Today I’m going to continue with part 4 in the liver detox series discussing the power of sweating!
In Part 1 I made a case for how important it is to detox your body. In part two we started by discussing ways to clean up the diet and water you intake.
If you can’t exercise as a means of sweating due to joint issues, consider purchasing an infrared sauna.
There are so many different sauna companies out there, and it can be difficult to determine which has the best quality. I personally use High Tech Health’s dry far infrared sauna.
Far infrared is a band of light (not visible) that is created by the sun and is felt as warmth on the body. Far infrared is effective because it penetrates deep into the body to elevate the body’s core temperature, inducing a low-grade, short-term fever that helps with numerous health conditions. As far infrared is absorbed by the body’s tissues, resonant absorption occurs.
When the frequency of the far infrared matches the frequency of the water in your cells, that’s when the magic happens. This activity causes toxins to be mobilized, releasing them from fat cells and dropping them into the blood, where they will be excreted via stool, urine, or sweat.
High Tech Health has actually conducted trials looking at sweat samples showing all the harmful heavy metals that were released during the sauna session. These include aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury.
Sweating has also been shown to help remove phthalates and plastics, PCBs, dioxins, and pesticides. Like I mentioned, saunas are also excellent for my patients who can’t exercise due to mobility issues. It is a way for them to still get their heart rate up and sweat.
High Tech Health’s sauna has proven detoxification results and their ceramic heaters have the lowest total EMF of any infrared sauna. The wood is not treated with chemicals and they use proper ventilation.
Read more about how to reduce EMFs in your life here.
Consider reading No Sweat, Know Sweat, by Bill Akpinar and learn more @ https://www.hightechhealth.com/saunas/. Mention my name for a $500 discount (Plus, there are often additional seasonal discounts on top of this).
Remember, we all are exposed to toxins. We can’t always change our environment, but we can change our diet, water, choose to take the nutrients our bodies need to detox like pursuing the Core Restore a few times/year and consider using a sauna!
Learn much more about all topics in this series in Chapter 5 of my book Your Longevity Blueprint.
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