You are in for a real treat today! I have looked up to Dr. Jill Carnahan for years, and now she is with me for a gem-packed two-part series! Today, in Part 1, she dives into ways to build resilience, overcome autoimmunity, cancer, and biotoxin illness, and explains how to use flow states for optimal health and performance.
Common symptoms of IBS
- Heartburn
- Reflux
- Indigestion
- Diarrhea
- Gas
- Bloating
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Dr. Jill Carnahan’s Bio:
Dr. Jill Carnahan is a board-certified Integrative Holistic Medicine specialist known as Your Functional Medicine Expert®️ and often referred to as the “Sherlock Holmes of Medicine,” for solving the case of the most well-known medical mysteries.
Utilizing state-of-the-art lab testing and biochemical analysis, she helps each patient identify the root cause of their illness by identifying nutritional or metabolic imbalances that may be contributing to their symptoms.
Dr. Jill uses nutritional protocols and supplements, lifestyle changes, and medication to increase the patient’s level of function and always seeks the gentlest and least invasive ways to restore health and optimize healing.
She has also sustained a 5+ year waiting list as the Medical Director of Flatiron Functional Medicine, a widely sought-after practice. As a survivor of breast cancer, Crohn’s disease, and toxic mold illness, Dr. Jill brings a unique perspective to treating a variety of complex and chronic illnesses and has traveled the world sharing her knowledge of hope, health, and healing live on stage as well as through newsletters, articles, books, podcasts, and social media. Her memoir, Unexpected, is out now which is the highlight of our interview today.
In this episode:
- Dr. Carnahan shares her profound experience of overcoming fear while rock climbing (3:11)
- Dr. Carnahan gives her definition of functional medicine (9:28)
- Dr. Carnahan shares her take on how gut health relates to full-body health (11:49)
- Symptoms you might experience from an autoimmune disease, from a gastrointestinal standpoint (14:13)
- How Dr. Carnahan managed to heal her colitis (15:37)
- Dr. Carnahan shares her breast cancer story and how she recovered from it (19:49)
- Which toxins are the most important ones to avoid? (23:04)
- How to ensure that your drinking water is clean (25:33)
- Some tips for reducing your EMF exposure (26:07)
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Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
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• Instagram (@drjillcarnahan)
• Twitter (@DocCarnahan)
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