Warren Phillips, the founder of Non-Toxic Dad, joins me for a two-part series on non-toxic living, where we dive into the hidden toxins that rapidly destroy your ability to focus and lose weight, your sexual performance and your joint health. Warren shares tips for quickly reducing signs of aging and explains what to avoid in the home, also shedding light on what we can do to cultivate healthier, stronger, and happier children in our modern world.
Today, in Part 1, we focus on the kitchen and laundry room. Next week, in Part 2, we will cover the bedroom and bathroom.
Common foods that typically contain a high percentage of lead:
- Chocolate
- Cocoa
- Table salt
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Warren P. Phillips’s Bio:
Warren P. Phillips, M.S., is the Founder of Non-Toxic Dad.
Warren is a health warrior.
Battling Fibromyalgia, anxiety, weight gain, insomnia, and numerous other health challenges for years, he refused to give up on himself.
After exploring alternative and natural methods of heavy metal detoxification, dietary changes, and cellular support restoring his health in the process – Warren became ignited with a passion for helping others facing similar challenges.
He now devotes his time to educating people about non-toxic health solutions that can change lives. A passionate and energetic individual, he lives by what he says, and works tirelessly for this cause.
In this episode:
- How toxic chemicals lurk in everyday products (10:20)
- Warren’s personal journey of healing from chronic illness through detoxification and living a non-toxic lifestyle (16:40)
- The benefits of living a non-toxic lifestyle (18:41)
- Ways to reduce toxicity in the kitchen (20:20)
- Why you must never use toxic items around children (20:37)
- Non-toxic cookware options (20:44)
- Chemical toxins found in laundry detergents (30:44)
- The dangers of using chemical-based laundry products (31:44)
Links and Resources:
Use code GLUTATHIONE to get 10% off GLUTATHIONE
Use code BIND to get 10% off ENVIROBIND
Use code “DRGRAY” for 10% off Danger Coffee
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Relative Links for This Show:
Links to Lara Adler’s episodes:
Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals Part 1
Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals Part 2
Links to Andy Green’s episodes:
Creating Healthy Non-toxic Homes Part 1
Creating Healthy Non-toxic Homes Part 2
Links to Brian Karr’s episodes:
How to Detect Mold in your House Part 1
How to Detect Mold in your House Part 2