3 Tips on How to Boost Hormones Naturally.
Today I’m going to dive into a popular question I’ve been asked on several podcasts. Without hormone replacement therapy, how can one boost hormones naturally?
First, let’s start with some brief symptoms of low hormones:
Go to my website’s homepage, Your Longevity Blueprint and subscribe to our newsletter. You will then receive a pdf titled “3 Tips to Boost Hormones Naturally.” Go grab that and reference it while watching my video below to hear the tips.
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You will learn about my top 3 tips to boost hormones naturally
Stress is the bodies biggest hormone hijacker. There’s no pill potion or powder that’s going to change your lifestyle. Only you have the power to do that. Healthy changes include setting healthy boundaries, leaving toxic relationships and toxic work environments. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, resting, and allowing time for headspace (mental downtime) are great. Don’t underestimate their importance. I’ve scheduled YOGA into my life and feel my body is much calmer.
I recently was asked to speak at a conference and I can get a little bit nervous, but this time I wasn’t at all. Then I remembered that a.m. we had practiced sets of deep breathing 3 times. This had calmed my nervous system. A good rule of thumb is to try deep breathing in for 3 seconds, hold for 4, and out for 5 or in for 4, hold for 6, out for 8 if you can. Do this every day.
Your detox pathways need nutrients to work. If you have genetic variants, we want to do everything we can to minimize their expression. We want good genes turned on and bad turns off. Having the correct nutrients is a huge part of this. For me, because I have several COMT variants I need its biggest cofactor magnesium. Magnesium is also an extremely important cofactor for hormone production.
I know this is an extreme example, but one I mention in the book. I once recommended a patient with severe hot flashes begin to take a multivitamin. Once she did, her hot flashes resolved. She needed nutrients. Not every case is that easy either. In general, have a nutritional analysis run so you know what you are low in. Nutrients like fats, and omega 3s are important. You need cholesterol to build hormones. Zinc, selenium, magnesium, and even Vitamin D are as important. You don’t want to be low in any of these.
I often site a Center for Disease Control 2006 report as an example of toxin levels. It found that the average American has 116 of 148 synthetic compounds in their body at all times. The study also revealed that these same substances were found in newborn babies. They were also found in human milk, umbilical cord blood, the placenta, and the blood and body fat. In fact, the average umbilical cord blood contained 217 neurotoxins. 208 of these neurotoxins are known to cause birth defects. Everyone stores toxins and they can be passed on to offspring. Sick mommies make sick babies—so detox before you conceive.
Toxins are another stressor on our bodies that can impact hormone production. They can also bind to hormone receptors. That means we need to get endocrine disrupting chemicals out of our lives. Endocrine disrupting chemicals may actually interfere with our body’s own hormone signals.
The discussion of a detox regimen is a post in its own. To learn more you can read my book Your Longevity Blueprint. Read chapter 5 in my book for more details. Also, check out our website for our Core Restore Liver Detox program.
Today let’s talk about what lifestyle changes you can make to rid your body of toxins.
First, eat organic. Our foods are coated with herbicides and pesticides. Especially buy organic when you buy thin-skinned live produce. The environmental working group (EWG) Dirty Dozen List is a great resource. The list shares what organic products to buy.
Another common toxin is plastics. Yes, plastic is toxic and not meant to be ingested. Think of how often you use plastic on a daily basis. Cough spray, baby formula, peanut butter, and ketchup bottles may be culprits. They likely sat in a plastic bottle for a long time before they made it to your home. How do you know for sure that the plastic didn’t leach from the container into your foods? Plastic often contains bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is an endocrine disruptor that can have many negative effects. It can affect our reproductive organs and hormones. Specifically, the breasts in females and prostate in males.
Do you eat out of aluminum cans? You’re not safe there, either. These also contain BPA, which may be leaching into your food. Glass is a safer choice than either plastic or aluminum.
Have you assessed your personal care products to see if they contain these chemicals? Some personal care products also contain parabens and phthalates. Read the labels and avoid products that simply list added “fragrance”. This can be a catch-all term which sometimes means hidden phthalates.
To know if your products are safe, go to the Environmental Working Group’s Skin-Deep database. The EWG skin-deep database provides a safety ranking on products. There are many safe brands on the market. I’m a huge advocate for BeautyCounter as all their products rank low on the toxicity scale. Learn more at BeautyCounter with Stephanie Gray.
If you want to discover how to boost hormones naturally, then you do not want to miss this video!
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- In my book Your Longevity Blueprint, I discuss this topic throughout. Improving your genetics topic is in chapter 3 and the topic of improving your hormones is in chapter 6. Purchase it today to learn even more!
- Purchase the supplements mentioned in today’s video (linked below): ProgestoMend, Omega 3s, Magnesium, 5HTP, Probiotics, B Vitamins.
*Always share with your medical provider what supplements you are taking*
*Always share with your medical provider what supplements you are taking*