Castor oil is an herbal medical treatment that’s been around for centuries but fell out of fashion sometime in the last few decades. I’m joined by Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, the Queen of the Thrones, to talk about why castor oil is making a comeback, all the incredible health benefits, and why she recommends it to all her patients.
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The three areas castor oil packs help the most with:
- Stools – helps regulate your bowel movements
- Sleep – helps you get more restorative sleep
- Stress – helps reduce your regular stress levels
About Dr. Marisol Teijeiro
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, ND & Queen of the Thrones™️, empowers people to own their throne (yes potty time), purpose, and passion in life. She is the creator of the easy and mess-less Castor Oil Pack used to heal the gut, improve digestion, sleep, and most importantly, your hormone balance.
She teaches all over the world and features on various TV programs including national syndicated NBC Bloom, as well as The Marilyn Denis Show in Canada. She is a published author of “OH SH*T!” the 3 stress-less steps to connect, clear, and calm your digestion.
Why Use Castor Oil?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro shares the story of how she started using castor oil packs, after years of avoiding them, to heal so many of her chronic health problems. She explains why she revamped the traditional castor oil pack to make it cleaner and easier to use.
Marisol talks about how and why castor oil works as it does and what benefits it has for the body – there are so many! Castor oil has actually been a medical treatment for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years but it did fall out of use.
It’s a powerful tool to improve your gut health and help with detox. You can also combine it with essential oils and use it in the sauna to really double down on the health benefits. Marisol praises castor oil for helping with your stools, sleep, and stress which all of us struggle with at times in our life.
How to Safely Use Castor Oil
It’s actually really easy to start reaping the benefits of castor oil. Marisol says that there’s no prep needed, you simply start using the castor oil packs. There are a few ground rules to keep in mind, such as using your pack for a minimum of one hour per day and changing your pack regularly, but otherwise, you should be good to dive right in.
Marisol explains why pregnant women shouldn’t use castor oil in any form. It’s very important to heed this warning!
When it comes to buying castor oil, Marisol says to make sure you’re buying an organic oil. But more important than that, make sure it doesn’t come in a plastic bottle.
Finally, Marisol explains the added benefit of castor oil as a hair treatment!
Have you used a regular castor oil treatment before? How did you find it helped with your overall health? Did you use it in combination with any other detox methods? Let me know in the comments below!
Call the Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic today and schedule your first appointment at 319-363-0033.
“I made it my mission to get these castor oil packs to everyone and educate on how to improve the three most important factors that mess up on every woman: your sleep, your stools, and your stress. When you work on those, so many of your conditions can literally go away.” [9:38]
“The gut is the hub of the hormonal system, the nervous system, and the immune system and we must pay attention to it. If our hormones are off, it’s because our gut is off. If our immune system is off, it’s because our gut is off. And if our nervous system is off, we’re anxious or depressed, it’s because our gut is off.” [26:57]
“I wish I would have started castor oil packs twenty years ago! I’ve been doing them for ten years now, but it took me ten years to warm up to them. I hope the listeners out there don’t take ten years to warm up to it. Take action and move in the right direction. You have the power and the ability to change those three annoyances in your life: stools, sleep, and stress.” [34:09]
“Look at those three most important aspects: your sleep, your stress, and your stools. When you’re commanding those and owning them, you’re truly being the queen on the throne. You understand what your stool is telling you, what your sleep is telling you, and what your stress levels are telling you, that’s just a complete game-changer for your life. It does more wonders than any supplement or tool can do.” [52:38]
In This Episode
- How caster oil packs work [10:00]
- Why you should never buy castor oil in plastic [20:00]
- How castor oil packs help with detox and improving gut health [28:00]
- How to start using castor oil packs [29:00]
- How often you should change your castor oil pack [37:00]
- What to look for in a castor oil [41:45]
- Who can’t use castor oil packs [44:00]
- How to use castor oil to promote hair growth [46:00]
Links & Resources
Use Code CALM for 10% Off Adrenal Calm
Download Your Free Copy of 50 Shades of Poo
Use Code DRGRAY10 for 10% off Castor Oil Packs at This Link Only
Find Dr. Marisol Teijeiro Online
Follow Dr. Marisol Teijeiro on Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Get your copy of the Your Longevity Blueprint book and claim your bonuses here
Follow Dr. Stephanie Gray on Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | Twitter | LinkedIn
Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast Production by the team at Counterweight Creative
Additional Resources Mentioned
Episode 42: Benefits Of Sauna Therapy With Nicole Carlson
Episode 43: Liver Cleansing With Steven Dake
Episode 40: Power Of Essential Oils With Jodi Sternoff Cohen
Episode Transcript
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 0:04
I never got into the business to make money off of my patients, or to deal with sickness. I got into the business to deal with health and how people live in their purpose and their passion. And that has always been my goal. And so if I see them less, I know that they're gonna be raving fans. They're going to send me more people that I can help and that I can help more people. And then we can spread the word of living better and having that longevity and that amazing life where we can live in our purpose and our passion because we feel good in our body, we can sleep better, we can stress less, and we can poop better and everyone feels better when they have those dreams do things better.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:39
Welcome to the longevity blueprint podcast, I'm your host, Dr. Stephanie gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. You're about to hear from Dr. Marisol to headrow who is going to share how castor oil is the most widely used oil of all time and how you can create a new foundation for health using it. She will share how you can use castor oil not only to help you poop and sleep better and stress less, but she'll also share how you can use it on your eyebrows, eyelashes and head for hair growth.
Let's get started. Thanks for joining me for another episode of The your longevity blueprint podcast today I have a very special guest, Dr. Marisol to hero who is known as the queen of Thrones she empowers people to own their throne. Yes, they're potty time their purpose and passion in life. She's recognized as the creator of the easy and messy less castor oil pack used to heal the gut, improve digestion, sleep and most importantly, your hormone balance. And we're going to talk about those today. She teaches all over the world and is featured on various TV programs, including a nationally syndicated NBC bloom, as well as the Marilyn Dennis show in Canada. She's a published author of Oh, sh it. And now don't let that title scare you. This book is about the three stress steps to connect clear and calm your digestion. So you know the topic of today. Welcome Dr. Marisol.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 2:00
Thank you so much for having me. Dr. Stephanie, this is amazing. I'm so happy to speak with your people.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 2:05
Well, I'm excited to hear about castor oil packs, because I'll be totally honest, I don't know a lot about them. And I as I mentioned to you, before we started recording, many of my patients have asked about them, and where do we get them on? What's the best? What's the best brand whatnot. So we're going to weed through all that today. And you're going to tell us what to do, why we need them and how they help. So before we get to that, tell us your story and how you even got involved with castor oil packs. How did you become the queen of Thrones,
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 2:28
amazing, I'd love to share my story. It actually began with my mother. She was my complete inspiration. Sadly, I lost her two years ago. But she truly is though the reason why I do what I do. My mom, our entire life, just I would see her suffering with three major things. She couldn't go to the bathroom, she was always having problems sleeping. And she was stressed. And constant. This is constant constant growing up. I just constantly saw her waking up too early in the morning, you know, getting hungry and eating. Because of it. She was gaining weight.
You know, she was like not feeling well on herself. She was feeling depressed. She'd always complaining trying to go to the bathroom. And it was just like one thing after the other. And I looked at her as a young child and just thinking, I want my mom to feel better, right? Like I just felt so so my heart was breaking for her. And then what ended up happening was her going to the doctor and getting all these labels. So suddenly, she had thyroid disease, and that was why she was you know, gaining weight. And suddenly she was having menopausal symptoms. And you know, that's why she wasn't feeling comfortable and was depressed and not doing well and
Dr. Stephanie Gray 3:35
not sleeping. Yeah.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 3:37
And then suddenly, she got a dreadful diagnosis. And that was breast cancer. And it was advanced, it was stage three, they weren't very hopeful because of where everything was spreading. And by this time, I was already older, I had already moved out of the house, I myself had been dealing with the same kind of symptoms that I saw my mom dealing with, which were sleeping problems, I couldn't poop properly. And then on top of it, I was super stressed. And with her diagnosis, though, something changed inside me so deeply. Because what I realized was that these labels that my mother was getting, as they kept on getting worse and worse and worse, you know, from thyroid disease to menopausal symptoms to you know, stage three breast cancer, they were the result of years of having problems with sleeping, not being able to go to the bathroom properly and having stress and I was seeing the exact same thing mirrored in my life as well too.
And in all of my patients. I put two and two together. And what ended up being the result of that was this was that I realized that it's not about going after the thyroid condition or going after the menopausal condition or going after you know the breast cancer. Of course there's more urgency with that breast cancer and we have to take action however, the two and two I put together Was this was that it was a little things that were making the environment proactive to make these labels and these diseases and to keep on getting more and more conditions. And the thing was this is I didn't want my mom to keep on getting more conditions, I didn't want to be a victim also get more conditions myself. So I realized I had to focus on the basics, the absolute basics, which is how to poop better, how to sleep better, and how to stress less. And that literally brought me here. And how connected me to castor oil packs was the really interesting part was this was that for about 10 years before my mom had the diagnosis of cancer, and me finding my way to naturopathic school and feeling better, was that people were telling me to do the castor oil packs, and I was totally against them. I was like, that's like, whoo, medicine, that's like not even real. What is on earth? is a rag with oil on it, putting that on the body.
What on earth is that gonna do? Unlike No, thank you, I'm just gonna keep on using my supplements, like, you know that that'll that'll be better for me. But I wasn't ever getting better. And I was always feeling sicker. And then I also got really, really dreadfully sick. And I couldn't get out of bed. And I was in my final years of school. And I finally at that point in time was like, I'm doing all the right supplements, I'm eating all the right foods. I'm doing everything right, and why do I feel so bad? And why are the doctors telling me like sorry, there, there's nothing that I can do for you. And so I went back to that moment where I first was told about castor oil packs, I decided to create one and someone up because I'm pretty good at sewing. And knitting is like one of my favorite powers. And so, and it's one of the ways that I did get a bit of calm during naturopathic school. So I put it on my body. And what I realized when I put it on my body was that, to me, it was almost like the sky opened up and the angels began to sing for the first time because it was a it was so powerful 70 it was a moment in my life where I actually felt supreme relaxation and connection. And I felt like, wow, like, this is what I've been wanting for a really long time.
And I had I was trying to get it with like magnesium supplements and gabbo supplements and all these relaxing supplements. And you know, they really weren't doing it. But doing this practice changed my life. And so I got really religious with it. And I was doing it every single day. And sure enough, I rapidly heal from a chronic fatigue, which, you know, most people it takes them years and they're always feeling like they have the symptoms for you know aeons after it, but I recuperated in less than three months, and I made it my practice to do castor oil packs. All of my my conditions were disappearing, you know, I had pcls for a hormonal condition, right, like I had IBS. But they were literally evaporating, I then had no more problems, my hormones, my period when completely regular, my sleep patterns totally balanced. And my going to the bathroom became regular. Like I was just like, I'm so amazed by this simple little tool. And I guess because it just changed my life so dramatically, that I absolutely wanted to just delve in and find the research behind it because I didn't want to give it to my mom, or to my patients without actually being able to like, discuss what it did. Because at the moment, right, like, Don't you agree, like, you don't want to just, oh,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 8:13
I'm interviewing you because I want to understand.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 8:16
That's the thing like you want to know, especially as a doctor, like doctors like you and I who really care intimately about their patients and their people that they're caring for, right? Because I really want to be able to say, hey, look like I've used this myself. I've done all the research. And you know, this is why I firmly believe in this. So I literally spent years researching it. And by the time my mom had that cancer diagnosis, it was the first thing that I gave her. And when I gave it to her The interesting thing is, is she started calling it her miracle rap. And I was like because for her to she's just struggled for so long with all those conditions. But she started seeing her pooping better getting better her sleeping, get her getting better. And of course her stress levels were better, even while fighting cancer.
So it was it was just an amazing experience. And I just realized that, you know, I needed to make this go worldwide. And really, like honor the ancients because in my research, I started finding out that this wasn't something that was new at all. This is like grandmother's medicine and even more so than grandmother's medicine. If this is the medicine of the first doctors of the world. Like we're talking hypoxia disease to use these Pliny the Elder who was a medicine man to the Roman emperors. Cleopatra was a huge fan of castor oil, all the medical doctors for the the emperors of China. And it was just that these packs had lost their fame. Because they were messy to do uncomfortable to do. So people stopped using them. And I just made it my mission to really get these packs to everyone and educate people about how to improve the three most important factors that mess up on everybody, everyone, which is your sleep, your stools and your stress and how when you work on those, so many of your conditions can literally go away.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 9:56
So I have to ask that so how does a castor oil pack help
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 9:59
your poop such an amazing mechanism. So there actually are so many mechanisms. And this is the thing. Most when we get a supplement, we look at a supplement. And we're like, you know, it does this and a few few little things, right? So but like magnesium, make your bowels move, it'll calm you down. It'll work. You're right. But castor oil pods do like a bazillion different things. And this is where it's almost sometimes hard to digest, because you're like, how can something like that do so many different things. But it's a combination of both the oil and the actual compress that is placed on the body. So the oil in its own right is magical, because it's known as a golden oil. And this is a very special unique oil, its biochemistry is completely unique. It's one of the only oils that has a molecule known as ricinoleic acid.
So this is kind of like the geeky science part of it, lay it on us, we want to know, I'll give you the geek stuff. So this ricinoleic acid is this molecule, the triglyceride chain that you don't find in any other oil is completely unique to castor oil. And then Castro also contains oleic acid, which is the same as found in all about olive oil, and then the leg acid, which is the same that is found in like sesame oil, so it has those beneficial actions as well too. But this ricinoleic acid allows the oil to be permeable through all those layers of skin, because most other oils can't permeate. They're all just topical, a Malian, like you're looking at a sweet almond oil, olive oil, any of these other types of oils, they literally just stay on top coconut oil, they'll just stay on top of the skin and they don't permeate deeply into the into the dermis,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 11:28
you're just saying they're their molecular structure like they're they're too big. Yes, brass to penetrate and Okay, so but this ingredient I cannot pronounce that you just said is small enough that it can
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 11:40
Yes. It has an alcohol molecule on it, which makes it movable and changeable and permeable, which is super cool. So you actually seen in lots of industries, but yes, it makes it smaller, it makes it able to go into the body. And so when you're doing the castor oil pack, what's happening is this oil on its own, that ricinoleic acid mimics what we get when we take fish oil. So if you take a fish oil orally, at the end result of it is something known as a prostaglandin. And that prostaglandin is an anti inflammatory, it does all these good things. It helps you go to the bathroom, it moves, your bowels like facials are quite good. But realistically, like acid is much stronger because it also mimics not only prostaglandin but also progesterone.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 12:22
Mm hmm. So whenever you do that, yeah, it's super neat. And that's why it helps you sleep probably cutting to the chase. Yeah. Yeah.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 12:30
So you absorb it, it balances out it the main action with the prostaglandin in the gut is that it makes you have a lot of peristalsis so your bowels can actually move. And then because it reduces inflammation, it calms down the stress that's happening in the gut. And then castor oil also stimulates nitric oxide and nitric oxide is an anti ager aging. And that like stimulates circulation to the area. So now the gut and the liver and all the digestive organs are getting good blood flow so they can work better.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 12:57
Can you put it on your uterus to for uterine cramp? Oh, yes,
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 12:59
we put it on the uterus for you bring cramps and put it on the uterus. For fibroids we put it on those ovaries for cysts, we put it on, anywhere we even put it on the adrenal glands where people are super stressed or having kidney problems, like you are having detoxification issues via the kidneys, maybe heavy metal problems. We'll do like one night on the kidneys one night on the liver just to optimize the excretion pathways out of the box. It really has so many variety of uses. And then not only that, but it also supports the recycling of glutathione in the body. And that's just the oil, we haven't even gotten into the pack part.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 13:35
Back to glue design. Well, real quick, which is your master antioxidant, which is very important for detox. We've talked about that on some of the other episodes. So you're saying castor oil packs is helping your body recycle, reuse, kind of like charging a battery charging up that glucose ion so that it can continue to be used throughout the body.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 13:51
What a wonderful analogy. And that's why it's important to do the castor oil packs regularly to keep the charge up right because you're up your battery. I love that analogy. It's so good. But yeah, it's a super key to cleansing and detoxification and healing from the liver and the digestion and the toxins that are affecting us on a regular basis. Right. Especially for those people who are say farmers write live on farms, they're exposed to pesticides, they're exposed to chemicals, you know, they're exposed to so much that it they really absolutely need strategies every day that are helping their body to cleanse and optimizing those processes. Right, super important. And then the other aspect is the pack.
So the pack although it might look like just a rag or just like a rap, like my mom said the miracle rap. It actually is manufactured and created using all of science like dermatological science on how do you stimulate the nerves that are on the skin, because we have reflexes from the skin that go into the internal organs and that feed back up into the relaxed into the nervous system is specifically the relaxed Nervous System state. The very best hack to get your body cleansing better is simply just to move your body into a relaxed state more often, because neurologically and physiologically, when you're in the relaxed state, all the blood flow is going to the internal organs. So that therefore you have more nourishment, you got more beautifying on you have things just working better because they get blood
Dr. Stephanie Gray 15:16
flow, right and they heal and right, that's when the healing takes place.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 15:21
Exactly. So when you go into the relaxed state, so when you put on a casserole pack on the body, because it's covering so much aspects of the abdomen, you're getting contact with the Vegas nerve, which is incredibly important to stimulate sympathetic system, you're getting contact with all the receptors on the skin, that all communicate with the liver, they communicate with a large intestine and communicate to the stomach, the pancreas, the gallbladder, I mean, you know, ascending long in large intestine, the small intestine, just really everything what your end even in the back a little bit, the kidney and the adrenal gland, what you're having is you're stimulating circulation all to that area and you're stimulated at all to move into the relaxed state so that it can heal. And this pack feed backs up to the nervous system and promotes oxytocin production. And oxytocin, super important hormone for women, is because oxytocin is a love and connection molecule.
And oxytocin compensates for all those high levels of cortisol and stress molecule that are flowing through our bodies constantly. Because as women, we're just we're just programmed to be more on stress alert, because we're programmed to protect our babies and a protection. So if we aren't programmed to like be on high response or stress alert, then we can protect our babies and so us learning in this day and age where we don't have lions coming to be eat our babies, we don't have you know, train source Rex attacking us. But we want to do is just keep on training your body to be in a relaxed state more often. So every single time you put on a castor oil pack is basically like an escape button on the computer, which moves you into relaxed state, so you can sleep better, you can then poop better and you stress less. So it's a two action castor oil pack, you absolutely need the pack. And you absolutely need the oil. You can't just only do oil on the body and put an oil t shirt because you miss probably the most important part of it, which is relaxing the system.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 17:19
You may likely have heard me talk about one of my favorite products in several episodes called adrenal calm. It contains a unique blend of botanicals and nutrients that support the stress response, particularly promoting cortisol balance. Specifically adrenal calm includes a blend of adaptogenic botanicals and nutrients formulated to counteract the effects of daily stress and support healthy energy levels. It also contains phosphate tidal searing and l theanine, both of which reduce that half life of cortisol or in other words, call them adrenaline. I love using this in the afternoon if I've had a stressful workday or before public speaking, I can also be taken on a daily basis as many of us have more daily stress now than ever before. If you're interested in learning more about adaptogenic herbs read chapter six of my book your longevity blueprint and check out our product guide info sheet at your longevity blueprint comm forward slash product ordered slash adrenal hyphen calm to get 10% off adrenal calm or alfian us code calm at your longevity blueprint calm. Now let's get back to the show. What do you call them the cloth once you call that?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 18:23
Well, it's known as compress or a pack. So that's why castor oil pack.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 18:27
Dr. Marisol is on video so we can kind of see what her pack cloth the compress looks like. But if you're listening, can you kind of explain that, that looks pretty convenient and less messy and tell us the pros of what you've designed.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 18:41
Yeah, so the old way of doing the Castro pack was you know to do like a 12 step program. It was so intense, you had to like go and find organic cotton, you had to saturate it completely with oil in the oven, put it on your body, wrap yourself with saran wrap, and then he would make a mess. It was just it was horrendous. No one want to do it. Honestly, ducks I mean, this is why for 10 years, people were telling me to do it. And I was like forget not said not gonna do it. So what I did here is I made it this is my second version. My first version was square and it didn't really fit the female body very well. So what I ended up doing was I created it in the form of a figure eight. So it's basically an organic cotton flannel, which is in the form of a figure eight and the outside has a non toxic barrier material that is made without heavy metals without any of the common contaminants.
So it's safe for the body because this is my clinic works and focuses mainly on cleansing and detoxification. So we see a lot of farmers, right we see a lot of people who have high levels of toxins, pesticides, chemicals, mold exposure, so we really want to be cautious of what we're doing with our therapies make sure we're using the best product and same with oil our oil is 100% organic. I get the highest quality. It's the first press so it has the highest nourishment and vitamins within it vitamin E, lots of things that help with that recycling of glutathione and packaging in a glass bottle. Because you do not never want to buy castor oil ever. This is the oil you never buy in plastic, because it just will not work because the Castro will grab the plastic and bring it into your body. So you do not ever and I tell anyone who comes to my clinic or my patients that they have a bottle of castor oil and plastic to dispose of it immediately. And even online, we see people commenting, I was using other Castor oils and they never worked. And now suddenly I use yours and boom, it works so well.
But it's because of that aspect, right? They were adding more toxins in with that casserole being in the glass bottle. So never in the glass bottle. So the pack and then it has straps. And it's conveniently made to attach onto your body over your liver, which is underneath of your right rib cage. And literally you put it on, and you wear it for only one hour minimum. And then even better, you wear it overnight. And that's where you'll get the best effect. Because obviously, the more real estate time you have on that body, the better it is for you. And see, this to me was why I wasn't getting better when I was just taking the supplements and doing the exercise and the right foods and all those things was because I was trying to heal a very damaged gut, which had, you know, 15 to 20 years of damage to it right I had done I've been abusive in terms of smoking and drinking and you know, things I don't really do it these days, obviously, I wasn't eating healthy, I was eating a high fat meal, I was eating a young teenager meal, you know, like move out of your house fast food kind of thing. So a lot of damage I was doing to my body. And I grew up in a farm town on the edge of farming as well too. So I had a lot of exposures as well, too.
So so what what I realized was this was that I was expecting a supplement the size of a quarter of my fingernail, to heal my gut every day, which is the size of the football field. I just wasn't getting enough real estate time to really truly heal. And plus my gut was damaged. So how did I expect my gut to actually absorb those supplements? Well, what I was doing was I was spending 1000s of dollars, and I needed the supplements Don't get me wrong, you need the supplements. But what I needed to do was that I needed to help fix my gut from the outside in so I could get have better healing, because it is very challenging to heal a gut, especially when there are things like biofilm affecting the gut affecting your absorption. For those that don't know, biofilm, biofilm is like a barrier that you know, bad bacteria create or bad yeast create in order to like protect themselves. So it makes it very difficult for anti microbials or even things to get through the through that barrier and be absorbed into the body.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 22:36
Think of a rope that has slime or sludge over it. Right if you put a rope in water for a long time, and it's going to develop like if you're if you boat if you're near the water, you know what I'm talking about. That is an analogy that I get with my patients to biofilm. So that could be really it can be difficult to penetrate into right. So to kill off the bacteria and the yeast whatnot
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 22:54
is so so difficult. And one of the actions of Castro that nitric oxide is actually antifungal, so it's really good for Candida, and very good for helping to reset the microbiome. And in fact, they're using castor oil as oil washes for people who have dentures or have problems with their oral health. So you can actually do what's called a traditional oil pulling with castor oil, it's so good, where you just take one to two teaspoons in your mouth, you swish it only for one to two minutes very, very short, not 20 minutes, like you had to do with coconut oil, because coconut oil doesn't have this effect, and you sprint out. So it's a super way to get you start your microbiome healthy from the oral cavity moving all the way down. So this is kind of the practices that I do with all my patients, we do the Castro pack, we make sure that they get all that real estate time, heal the gut from the outside in.
And then of course supplementing them with supplements too, because you need those supplements can't live without those supplements, like there's things that we are deficient in, we're not getting from our food, we have higher demands on a needs for those supplements when we're sicker. But what we want to do is we want to make sure that it's absorbing really, really well so we get the maximum benefit. And what I ended up seeing for myself and then of course I saw that in my patients 1000s of times was that, you know, when they would first come to me they were on a boatload of supplements. And then by the time we started getting those castor oil packs on their bodies every night at least are trying to get it every night You know, I understand no one's perfect. And that's okay, just try to do it as much as you can make it a priority. But I started noticing that I could get them off of their supplements so they didn't have to take as much of a dose of the supplements and that would save the money over time and then they would be happier and feel better and then when they didn't feel so good. I was like are you doing your castor oil pack? And then a lot of it would always be like oh, I've kind of fallen off the cart you know off the boat on that one. I'm like get back on get back on.
And sure enough, you know they'd feel better and I started telling my patients like you're coming to me and you're spending hundreds of dollars for the visit and you know what I'm going to say? Get back onto your practice do your castor oil pack like I love the visit for sure. But just make sure you're doing the castor oil pack so I you know I've been in practice for over a decade and it's so cool to see my Very first patients who are still with me today, doing great, I barely see them now, but you know, we communicate on, you know, we do check ins and stuff only when things are going a little haywire or something new as popped up, but they are diligent, they do their Castro packs, and you know, they have less of a need to see me. And, you know, to me, that makes me so ultimately happy because I never got into the business to make money off of my patients, or to deal with sickness, I got into the business to deal with health and how people live in their purpose and their passion. And that has always been my goal. And so if I see them less, I know that they're gonna be raving fans, they're gonna send me more people that I can help, and that I can help more people. And then we can spread the word of living better, and having that longevity, and that amazing life where we can live in our purpose and our passion because we feel good in our body, we can sleep better, we can stress less, and we can poop better, and everyone feels better when they have those three things better.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 25:51
Totally great. I love that too. I've been in practice, it sounds like about as long as you and I love a lot of patients who once came to me very sick, I love seeing them now less frequently, right maybe once a year just for their annual check in and they're doing great. And it's so encouraging. And it's Yeah, it's that it's just that accountability piece, right?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 26:07
Continue as a coach, I need to see to check ins, but we love that they're, you know, they're staying on plan, like we do recommend for patients. And I'm sure you do too, to be on supplements long term, because it's a necessity. But we always also say to them, you know, like if you want to get off of supplements long term, or have less to take, keep on doing those Castro packs as you're going to keep on healing that gut, and the gut is that area, it's truly our, our outside on the inside. So you just get so many insults on a regular basis. And you know, it's something that we do truly have to maintain, just like our homes, right, our homes on the outside.
If we just let Mother Nature, you know, do its thing on it? Well, Mother Nature is gonna do its thing and create everything on it, it's going to break things down, you know, animals are going to grow in different places like trees will grow in places you don't want them, we have to maintain things. So the gut is the outside on the inside. It is also the hub of the hormonal system, the nervous system and the immune system. And we must absolutely pay so much attention to it. Because if our hormones are off, is because our gut is off, if our immune system is off, is because our gut is off. And if our nervous system is off or anxious, depressed, it's because our gut is off.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 27:18
Totally agreed. And you probably don't know this, but my book that I wrote your longevity blueprint a few years back, focuses on the analogy where we are comparing how we would maintain our home to how we should be maintaining our bodies. So chapter one is all about comparing the foundation of your home, that has to be strong to support the weight of the entire house right to your gut. Because I totally agree, right? gut health is the foundation of health. Now chapter five in that book is all about detoxing. I'm comparing the laundry room, right, which has a constant insult of dirty clothes, dirty laundry that needs to be washed, dried, folded, put away, right, comparing constantly, it doesn't stop, right you don't just wash your clothes once your entire life, you have that constant influx, that constant burden, right, which ours is increased now with a child. I'm comparing that to the liver and gallbladder in the body. So chapter five, I did not include castor oil packs, but I want to do a rewrite. So round two, I'm sure I'll be including castor oil packs.
Because what I'm hearing from you, I think one of the main benefits is it does get us in that kind of calms the fight or flight calms us down so our body can detox. We need to detox to feel better, right? That's part of healing chronic disease. So when I think of castor oil packs as helping with detox, since this is a detox month where we're launching these episodes, and we've also talked about the benefits of infrared sauna therapy, which is also very helpful, right. But with any modality I should say of detoxing, you don't want to detox too much too quick, especially if you're really sick, right? You don't go sit in a sauna for about an hour, five days a week, you might only last 1020 minutes, maybe not even that your first round. So I want to go back to I know you kind of hit a little bit on how important maintenance is. But I want to go back to how someone gets started. And that may depend on how sick they are. But how frequently I know you're saying hey, more real estate is better right longer where it overnight. But how would a listener start how frequently are they going to start using it? How frequently can they use it if they tolerate it more and then get to maintenance. So let's kind of walk the listeners through that. Yeah,
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 29:11
well number one, Dr. Stephanie, I want your book I love this been great. I've been like oh my god, I love that analogy. I'm totally going to borrow them because I just loved about the battery that was just great. It's so good. And the slimy roof is perfect and I love the house. You got to take your garbage out every single week right like he's got to keep on taking it out right? So that is the key. So here's the cool thing with castor oil packs when it comes to like how to start in my clinical practice all we do is cleanses pretty much because I'm like you I do we I'm pretty sure if we I'm gonna come to the United Iowa and I'm sure I'm going to come visit me and you're gonna be like okay, we have like the same. So here's the thing is that we make it mandatory on every single cleanse a patient undertakes, and we start them doing their castor oil packs before we even get them Started on the cleanse. And we have an absolutely like 1% problems with herxheimer response rate. That's it.
And it's because of the shift into the relaxed state with the castor oil packs. And that's why we prep them up before they actually do the cleanse because we really want to make sure that they're and they just bet they do the castor oil pack through the entire cleanse. Because we're doing IV therapy. We're doing colon hydrotherapy, like we're mobilizing collation, all those other things, right. So we're really mobilizing a lot of things out of the system. And we deal with a lot of autoimmunity, a lot of cancer. Typical things that are if you occur when you get when you have a rural practice, right, which I have, people respond incredibly well to it. So most people don't have a problem doing the one hour a night or overnight. Now there is a segment of population that level 1%, who you know, tends to be also people who come to see us because they're dealing with things, but it's still low. So if people do have an issue with starting the pack, I would say just started off because he really only use two tablespoons on the pack. And you know, the shift on the nervous system.
And as the Castro starts moving into the body, you start getting effectiveness. If they find it's too much, then what we say is just use less oil, but keep on doing the pack. So just start off with maybe one teaspoon, build up to one tablespoon, and then build up to a tablespoon and a half, and then just see how they do and then just wait for the hour and then try to build up to go in overnight. But honestly, most people respond really well. And it's really just like a 1%. Even online. Like we noticed that too that people really we have this really great comments. Very few people who complain and normal. People have problems are normally the ones who to speak up, right. But we have mostly just all good comments. So it's really taking it step by step and to seeing how it does for you knowing that it's a treatment that is really, really, really well tolerated. And it sets your body up great to start into that cleansing and detox and you can combine it with your modalities. So you can use it with infrared lights. You can use it with saunas, you mean wear it while you're
Dr. Stephanie Gray 31:55
in the sauna? Is that what you're saying? Like literally combined? Okay. What am I sure I heard you, right? Oh, yeah,
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 32:00
yeah, you can even put like essential oils on the back. Like, you can use some gelsemium if you want to for like liver, you can, I mean, I love Frankincense. Like there's certain ones that I combined with it. And so it's, you know, a patient by patient situation, obviously, with those things, or you know, someone has a little bit excess stress, I'll throw in a little bit of lavender, or especially if they have like viral load, because lavender is very good for viral load. So that'll help even more. So they have like an epstein barr virus situation with chronic fatigue, a little bit of lavender goes a long way with the castor oil. So it's really an incredible system. And this is the thing, castor oil packs, it's not another supplement, it's a new system. And this new system, what it does is it builds that foundation, those foundational pillars, because it does it gets your digestion, your absorption and your elimination going well, it gives you antioxidants that are key nitrous oxide glutathione, it balances out that inflammation, we need a little bit of inflammation, but not too much.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 32:57
So can it make you go to well, like do patients get diarrhea on this, you know, what
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 33:01
if even IBS, like when I started using them, I had a was a combination of IBS between diarrhea and constipation. So the times that I would have diarrhea, like severe, like I couldn't even leave the house, but it would actually regulate it. So Castro pots are regulating because because they work on the nervous system. So whether you're losing your bowels and can't hold them or you hold it in too much, it just sets the system to like allow it to let go in a normal normal way. And then that calming aspect is important. And then that microbiome aspect is everything. And those really end up becoming those are the five pillars of the foundation of healing is microbiome inflammation, stress reduction, nourishment, and getting your gut moving well. So it's just it really is like, it's the first thing I prescribe to patients they walk in, I asked them always about their sleep, their stools, their stress, you know, then we get into the details of their label or their condition, as I said earlier on, and then we start them with this, you know, of course, things like probiotics depending on the severity of their gut issues, just to start, you know, supplementing those.
And then and then making sure we set their sleep and it always astounds me, because again, I think back to those, you know, 10 years ago, and I was resistant, I wish I wouldn't start it's like, you know, I would have started it like wait, it would have been 20 years, I would be doing castor oil packs. I've been doing them for 10 years now, but it took me 10 years to warm up to them. So I hope the listeners out there don't take 10 years to warm up to it that you know they take action and you know move in the right direction. Because when you have the power and the ability to change those, those three things that are really annoyances in your in your life, right like not being able to go to the bathroom properly is totally annoying. It's sick, like and not sleeping properly, really wrecks your day makes you eat more. Because you know you can't control your appetite because it's just it's proven in science. When you don't get a good night's sleep, you want to eat more you feel more feelings of depression, you feel unfunctional and then that stress aspect which you know so many of us women deal with, and it's just such a comforting thing to know that I'm making that change in the world for people and I'm Just I'm just so looking forward to reaching out my goal is a billion people doing castor oil packs. So that
Dr. Stephanie Gray 35:05
world Yeah. Big Hairy Audacious Goal, the goal? Yeah. So let me go back, I want to ask a couple questions. So I have so many questions, but I'll try to keep it keep them to a few. So I'm assuming you're recommending this be used at night because it is calming, right. And if it is going to boost progesterone like someone could Sure, sure, they can use it during the day if they're using their sauna, but you are recommending it strategically for nighttime use, right? And then I mean, on us, I've never done this. So like, you literally just dropped the oil on the pack. And you just kind of just get like,
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 35:38
literally take the path you grab. So you take out the pack here. And then all you do, you made sure that the it's a soft cotton flannel aspect that is next to your skin. And in the middle, you pour two tablespoons. And all you do is you just stand up and you put it on your liver and tie it up and wrap it around. Okay, it's less than two minutes. So simple. And that was the thing like that was the big game changer for people because we have people who are, you know, loyal, loyal subjects, we call them to the queen of the thrones. And they they they just say you know what a game changer like they were doing the old way. And they would maybe do it once a week, maybe you know, and now that they have this, they can do it all the time. Now you do need to replace the compress this is very
Dr. Stephanie Gray 36:19
important. Just going to ask how dirty or icky is it going to be? How do you wash it or even wash
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 36:24
it usually about every 15 treatments isn't perfect after you wash it because of course you know castor oil is one of those oils, it's very sticky and sticks on to things. But you can wash it, we do recommend after about two months to get replace it because it is unknown in the research and I have yet to be able to find out I'm trying to do some research study around it, whether or not the castor oil brings toxins out back into the pack. And that's one of the read because you know dermal movement of toxins is a high possibility. So that's one of the reasons to why we always request people to apply a new layer of oil each time. And then that way they're getting the new fresh oil going in and the bottom of the oil is moving deeper into the compress into the plastic part. And then that also creates a natural barrier. So it's really strategically designed with of course, like like you and I have that similar practice, you know, limiting the amount of toxins that people can get exposed to lately. And really how can we optimize all those functions that are just absolutely key?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 37:18
Good. Thank you for addressing that. And if someone's had their if they're listening, and they've had their gallbladder removed, I'm sure you can still use this. There's no, no contraindication you probably need it even more because you don't have that organ anymore.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 37:29
absorption absorb it and it really does wonders for them. Yeah,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 37:34
so I want to go back to that frequency just to clarify. So you're basically saying you can start nightly, you can just start using it nightly, okay. And then for maintenance is is still nightly or is it maybe every other night, once a week or so
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 37:44
I still always say nightly, because I'm of the firm belief, you got to take your garbage out every day, especially your compost. We want to keep it keeping moving. But knowing that I'm also human, and you know, I'm not perfect. And I know my patients aren't perfect either. And that's okay. So at least if they try to aim to do it, at least three to five times a week would be perfect. And one thing for women who are in menopause, sometimes might find it uncomfortable to do it at nighttime, initially, because they're having, you know, raging hot flashes and night sweats.
And then and then they put this pack on and it naturally heats up. So it does it does create heat, it's really nice for those who have thyroid problems, because they're always feeling a bit chillier. So put on the pocket nice and warms you up. But those in menopause, find it a little more uncomfortable. So what I say to do there is this is that start doing it in the daytime. Because when you're doing in the daytime, you're going to start to rev up those cleansing processes, they'll work they'll get improved. And then you can start little by little bringing it into your nighttime practice. And that nighttime practice is really awesome because the in traditional Chinese medicine between the hours of one and 3am is the most active hours for the liver. And between the hours of 9pm and 11am is the gallbladder.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 38:54
That's why you got to get to bed early, right?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 38:56
That's because once a gallbladder dumping because over the nighttime is when we cleanse is when we do the majority of our cleansing. So the gallbladder will dump all the toxins that are contained in the fat, you know, everything gets more processed in the liver starts moving into the gallbladder, you know, the digestive system starts to move things because it's been without food. So peristalsis is working, all preparing you to go wake up in the morning and have a beautiful bowel movement to eliminate everything that you clean overnight time. So that's why I do prefer it at night. But there are situations like those women in menopause, that I feel you and I know you so you know, I want to make sure you do it at the right time so that you're the most comfortable with this with
Dr. Stephanie Gray 39:32
this new system. This may be a simple question, and we probably should open with this but where does castor oil come from? Like what plant I don't even know. I don't even know.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 39:40
It's rampant in the Mediterranean basin. So it's from like the Holy Land so you can find it all over the Holy Land. It's also even said to be had been used in the anointing oil. It's in the Bible or potentially for oil, and there are references to the gourds of castor oil in the Bible. So that's really beautiful. I love that. They also say that there's a spiritual component to castor oil that is a very connecting oil. So I love that about that as well. Because when you feel calm like that, and you're in that present moment, you know, that's where you are connected closer to God and you feel very, very well in your body or whatever it is for the people that are the source or whatever they feel. And the practice of anointed kings and queens that has come along the ages was said to be castable because it's not it's sticky, so it sticks there and it doesn't run all over their face. Isn't that interesting?
That is Yeah, you can find it all over the Mediterranean bays and you can find it in China, in India and in Brazil. It's hot tropical climates. I've even seen it I have a little plant in my clinic. Unfortunately, I'm in a northern country. We've got lots of snow right now. So we didn't last too long in the wintertime. But But I've seen it in British Columbia. I mean, I've seen it in Niagara Falls Canada and us and I've seen it definitely in California in different places where people have it. It is it isn't something to be careful with as well too because it is a vegetarian oil. But and the castor bean is a cool thing about it. The castor bean is the perfect example of yin and yang so the polarity in life you know something can give us complete life as the castor oil can give us complete life back. And then the beam However, it's dark side is that the beam contains Rison and Rison is actually using biological warfare and can kill people in six hours. But but never fear and this is a question I get a lot so I'm glad you brought this up. There is none of that in the oil the oil is completely healthy for you,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 41:32
you know because my next question is how do I know what quality I'm getting? Right? Well that's important for supplements as important for food and I'm sure it's important for castor oil and you're already pointed out do not purchase castor oil that's stored in plastic but how do we know we're getting a high quality castor oil like is it gonna say organic or like tell us the clinical pearls and tell us about your product. Awesome. So
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 41:50
what you're looking for so the rice is in the protein so when it's extracted when it's cold pressed, it's the best way to extract that rice in that negative side and it's not even in it so no worries there. But we're looking for is it for it to be you don't want your casserole to be processed with chemicals and most of them on the market I'm going to tell you they are they're processed with hexane and that's what you want to avoid. Absolutely. And same thing you do not want to buy a non organic castor oil. So on Amazon on on many of those different places you're finding mostly, you know, not really high quality castor oil, you're looking for Queen of the thrones ban and honestly, this is what I do. But I go very best castor oil therefore I have the very best because it's it's I use it on every part of my body on all my children, on all my patients on my family like it like it like these are all people I love and care for deeply, I would never put anything into their body that isn't 100%.
So it's when you're looking for 100% organic always because remember, castor oil is that oil, it grabs onto everything. So it loves taking anything in. But that's also how in your body, it grabs on to those toxins and moves them out of your body. Right. So that's what we want from it. hexane free, it must be cold pressed. And ours is first off the press like olive oil. So as you know, when you get a first you know, or olive oil like or like the Virgin, you get higher nourishment in it and castor oil has so much nourishment, vitamin E, lots of amazing polyphenols all having antioxidant properties. And so I just wanted to be jam packed full of that because this is one of my main things in my practice, like oh, yeah,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 43:26
well, you answered that question. Okay, so now I have two more questions, though, because you mentioned your children. So how young? I mean, do your kids use cash tropics?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 43:34
Oh, yeah, they they're awesome. I mean, they could be more religious with it, you know, but that's always you know, in other teenagers so that's challenging to get them to be religious with anything but they have been in whenever they're not feeling well, they know the first thing that they go for is their Castro Park and it always helps them like it's just like if they're feeling sick or under the weather. My daughter went to university and you know, you know when you leave the home you act a little differently you're not eating the right foods. And you know, the first thing she calls me She's like, I forgot my castor oil pack. I over ate like a fast food chain food. She's like, I need a casserole pack. Bob, could you send it to me? So you know, of course we said to her, but you the thing with castor oil packs is that everybody can use them except one person whose that is a woman who's pregnant. So we have people patients, moms do them with their kids, their sons, moms do them with their daughters, like they just like it's kinda like their their personal time at night.
They put on their packs, they do storytime. Like we have all these reports of all these great like that. It's like a family thing that they do. Husbands and wives do them together. And a bonus of a husband and wife doing them together is the oxytocin boost they get because it makes them more loving and they have better lovemaking. So that's kind of a bonus. We love that oxytocin helps to make that a little bit more than that. So So lots of bonuses there and really pregnancy. The reason why we don't use it is Castro has been used traditionally by midwives orally to stimulate birth right especially like on like childbirth. So with castor oil with And it does move the smooth muscles right there. Those prostaglandins move the smooth muscles. So we in case don't want to don't want to risk anything during pregnancy, but it's super safe to use up until getting pregnant. If you're actively trying, you want to cycle castor oil. So you do it from the time you bleed up until oscillation,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 45:18
and then not after just in case you were to conceive. Thank you for pointing that out. Yeah,
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 45:21
yeah. And then moms, breastfeeding Mamas and babies, the best time to start Castro because in that first year where they're setting up their gut, Mama's doing a Castro baby rubs in, you know, the U shaped direction, but of the intestine
Dr. Stephanie Gray 45:35
on the baby and the massage and the mama doing it on
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 45:37
her because then the baby's getting the body and keeping clean in their gut is getting, like really well created. They'll have a healthier microbiome, they'll have less risk of food sensitivities and allergies, like you set up your baby for Super health like and colic is reduced sleeping is better on the baby like it's just it is a wonder like we have such all the babies that are in within our practice have such a low allergic response rate. And that being said, in a region where children have some of the highest allergic response rates in terms of foods and sensitivities, like because of the practice of getting the moms early on to do those, those those rubs. It's so cool. Yeah,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 46:14
so exciting. Yeah. So I keep saying one more question one more question but you did. You did allude to using this all over your body and I know that many of my female patients struggle with hair loss and so I do want you to share how you use it for hair growth also please. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 46:31
So we do so this is the Cleopatra I loved using castor oil for hair. That was what she was known for her beautiful eyebrows and she owned all castor oil that in her eyes. So casserole we actually have what's called the beauty sleeve kit, which is an entire little kit that is created specifically to help with the eyebrows and eyelashes and aging right anti aging because again Castro goes deep into the tissues so it goes into the dermis where the collagen lies and it helps to plump up the area so you get you can get rid of dark circles under the eyes. You can even reduce the fine lines around the eyes. And then in our kit we have a awesome little spooly brush where you actually apply castor oil directly to the eyebrows and to the eyelashes as well too. Right so use this little eye brush on the washes and then you where you do the same thing you put the castor oil soak it around your eyes where you would have dark circles and where you would have potentially a little bit of wrinkles Crow's eyes,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 47:23
like once a day like once a day for one a bed and then
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 47:27
again so we do it's a whole little little nighttime routine, you wear an eye mask to go to sleep and this is like a castor oil pocket for your eyes. And the benefits of this are many number one just even using an eye mask that has a soft material against the skin to sleep naturally boosts and stimulates your melatonin without having a supplement so that's awesome because women as we age we are melatonin naturally reduces and Melatonin is so near and dear to my heart because higher levels of a prevents hormonally based cancers. That's super important. I really want all my women wearing imass every night just to naturally boost it without having to take another supplement. And then the other benefit is that is that you get the deeper permeation and so you sleep well and then you're getting the anti aging while you sleep and your eyebrows and eyelashes can grow a lot better.
So that's a super easy way to do it. It's a great practice I have my patients do with their Castro pockets a two minute routine at night put on your pack put on your eye mask, go to bed, sleep great love it. And weekly you can do hair mask treatments. So same kind of principle castor oil pack but for your hair, especially women with thyroid conditions menopause where we started to get the patchy baldness you know problems in the receding hairlines same principle, apply the castor oil into the roots. And actually I have short hair. And if you have long hair like you do, what you do is you just only plug Castrol into the roots, not the entire length of the of the hair just into the roots where there could be damage and into the sculpt where we need to nourish get the nitric oxide functioning, it's gonna help my blood flow right so reducing the fungal that might be causing a problem as well too, right because there's certain bacteria or fungus that can cause problems in terms of allowing nourishment into the root of the hair. So literally just massage like just yesterday. You have a hair pick that comes we have a whole kit for it. So a hair pick that you can do a natural little massaging of your sculpt to really get the circulation moving. And then you put on this fancy pantsy Look at this.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 49:27
Yeah, which naturally
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 49:28
repeats so this is kind of like Do you ever remember those old hot oil hair treatments when you were younger? Did you ever do those?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 49:35
I don't think I did but I've like I've seen them on TV like you see pictures of old ladies are doing that. Yeah,
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 49:40
yeah. So this is the same thing but it's natural with castor oil. And you wear that for about an hour you don't go to sleep at that because unless you're okay with getting your your your sheets a bit messy but don't go to sleep. Don't go to sleep with this because it's your hair. You just want to do it only for an hour. And for women who are having like just slight problems with hair loss. You could do it once a week. If you know that you've been having severe amounts of hair loss, I recommend people to do it twice a week cancer, as we have them do it a little bit more, especially during their chemotherapy treatments. And so just to make sure that they can either prevent hair loss or when it comes back and comes back really beautifully and thick and faster. Awesome. So cool way I know I'd love to have
Dr. Stephanie Gray 50:18
followed by a tip followed by tip. Okay, so if our listeners still want to know more, tell us what free gift you have for the audience. Well,
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 50:27
I'm a firm believer that understanding, you know, the ancient doctors always used to say, Know thyself. And when you understand yourself, there's so much more that you can do and help yourself on a daily regular basis. And one of my favorite ways to assess the body is through understanding your stools. So we're offering for free a free download known as the 50 shades of poop. Now, that for people is the very, very first step, which is going to give them a really good understanding of what the color of their stool says about them. And then you can go in from there to the next step on the journey and learn about all the 11 golden nuggets. So there's actually 11 measures of your stools that you can, when you start getting those daily proves, especially by doing those Castro packs, what will happen is that you'll be able to be doing a day to day assessment of how your health is doing.
And then you can start to see the actual impact of the foods you're eating the stress levels, you're having that fight you had with a friend, or you know, mother in law or husband or children or whatever the case may be, you can actually start to realize those impactors on your body and on your gut. And it is such a great way honestly to know know thyself. And so, and I look at it for patients as like day to day lab tests that they can do for free, right. So when you understand the messages that your body's our body's telling you, then you know day to day, you can you can be having a great understanding. And when you go to see your practitioner like you were I right, what ends up happening is you can be more vocal about what's happening in your body. You know, as an example, sticky poos sticky pose, if you're wiping your bum more than once you should wipe and your paper should come clean. If it's sticky, and there's there's stuff on the paper, you could potentially be having food sensitivities, something you ate 72 hours before you could have a bad microbiome, right? Something we want to look at. Right? So there's lots of little indicators of things not going right to detoxification not working well, you know, lots of different things. So I really love people to understand that. So we're offering that for free for people, and I hope you take advantage of it.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 52:20
So I'll post the link to that 50 shades of poop, or blog. in the show notes. I ask all of my listeners their top longevity tip. So I know you've probably already given us several what what's your top longevity tip,
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 52:33
honestly, is just looking at what looking at what your daily patterns are like, understanding who you are looking at those three, most importantly, your sleep, your stress and your stools, the three S's honestly, when those get under when you are commanding those and when you are owning them, and you are being that that Queen on their throne and understanding you know what your stool is telling you what your sleep is telling you, and what your stress levels are telling you. That just is a complete game changer for your life. And it does more wonders than any supplement any tool could do is just having an understanding of who you are. And it's easy. You don't need to get a university degree to get this information. You just need to understand the simple messages of your body and open them up and learn them and read them. And I truly feel that that is my greatest gift to the world with castor oil packs is having people understand those three aspects of their body and starting early with their children so that their children can be empowered, and prevent them from getting those labels of conditions like thyroid and menopause,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 53:33
IBS and yeah, and kagama, whatever, disease and
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 53:38
you know, all these things, you know, luckily my mother to wrap it all up, you know, she ended up beating that cancer with not a sign of cancer and lived a beautiful life healthier than ever, for you know, another 1011 years post it and then she just died of natural causes, which was her talk, and what a wonderful way to go, you know, her parting words to me, were always and she would say this to me every single time that I would help her give her tips or you know, have her help remind her to do her miracle wrap. she would say to me, she's she'd always say money. So keep on doing what you're doing. And just be patient with patients and just keep them on the pathway and keep telling them and teaching them and showing what they're doing because you're changing lives. And please, for me keep on doing that. And that's what I'm here for is literally just to help people to help people do that. I want to see people change their lives, and I want to see them own their throne because everyone is a queen and they deserve to be that Queen and they deserve to have their queen thems be amazing. They deserve it.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 54:33
I love that. I'm sure you were a huge part of your mother's recovering healing and I think beautiful story. So thank you for sharing that. Well, you've convinced me I'm sure you've convinced the listeners. So where do we get your castor oil pack? So you have a company so you have the different kits? Right?
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 54:48
We sure do. Yeah, we've got all the kits available. We're going to give you a link so you'll have that link in your show notes as you're doing great. And it's at Dr. marisol.com. So there they can find out everything about poo and Sleep and stress
Dr. Stephanie Gray 55:01
and you have great Instagram Queen of Thrones, right? Yeah, just confined to, you know the thrones and Facebook Queen of the thrones and YouTube as well too. So
well thank you so much. This wraps up amazing detox month we've had lots of speakers on with different strategies and this was by far one of the most fun fun interviews. So thank you so much for coming on the show and, and really just empowering us to like you said, own that throne and teach us all of the beneficial uses of castor oil. So thank you so much for your time and for your passion.
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro 55:31
Oh, absolutely. pleasure. Thanks so much, Dr. Stephanie. Bye everybody.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 55:37
Now I understand why she is called the queen of Thrones. She answered all my questions about poo and castor oil packs. And now I'm ready to get started using them. Remember to check out the show notes for lots of links from this episode including her link to the free 50 Shades of Blue Book. We now carry her Queen of Thrones brand products which I'm confident are the safest available at my practice the integrative health and hormone clinic and if you want to see what they look like stop on in any time. If you want her special discount use code Dr. Gray 10 for 10% off using the queen of Thrones link in the show notes you must use that link for the 10% off. Again that's code Dr. gra y 10. I hope this month has flooded you with information on ways to help your body better detox.
I'd love for you to pick a detox week or even month for yourself where you can apply what you've learned. I'd love for you to get your castor oil pack and your core restore liver detox program in hand and pick your start date. Incorporate sauna therapy weekly and pick the best time of your year for starting your prolonged fast. Links to everything we've mentioned this month will be posted on the bonuses tab on your longevity blueprint calm. Thanks for joining me this special special detox month. If you've enjoyed what you've heard, please give me a rating and review on iTunes and share this podcast with those in need. Be sure to check out my book your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck, you can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book plus for a limited time the course is 50% off, check this offer out at your longevity blueprint.com and click the course tab.
One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. And leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I read all the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics, guests or how you're applying what you've learned on the show to create your own longevity blueprint. The podcast is produced by the team at counterweight creative As always, thanks so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting.
The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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