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 40:51
And again, most conventional Doc's don't talk about any of this with their patients.
Naomi Damask 40:56
Oh, no, we talk about poop all the time. And, and people are like, what am I like? It tells you so much. You know, I'm like, you know, my teenage daughters die when they see my social media, because they're like, Mom, you please not post stuff like that. And I'm like, Listen, your friends someday are going to come back and be like, oh, you know what? Yeah. And I will tell the girls, it tells you clues. It tells you so much. And when was the last time that you went to a doctor that they asked you any of those questions? Right? Like, how is their stool? What do your feces look like? I mean, we talk about when we have babies, we go through these birthing classes, and they teach you to look at the stools then. But as adults, we like oh, I don't want to talk to everyone.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 41:43
Yeah, you poop or you die like you. You literally have to go back to the hot cold showers. Do you do those Naomi? Is that something that you can you talk a little bit about that to our listeners I do. Or Amy here.
Naomi Damask 41:56
So the hot cold showers are really great because they're basically going to stimulate your blood vessels. And then you're going to like your opening and closing things. By ending your shower in the cold shower, you are just you're helping the lymphatic, you're helping your brain. It's like a whole immune system, the fat cells as well, the visceral fat, it helps target that as well. So if anything that might motivate some people, I know I had a girlfriend, she's like, I don't care about anything else. But if I can lose weight by taking a cold shower, Sign me up. You will sleep better. I mean, the laundry list is long, but you stop to think about like, what do some of these countries like people in Finland, they are known for doing their saunas and then jumping outside in the cold and going back and forth polar dips the polar depths. Wim Hof right now, that gentleman, he has healed himself through so many illnesses, besides like just teaching people how to breathe properly.
That's the other thing is, mentally, you have to really work on your breath work when you're standing under there in a cold shower. So every once in a while, you know, Dr. Graham, like Oh, my word, I don't want to do this. But then I also think, all right, I run a lymphatic group. And now that we're running these boot camps, I can't be telling people to do these things, if I'm not willing to do it myself, right. And living here. And you know, we're we're both in the middle of US or in the Midwest, you know, especially in the dead of winter. The last thing I want to be doing is taking a cold shower, but I will tell you, I always feel so much better. It's sort of like the dry brushing once you start creating a habit. And that's what all of it is. It's creating healthy habits. We all have habits, either they're good bad habits, or they're bad habits. But it's a habit. And so I now just haven't habit of like, Alright, here we go. And maybe some days it's only like 30 seconds of the cold shower. But it's 30 seconds. And it's so much more than like Amy was saying I love to talk about those 1%. All that adds up to 100%.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 43:52
Yep. Awesome. I want to I know we're getting towards the end of our time here. But I quickly would like if one of you is comfortable to go over dry brushing? Could you tell her? I haven't had anyone talk about dry brushing on the show yet? Could you briefly just kind of tell us what your routine is for that.
Aimee Carlson 44:06
So one of the things that a lot of people don't know about dry brushing is we want to clear what is closest to our heart first and then move out on the body. So the tendency and I did this Naomi did this, we started down on our feet, and we would dry brush always moving up towards the heart. But we really want to clear all that stuff up close. So we want to start icon, the upper part of our arm going towards our heart and then go down for the full, you know, strokes. I usually do seven strokes per area is what I do, making sure that I'm on the front of the arm, the back of the arm under the arm, and I always start with the arms first and the neck. I do the neck, you know, coming down. Yeah, go down. He said everything is going down towards that heart right? Then I do the stomach area and I start on one side and go up. Do you have a particular way that you'd like to
Naomi Damask 44:56
clockwise so taking the top of your clock The top of your stomach yeah and go clockwise. So same idea the same thing as what Amy darts close in a long strokes, you don't want to go back and forth. No, you want to just go one direction up towards your heart. So moving that, and then also making sure that you're paying attention to like the inner part almost like wear your pants seeing would be on your legs, making sure that we pay attention to that as well. And really working that in I probably do maybe 10 strokes at a time or so I don't I don't get caught up in just and I pay attention to a lot on my armpits as well. So my armpits, my neck, especially with women. I just tell people, we live in a society now that we love our spandex. tight tight, and we love our bras and all that is doing damage to our lymphatic system. So we need to when we're at home, ditch the bra make sure your bras do not have underwires sent home as well, because that is where all of our lymph nodes are really under our armpits are there and our neck and our scoring area.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 46:04
I get asked all the time, what's one product that I just can't live without when it comes to maintaining my own health and longevity? And my answer is something you've actually heard me mentioned on several episodes. It's called mitochondrial complex and it's pretty much the Cadillac of multivitamins, and it's packed with antioxidants including three key players acetyl, l carnitine, Alpha Lipoic, acid and and acetyl cysteine. Think of a steam engine that requires coal to be continually shoveled into the furnace to power the train forward. Acetyl l carnitine. Does that for your body by shoveling short chain fatty acids into your cells to provide your body with energy. This is an absolutely essential task to keeping you running. However, what's a byproduct of fire? You guessed it smoke. Unfortunately, in this analogy smoke from fire equals free radicals. To combat those free radicals. Other antioxidants are needed and that's where alpha lipoic acid and and acetyl cysteine come in.
Together they scavenge free radicals and help boost and recharge glutathione the most potent antioxidant in the body. To top it off mitochondrial complex also contains a little bit of green tea extract broccoli seed extract with sulforaphane and even resveratrol. Research has shown that when athletes and individuals that are under stress begin taking this product they are less likely to get sick as they're giving their body what it needs to conquer those stressors who doesn't need protection from stress and cellular damage at this time? I certainly do. I take this product every day. If you're interested in learning more about how mitochondrial complex can help support you living a longer healthier life, check out my blog post on why antioxidants are important found at your longevity blueprint.com forward slash why dash antioxidants dash r dash important for in chapter four of my book, Your longevity blueprint to get 10% off our mitochondrial complex, just use code energy when checking out at your longevity blueprint.com. Now let's get back to the show.
Yep, I like looking in the summer when my patients are wearing tank tops, whatnot, I like looking to see if I can actually see their clavicle right? If I can't, and they're just all puffy here, then I can tell okay, we need to work on that lymphatics with that patient. Right. So I want to be able to see not feel putty, but I want to be able to see those. See those bones. So that's something at least in the summer months, that's again, kind of part of my physical examination with patients. Thank you for sharing that. So back to the detox phenyl here, how can we best support all of those pathways? You clearly already shared some ways even with dry brushing, but maybe tell us between foods and supplements? Like how can we support all of those pathways and the detox funnel.
Aimee Carlson 48:31
So when we talk about foods for us, I mean, you know what Naomi talked about the sweating, the breathing, I want to talk about breathing, our deep breath, I've seen graphics, and I haven't put it back to an actual science based definition. But like 70% of our toxins are released through deep breath. I've seen this statistic in numerous times in numerous places. I'm not touting the validity of it. But we do release a lot through our breath through our lungs. So don't forget about deep breathing. And I just like to do where I breathe in for four seconds, I hold it up at the top for four seconds, and then I'm releasing for seven seconds. And I do that maybe
Dr. Stephanie Gray 49:14
just depends Do you want to blow the old air
Aimee Carlson 49:17
make noise when you're doing it, you know, just in through the nose, hold it for four seconds. And then I mean give it it even you can give it a ha or a hole or give it a noise when you're blowing out. But that's such good good things to do, not only for releasing toxins out of the blood, but it's also releasing stress. It's a huge attribute to releasing that stress.
Naomi Damask 49:45
The body doesn't know what type of stress it is. They just know it's cellular stress to our body. Right. So if it's emotional stress, physical stress, it's just stressed to us. I always talk about taking mindful breaks, because a lot of times people say oh I I can't meditate. I don't know how to meditate. But I'm like, I bet you could take a mindful break. And I bet we can find 10 minutes a day to do this. And one of my tricks is right, when you wake up in the morning, you're laying in bed, let's just do a couple deep breathing right then and there. There's a couple minutes right there, then at lunchtime, take five minutes at lunchtime, do some deep breathing, I like to do a visual of breathing from the tip of my toes to the top of my head, and then blowing it all out as well. So because sometimes people just need that visual evening time, I also do right in bed, I lay on my acupressure mat, and I do it then,
Aimee Carlson 50:39
another great thing when you're doing that deep breath work just for mindfulness is to think about, I'm breathing in love. And I'm releasing anger, I'm breathing in happiness, and I'm releasing sad, you know, think about what can you be breathing, you know, breathing life into yourself and releasing that that does not serve you anymore.
Naomi Damask 51:00
And if you really want to get fancy, if you really want to get fancy Dr. Gray is you can start to do nostril breathing, where you literally hold one side of your nose. It's supposed to help stimulate for the brain. But I also heard and I don't know if this is true or not I learned this from my girlfriend who is going through some fertility stuff. And it was actually her fertility doctor was telling her this start to do this, which I don't understand the science behind it. But she swears by it. Because she started doing that. And shortly after that they did finally get pregnant. So that's awesome.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 51:31
It's funny you say that I was reaching for it's hard. Well, listeners, they wouldn't see this. But if you've seen me on video, I'm literally surrounded by books like this entire side that you can't see over here. Like tons of books. I'm literally just surrounded by books I'm I read books constantly. And all of what you're saying, I don't know if you guys have read James nesters book, newer No, but I've heard it we're good. He talks about the nostril breathing one side than the other. I mean, he mentioned all the different types of like deep breathing exercises, super good book, he talks a lot about the importance of seeing a holistic environmental dentist to help expand, we'll just say the maxillary like the Expand your mouth because our mouths have been kind of shrinking, which is why we have so much sinusitis and sleep apnea and and whatnot. Really good book, highly recommend you guys do that.
But I was bringing that up. Because when you were saying you need to breathe out. So you were saying you know, breathe in for four, hold and then breathe out. He talked a lot in that book about how important it is to breathe less meaning slower. Basically, we're also stressed where you know, we're breathing in and in and we're not getting that out. So we literally celebrate this shallow breathing, we literally need to stop and exhale the old stale, nasty air and I know that's why The exhale is usually longer than the inhale right? We really need that long exhale. So if you're listening, just remember a long exhale, blow that old stagnant air out just super important. Packing so many good pearls in here. It's hard for me to remember keep them all straight. Okay, so any other input you have on supporting detox pathways through foods or supplements do you want to mention some favorite supplements you guys have have taken or recommend,
Aimee Carlson 53:10
you know, I don't know about detox and supplements. You know, Naomi and I both work under the pretense that we want you to do things within your environment, and we want you eating Latin food be thy medicine, and we understand that some people's physical addition is such that they've got to supplement until the food can take over for that. But we teach a lot about you know, dark leafy greens, beets, carrots, you know, grass fed grass, finished meat, making sure that we're eating organic foods, making sure that it's Whole Foods, it's not anything coming out of a package, or you know, that's got a laundry list of ingredients in it, we believe fruit, it can be very, very good for you strawberries, oranges, blue, blueberries, all very, very good apples,
Naomi Damask 53:57
because we really need to eat a wide variety of foods, Dr. Gray, but also, we need to be looking at healthy fats, yes, for our hormones and for our brain, but also lots of fiber, you know, a lot of fiber that is also missing in our diet these days. And then I do you know, I like to use, there's a certain amount of things I think we need, like I use activators because I want to increase naturally production of my glutathione levels, right? So I do these things, a really good Omega three I think is really important. Because we need that for the cell membrane of ourselves. And right now we have way too many Omega sixes and the ratios of omega sixes to the Omega threes are off and so making sure that you're doing that and most people are not probably eating all the foods that we need to be eating to support our body right
Aimee Carlson 54:47
has the same making mitochondria is another good you know the activators are good for the glutathione but we also have to make the mitochondria so that with the cells have the energy to do what they're supposed to do. And CO Q 10 is a great supplement to help Have your body make those factories and get the fuel inside those cells
Dr. Stephanie Gray 55:05
Totally agree we need, we need fuel for our bodies to have energy, we need the fuel for the detox pathways to work. And sometimes patients need additional supplements. So we already mentioned actually foods like beets, I would say I also recommend too many patients artichokes, cilantro, garlic, onions, parsley, a lot of individuals just eat meat and potatoes, which I'm okay with because it's gluten and dairy free, right? Had a vegetable that you're eating pretty good, but add spices, add those sorts of things that will add some flavor right to your food. So really try to cook with those sorts of foods. And then some patients do need more supplements they need maybe milk thistle or they need glutathione, especially based on their genetic snips. Right? Maybe they need to take n acetyl, cysteine or glutathione whatnot. So I think a lot of the supplements can can be personalized. Also, when patients see functional medicine, health care providers who can give them that information.
Naomi Damask 55:54
Exactly. I think the problem is people just run out and they hear oh, I should be taking this, you know, and then they just run to someone or that they're picking up their toilet paper, you know, and grabbing something off the shelf. And I always say if you're if you're buying your supplements where you're buying your toilet paper, that's probably a big no, no,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 56:11
I'm going to use that. I like that I like so why is it that some people feel worse as they're detoxing? Why does that happen,
Naomi Damask 56:18
you can basically start to go through the detox overload. And sometimes you're going too fast, and your body can't handle it. So it's got to be a slow progression, you could get more headaches. And I think sometimes people end up stopping before the magic happens. Right?
Aimee Carlson 56:35
Right. If your Pathways aren't all open, making sure that we're supporting every pathway in a sequence, you know, to that will help minimize, sometimes the toxins are just re circulating in the body. Because we've got those inflamed cells, they're not letting the toxins out is all just getting re circulated throughout the body and you're not ever releasing those toxins. And then the it can come in whatever pathway it comes in the headaches the digestive system, the skin, you know, a big visual for a lot of people is the skin. So making sure that you go in order with things and making sure don't start anything. If you're not pooping every single day, at least once a day. If you're not doing that, then that's what you need to focus on is getting yourself to that point first.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 57:22
I agree and that's so often neglected and I agree a lot of patients boycott or well they stop the BETO detox because they feel so ill but those are the patients who needed the most
Aimee Carlson 57:33
up your water, slow it down up your water intake, do all those things, get the sweating going on, take the cold showers, you know, do the things I drink lemon water first thing in the morning and then
Naomi Damask 57:45
also be eating the foods. The B vitamin rich foods are really important. We do need that for the methylation, right? So if you're lacking a B, vitamin A folate, the leafy greens, yes. And if you're you know a lot of this vegans and vegetarians are not getting what they need as well. So you do have to then supplement you know, there's a reason why should we should be eating or eating meat and those are really going to be beneficial for the B vitamins. And folic acid is a big no no, because it's synthetic form. And if you do have a genetic sip, the folate receptors are going to be blocked. So eating like you said the dark greens are going to be helpful but rotating.
Making sure you're not just eating spinach. You're not just eating kale, first of all those can be very high and oxalates which can be harmful to your body. But I think we become we become creatures of habits. Dr. Gray, we always eat the same foods over and over again one either because we like it or be because we just think it's healthy. So he's gonna gravitate out right? It's easy. Yeah, will gravitate towards it versus saying alright, you know what? I'm going to go get some dandelion greens. And most people we've been thinking dandelions are just weeds. No, there are so they're so good. And maybe start having instead of a cup of coffee every morning, having a cup of dandelion root tea,
Aimee Carlson 59:01
that good fatty fish, you know, sardines, herring, trout, you know, getting some good fatty fish. So, so good for the body and helping support the cell and the brain health.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 59:11
You said it well, I couldn't say it better. Yeah. Well, thank you both so much for coming on the show today. This was a long interview, but we packed a lot and I always close the episodes asking my listeners their top longevity tips. So if you each have a tip can share and maybe you've already shared it, but repeat what your top longevity tip may be.
Aimee Carlson 59:29
You know what my big top longevity tip is going to be drink lots of water and clean water. Think about what you're bathing in more than what you're drinking. Make sure that you're getting a great house filtration system. And if you can't do the whole house, get yourself a filter on your shower, that's going to have a huge impact. So water is big for me.
Naomi Damask 59:49
And I will say one of the best longevity tips is sleep. We need everybody says yes, I
Dr. Stephanie Gray 59:56
agree. Well, I
Naomi Damask 59:57
talk a lot about the simple bio hacks And yeah, that is one thing is sleep is a simple biohack getting outside early in the morning grounding ourselves. Really, truly working with our natural circadian rhythm is really beneficial. It's all these things and in use in our body, our body is going to be the one that's going to help us live a long time, but if we're abusing it, well, sorry.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 1:00:23
Naomi, I have to ask before I forget, so tell us the end of not the end. There's never the end of your story. So you open the episode talking about your breast cancer. So cancer free now tell us your your good news.
Naomi Damask 1:00:35
Yeah, I will say I'm Ned no evidence of disease. And then I've just keep taking the right steps Dr. Gray into helping my health. So this year, I x planted I had two sets of implants. Yeah. And I just recently X planted as well, I feel so much better, so much better, but I got those identity. So I'm doing well. I just keep educating myself. My next step is doing more testing. So I can keep understanding my hormones and where my hormones are at. So I can also learn for myself but then being a mom of two teenage daughters, I really want to make sure that I know enough about myself so I can pass on the wisdom even though Amy is getting to witness
Aimee Carlson 1:01:16
some firsthand you know, teen teen girls don't like to always listen.
Naomi Damask 1:01:21
But hopefully some at least you know, 5% will be it's their joy. They're there in it. So yes, I'm doing well. So thank you.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 1:01:29
I love that they're, well one day they're going to appreciate all that you've done for him all the knowledge that you're passing down to them. Thank you for coming on the show today both carving out the time to share with my listeners the importance of detoxification for overall improving our health. So I love the mission you're on. I think we see the same patients everybody needs this information. So thank you for again for your mission sharing what you do. Thanks for having us. Thank you Well there you have it from the thyroid fixer herself. T three is super important to avoiding gluten is super important and having a full thyroid panel run and labs optimized may just be what you need to get your life back. Check out DR Horton mins free gift to link of which I'll include in the show notes containing all the labs you need to have run.
Be sure to check out my book your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck, you can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book plus for a limited time the course is 50% off, check this offer out at your longevity blueprint.com and click the Course tab. One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. Leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I do read all the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics guests and for how you're applying what you learn on the show to create your own longevity blueprint. The podcast is produced by the team at counterweight creative as always thank you so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting
the information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
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