Using magnets to help heal chronic and less severe health conditions almost sounds unbelievable. But it’s not! I’m joined by Dr. William Pawluk to talk about how he treats illness using pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) and why he thinks everyone would benefit from magnetic therapy.
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How to Get the Most Benefit from PEMFs
- Adequate Nutrition
- Adequate Rest
- Manage Stress
- Don’t Smoke or Drink
- Address Underlying Health Concerns
About Dr. William Pawluk
Dr. William Pawluk just retired from his holistic MD practice to devote his time completely to advocating for pulsed electromagnetic field or PEMF therapy. He had past University positions at Johns Hopkins and the U of Maryland. His medical training includes family medicine and a Master’s degree in clinical epidemiology.
Non-conventional training includes acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnosis, bodywork, energy medicine, nutrition, and functional medicine. Dr. Pawluk is a foremost authority on PEMF therapy in North America, especially for holistic pain management, healing, and tissue regeneration.
Dr. Pawlul has worked with PEMFs for more than 30 yrs. He is the owner of DrPawluk.com and author of the most comprehensive book on healing with PEMFs, “Power Tools for Health.” He has also written multiple chapters in scientific books and many articles, featured on more than 50 radio, podcasts, magazines, and TV interviews. Plus, he was a cohost of a 2-hour holistic health radio show for 10 years.
Most recently he hosted the Pain Solution Summit. You can find it at painsolutionsummit.com. Dr. Pawluk received the ACIM Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019 for his work in advancing Magnetic Field Therapy and was a featured expert on the “Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science Documentary Series.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy in Brief
Did you know that those over-the-counter pain medications are doing more harm than good? NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), such as ibuprofen and aspirin, while having a positive impact on your pain levels, have a detrimental impact on your guts and overall health. Dr. William Pawluk explains why this is and states that no one should exceed 3000mg in their lifetime.
There are alternative therapies out there: Dr. Pawluk is a leading expert in pulsed electromagnetic field treatment. Magnetic healing therapies are popular in the east but haven’t gained the footing they should have in western medicine. Dr. Pawluk explains why this is.
He also shares what this type of therapy is. Essentially, PEMFs are a type of magnetic therapy that heals your body from a cellular level. PEMFs help opens your membrane channels, allowing nutrients to enter and waste to leave easier.
How to Use PEMFs
If you’re wary of using any kind of magnetic energy on your body, Dr. Pawluk assures you that it’s a safe treatment. While we should be cautious of other EMFs, PEMFs fall into the safe range and don’t produce any heating action.
Dr. Pawluk explains how PEMFs work to treat illness in our bodies. Whether it’s an injury, cut, tear, burn infection, or even some cancers, PEMFs can heal virtually any kind of problem in the body. He explains the optimal way to use PEMF therapy.
It’s also possible, and Dr. Pawluk highly recommends, using PEMFs as a preventative therapy. It’s safe to use every day – or Dr. Pawluks’s recommendation of twice a day for 30 minutes. Finally, Dr. Pawluk details who shouldn’t use PEMFs.
Would you consider adding PEMFs to your healthcare routine? Call the Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic today and schedule your first appointment at 319-363-0033.
“PEMFs can actually help you with EMFs. EMFs are doing damage, so how do you undo the damage? You use PEMFs. Whether it’s an injury, cut, tear, burn, or an infection, you can use PEMFs to heal virtually any kind of problems in the body.” [25:22]
“Generally speaking, the better the intensity of the PEMF, the more optimal the intensity is for the problem. The shorter the treatment times and the faster and better the results.” [30:14]
“The beauty of magnetic field therapy on a daily basis is that you don’t give illness a chance to come back.” [36:35]
In This Episode
- Why you need to be careful of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) [4:00]
- Why magnetic therapy isn’t more popular in North America [10:30]
- What Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) Are [11:30]
- The difference between PEMFs and EMFs [24:00]
- How magnetic therapy works [29:00]
- How to use PEMFs as a preventative therapy [37:30]
- Who shouldn’t use PEMFs [43:00]
Links & Resources
Use Code CALM for 10% Off Adrenal Calm
Download The Effects of Stress and How to Mitigate Stress
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Get your copy of the Your Longevity Blueprint book and claim your bonuses here
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Integrative Health and Hormone Clinic
Podcast Production by the team at Counterweight Creative
Additional Resources Mentioned
Episode 47: Improving Parasympathetic Tone For The Ans With Dr. Tim Jackson
Episode 42: Benefits Of Sauna Therapy With Nicole Carlson
Episode 31: Gut/Brain Connection With Dr. Lauryn Lax
Episode Transcript
Dr. William Pawluk 0:04
The image that I use is a magnetic field is like the wind. You don't know it's there until you see the leaves moving when it comes up against you. And so the more dynamic the leaves the motion of the leaves, the more dynamic the field is. So same thing happens in the body. It passes radar through like the wind, and jiggles things, cells in the walls of cells and initiates chemical reactions in the body that are all in motion towards healing. Rosa causes a rebalancing effect in the tissues where the body has more energy. It could do more work, you have more energy, you could do more work.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 0:43
Welcome to the longevity blueprint podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Stephanie gray. My number one goal with the show is to help you discover your personalized plan to build your dream health and live a longer, happier, truly healthier life. You're about to hear from Dr. Pollack. today. You're about to hear how pulsed electromagnetic fields p EMF are a universal comprehensive health and injury hack and whole body optimizer essentially a Swiss Army knife for health. Let's get started. Thanks for joining me for another episode of The your longevity blueprint podcast today I have Dr. Pollack. Dr. William Pollock just retired from his holistic medical practice to devote his time completely to advocating for pulsed electromagnetic field or pemf therapy. He has had past University positions at Johns Hopkins and University of Maryland. His medical training includes family medicine and a master's degree in clinical epidemiology. non conventional training includes acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnosis, bodywork, energy, medicine, nutrition and functional medicine.
He is recognized as a foremost authority on PMF therapy in North America, especially for holistic pain management, healing and tissue regeneration. He's worked with PMS for over 30 years. He's the owner of www.dr Pollack, that's pa W. l. UK calm and the author of the most comprehensive book on healing with PMS power tools for health. He has also written multiple chapters in scientific books and many articles and on over 50 radio, podcast magazine TV interviews, and was co host of a two hour Holistic Health radio show for over 10 years. Most recently, he hosted the pain solution summit, which you can find at pain Solutions Summit calm. He received the ACI m Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019, for his work in advancing magnetic field therapy, and was a featured expert on the proven healing breakthroughs backed by science documentary series. Wow, lots there. So welcome to the show. Dr. Pollack. My
Dr. William Pawluk 2:41
pleasure. Thank you for inviting me and helping me to share with your your tribe.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 2:47
Well, tell us about yourself. How do you have quite the background? But how did you get interested in become the expert on PMF? So tell us your story.
Dr. William Pawluk 2:55
This story. So I was a family physician, running a medical group in New Jersey, about 3030 doctors, different types of practitioners. over a week or two weeks, we had a couple of admissions to the hospital of people with gastric bleeding, one of whom almost died from from it. And I began to question for myself why and it's from ibuprofen, from using non steroidal anti inflammatories like aspirin or ibuprofen. As I said, this is stupid medicine. It's really a definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. But one of the problems is the GI bleeding caused by the treatment. So we were killing people or nearly killing people for their pain management. They were going to die of their pain but they were going to die of their treatment. and subsequent since then found out that there are about 16,000 people a year die from gastric bleeding from from non steroidal anti inflammatories. 16,000 more than eight. Wow. And will you add kidney disease on top of that you're talking about 30,000 people a year are dying from complications of these, these innocent commonly used medications.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 4:08
Give us some examples of those for the audience. So What are insets?
Dr. William Pawluk 4:12
nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs? That's what ensayo stands for. So that's aspirin, aspirin, probably the most commonly used and sate Aleve, ibuprofen, Motrin, and the list goes on Meloxicam, you name it all of these are non steroidal anti inflammatory so they all cause gastric irritation. And as a result that causes bleeding and the more you take, the more risk you have. So for example, one of the lot of times I read an article that if you take more than 3000 grams of a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory in your lifetime, you have a fourfold 400% chance of wiping out your kidneys. So a woman she takes ibuprofen every period for the whole period at the highest doses in a lifetime and a reproductive lifetime. She A few who have exceeded her 3000 grams.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 5:03
Back to that pain management tool. So we got to figure out why they have the pain. Yeah, exactly. So they don't need the answers. So this is not this is
Dr. William Pawluk 5:11
not innocuous, you know, it seems innocuous, it's OPC. You can get it and take it on your own. That's where the risks are the highest is actually because you're taking it on your own, and you're not counting the pills, you're dosing and so on. Oh, it's not innocuous. But anyways, my point to me was, I have to do something different. I can't keep doing the same thing. So I decided to leave the house of medicine, leave everything that I was trained, leaving my consultants in my peers, and take a chance dive into the deep end of the pool and learn something else. Acupuncture is what I decided to do. So I started studying acupuncture. When I did that, after I finished my acupuncture studies as a physicians doing acupuncture. That was 1990 a little while ago. And people go like this, don't come to me with those needles. So this is before Madonna had acupuncture.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 6:03
Before it was popular alternative medicine
Dr. William Pawluk 6:05
in a movie correct. So I had to do something different. I couldn't do acupuncture needles. So I just studied fine find ways of doing acupuncture like treatments without using needles. And what I discovered is magnets, so in the Orient, Korea, India, Japan, China, they use magnets, little tiny magnets on acupuncture points. And they work. And I did it I use that I did some experiments with it. And yes, it actually worked. But I discovered along the way that they did other things that acupuncture didn't do. Because when you put a needle in, you're hoping that that needle would send the acupuncture meridians moving, and that would treat various things that acupuncture step to treat. But I discovered that magnets were treating things locally as well as doing acupuncture like actions. So I had a I had an experience myself where I had a spider bite on my leg. And I put a magnet on the spider bite. I just barely knows I didn't even know I had a bite. I looked down and I had this swollen area of my leg that up just like a spider bite. Having seen many of these as a physician, I sort really knew what it was. And normally if you get a spider bite, how long does it take for spider bite to heal?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 7:12
long times
Dr. William Pawluk 7:13
several weeks, right? By the end of the day, four hours, three to four hours later,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 7:18
God, what kind of Magnum was this is a pretty strong magnet
Dr. William Pawluk 7:24
or your typical fridge magnet, but it could do as well. point is that it's doing healing work in the area that the magnets applied, in addition to simulating the acupuncture points and meridians that are in that area, that specific area. So I said Well, what's whoa what's going on here. And I started digging into the science and tried to read more about it. And long story short, I ended up publishing a book called review of 30 years of research. And so Eastern Europe. The Eastern Europeans had been doing this for a long, long time. And they had a lot of research, but it was in Cyrillic. It was in the like Cyrillic languages, alphabet. I met a doctor an MD PhD, who had reviewed a lot of this for his own PhD. And he had a manuscript he said, Let's produce this manuscript. So we wrote the book. I got a therapy in Eastern Europe, a review of 30 years of research, but that was a highly technical book, very cryptic, very scientific. So it didn't really have much value for most people, the average person but I learned a lot about magnetic field therapy then because we had never, there was no research in the West, on the effects of magnetic field therapy in the body.
And they trade pneumonias, they traded heart disease, they traded brain disease, they traded all sorts of things, and they had research. It wasn't extensive. It wasn't like volumes and volumes of research. But it was enough to really say this is a real phenomena. There's something really happening here. And as I accumulated evidence, accumulated research, we set up our own website, Dr. Bob calm eventually. And that was about 13 years ago that we set that website up 17 years ago. And then we decided to do the book. Everybody said, you got to write a book, gotta write a book, some other websites, a living book, is a vendor, you can't put everything that you want in a website. Of course, I also discovered you can't put everything that you want in a book I write every medium has its limitations. Yep. So anyway, we wrote I wrote a book called power tools for health, how pulsed magnetic fields or PMF help you. And the idea there was to provide people with a science, tell people about what magnetic fields are, how they work. And then I reviewed about 50 different medical conditions, and the science behind the treatment of those conditions. So I have over 500 scientific references in the book dealing with the science of magnetic field therapy.
So again, this is not it's not Voodoo. I didn't invent it. I didn't discover it wasn't something out of my mind. The intent was to provide a good solid basis for what we're doing. And that's important because I review I get questions about all kinds of other therapies. All the time. And unfortunately, when you look at the science behind those therapies there, they ain't none. Or there's very little is one or two studies, I have 30, I have 30,000 abstracts on the effects of magnetic fields of biology. So this is a very rich area of knowledge. And despite that it is not accepted in the West, because it's not funded, it's not richly funded by pharmaceutical companies, or universities don't have chairs and departments that are doing lots of research, because nobody's paying for this research. And one of the reasons they don't is because a pharmaceutical company makes their money by selling drugs, right. And so as a result, you have to patent it, you have to protect your invention, if you will patent it. So you can sell it for a long, long time, make a lot of money, and then you whatever happens to after that doesn't matter. Right, with magnetic field therapy, it's very hard to patent this stuff. And it's very, they're very expensive to make. It's not like a pill, which could cost you anywhere between 50 cents to $5, or more, whatever it costs. Whereas magnetic fields, if you buy a piece of equipment, you have an investment, you have something that you're going to be using for a long, long time. But the initial cost is a limiting factor for most people, and it's not covered by insurance.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 11:20
Sure, sure.
So let's go back to what pemf are.
Dr. William Pawluk 11:24
So what are pulsed electromagnetic fields PMF, Stafford, pulsed electromagnetic fields. So a magnet fridge magnet, is what we call a static magnet. It's not positive, it's just there. Okay, when you take that magnetic field, if you can take a magnet and you're weighted at something, now that way, that magnet now becomes a pulsed magnetic field.
So static magnets don't work that strongly. They're not that effective, they work, but they're not as effective. And that's what I discovered when I worked with magnetic fields at the beginning, I use the static magnets. And then as a result, as I said, I discovered the limitations of static magnets, and began to use the pulsed magnetic fields. And that was the sort of the, the evidence behind that original book. magnetic field therapy in Eastern Europe is that they had done a lot more work with pulsed magnetic fields. And now we started getting availability of these devices in the US, and started working with them. So those are pulse, they're dynamic fields, they're in motion, the field is moving in and out. And because the field is moving in and out, every time it moves in, every time it moves out, it creates an action in the body, a static magnet, you just place it on the body and the magnet is not in motion, the bodies in motion. So the effects are a lot less dynamic. They don't they they're more much more shallow.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 12:46
So that's kind of how they act. How PMF do I say that right? p EMF EMF
Dr. William Pawluk 12:52
will say pimps a pemfs.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 12:54
Okay, so that's how they act, you're saying correct.
Dr. William Pawluk 12:58
Okay, so what way you make a magnetic pulse magnetic field as you pass a current down a wire. And we know that a current flowing at a wire is vibrating. It's oscillating its hackle frequency to it. And so that frequency then causes a magnetic field to reproduce every time a wave goes by a magnetic field pulses. So basically, every time a wave goes by goes boop, collapses, whoop, collapses. And that magnetic field goes right through the body. The body is like air to a magnetic field, a body does not exist to a magnetic field. But as it's passing through the body, it's creating all kinds of responses by the body. The image that I use is a magnetic field is like the wind, you don't know it's there until you see the leaves moving. You want to feel it comes up against you. And so the more dynamic the leaves, the motion of the leaves, the more dynamic the field is. So same thing happens in the body. It passes radar through like the wind, and jiggles things in cells in the walls of cells and initiates chemical reactions in the body that are all in motion towards healing. That always causes a rebalancing effect in the tissues where the body has more energy. It could do more work, you have more energy, you could do more work.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 14:15
Exactly. You may likely have heard me talk about one of my favorite products in several episodes called adrenal calm. It contains a unique blend of botanicals and nutrients that support the stress response, particularly promoting cortisol balance. Specifically adrenal comm includes a blend of adaptogenic botanicals and nutrients formulated to counteract the effects of daily stress and support healthy energy levels. It also contains phosphate tidal searing and l theanine, both of which reduce that half life of cortisol or in other words, call them adrenaline. I love using this in the afternoon if I've had a stressful workday or before public speaking, I can also be taken on a daily basis as many of us have more daily stress now than ever before. If you're interested in learning more about adaptogenic herbs, read chapter six of my book, you're longer Every blueprint and check out our product guide info sheet at your longevity blueprint comm forward slash product, Ord slash adrenal hyphen calm to get 10% off adrenal calm or Elle Fanning us code calm at your longevity blueprint calm. Now let's get back to the show. So what do you believe limits optimization and longevity? And then what kind of PMS are needed for optimization and increased longevity?
Dr. William Pawluk 15:30
Do you know anybody who doesn't aging?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 15:33
No, everybody.
Dr. William Pawluk 15:34
I do.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 15:36
I guess Dave Asprey seems to be aging backwards, I
Dr. William Pawluk 15:38
don't know. You can age backwards, you can recover what you've lost something. But you can't, it can't age backwards. The only people I know who are not aging are children. Until about age 24, we are growing, we have more stem cells, we produce more energy, we have repair work, we can do all sorts of things that we can't do when we're 40, or 60. So between 24, about 24, to around 24, is when we stopped growing. And between 24 and say 40. You're basically in balance relative for most of us, unless you happen to be a professional football player or something. You're basically in balance between breakdown and repair. Okay, once you stop growing, you're subject to entropy. And what's entropy
Dr. Stephanie Gray 16:30
breakdown? loss of energy.
Dr. William Pawluk 16:34
Right now, as you don't have the energy, you need to maintain that structure. Because the atoms have to be continually supported to maintain themselves, you're not adding more fuel, you're not adding more energy to the system. So you That means that basically, they're going to break down, you do add some and that's why you between 25 and 40, to 2440, your relative balance, but by the time you reach 40, most of us notice nicks and scratches, right? We notice the little things that are beginning to bother us, because we have not done the repair work. We haven't completed the repair work who can't get us back. So when you do really high level hacking biohacking, then you can't do that. But you know, athletes are in actually, for most athletes, they're in horrible shape. Why?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 17:24
They're not repairing,
Dr. William Pawluk 17:26
they're not repairing. Even though you're taking all the doing all the nutritional stuff you need to do even though you're sleeping you need to do and you need to do a certain amount of activity to maintain the energy and the functions of the body. So you don't stiff it up.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 17:39
Right, right.
Dr. William Pawluk 17:39
But when you go beyond a certain point, now you're causing more damage than you're repairing Sure. And what the body is lacking is energy. So how do you stimulate energy fails?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 17:51
Okay, there's the ticket, there's the key,
Dr. William Pawluk 17:53
right? So you know about this, you don't use it, you lose it. Right, just moving, just moving your arm, your hand like this creates a lot of energy flowing in that tissue. There's a charge of flows in the fascia, the soft tissue between the elbow and the wrist, at the rate of three meters a second, three meters a second. That's extremely rapid. So every time we move every time we do activity, we're recharging the body. That's one of the reasons people use earthing. He lay on the planet you're getting the recharge to the body. earthing is not a whole lot different than wearing a copper bracelet.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 18:33
Is that from the ions that are emitted or what's the
Dr. William Pawluk 18:36
right so what happens is the copper metal interacts with the perspiration in the skin and the perspiration is what sodium
Dr. Stephanie Gray 18:45
is electrolytes. So it's realizing Okay,
Dr. William Pawluk 18:49
the electrolytes of the copper are interrupted electrolytes in the skin and the perspiration are interacting with a copper ions which creates charge, which then creates a movement like the meridians, acupuncture meridians case creates movement of the body, which gives you some small amount of charge production. and magnetic fields are much more dynamic to be able to do that. They're much more effective than a simple copper bracelet.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 19:14
So they're essentially helping create energy and that that's essentially in all of our organ tissues. So that's how they promote longevity,
is that longevity, okay?
Dr. William Pawluk 19:26
So I do I think about it is that when again, you stop growing through 24 and 40. You start to suffer entropy. So what you're doing, most of us are need to do is to get us back up to what I call sufficiency or back to balance. How long can you stay in balance?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 19:46
Hopefully forever, not very long.
Dr. William Pawluk 19:49
Because what you're doing is you can't you have to match the entropy. And how well how well do we know imagine entropy, you find out where they're matching entropy or By seeing person one day and then seeing them again two years later and see how much they've aged. That's entropy. So it's very hard to quantitate entropy, we look backwards and we say, Aha, I didn't keep up. Right. So unfortunately, it's hard to quantity. So what we're doing then is trying to get us back to sufficiency. And when we can come back to sufficiency, they are, say, a level playing field, that's sufficiency staying there, most of us aren't going to go like this, right. So it's trends on whether we go like this, or whether we just dip a little bit. So when you're dipping a little bit, then you got to start doing things to get yourself back up to as close to a level balance as you possibly can. And that's what magnetic fields do is they, they counteract the entropic process by adding more energy to the system. And the definition of entropy is the lack of energy to meet the demands of the system to maintain its form, at the highest level of function that you can add. Sure, so
Dr. Stephanie Gray 20:59
now the listeners are gonna want to know Okay, so what equipment exists that's out there? How do we, how do we use PMF? Yes, sir. Yes. What's the good news here? What can we do what what equipment is available for us? While Dr. Pollack
Dr. William Pawluk 21:14
calm? Yeah. So again, as a physician, over the years, I've discovered there's no such thing as one silver bullet. Not there's no such thing as one device taking care of all problems. And that's why we have many different devices that will solve or help to deal with different issues of the body. So you have to kind of find the device that's going to work best for you. The key really to make that feel therapy and increasing charge of the body increasing energy in the body is the intensity of the magnetic field. This is one of the most confusing things about magnetic fields, because different people selling devices are selling their device. And they're going to make this pitch the sales pitch for their machine. The most common machines out there are the weakest in terms of intensity. And there are machines that are selling for $5,000 $6,000 for one Gauss, so Gauss is ga u s, 's, that's a measure of the magnetic field intensity. Another term for that is Tesla or milli Tesla or microtesla. But the most common word is ghosts. So if you're paying $6,000, for one Gauss, that's not going to get you very far. Because what happens is that you need the magnetic field has to go into the body as it shoots through the body, it increases the production of energy in the body, and that's called Faraday's law, the law Faraday's law of induction, so you inducing electrical charge of the tissues, you're basically in other words, you're increasing the energy of the tissues. So the more energy you can produce in the tissue, the better the results are going to be, in terms of trying to undo atrophy, or to heal problems that exists.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 22:49
Sure. So if we go back to chronic pain for which someone, we kind of opened our discussion today, with your story of someone taking incense, which are often taken for menstrual pain, as you mentioned, or osteoarthritis or whatnot. If someone, whatever,
yeah, if someone has chronic pain, then or maybe give us an example with one of your past clients. Someone had joint pain. What device do you recommend? Or is that too complicated of a question? No, it's
Dr. William Pawluk 23:15
not. And we do consultations to help people.com we will do consultations to help people to pick the right okay.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 23:22
Okay, perfect.
Dr. William Pawluk 23:23
So if you have, let's say tennis elbow, which is a common problem, or carpal tunnel syndrome called problem, the problem is pretty superficial. So you don't need a high intensity magnetic field to deal with a very superficial problem, that fridge magnets can work very well. The static magnets can work very well,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 23:42
how would someone apply that they just hold the magnet on their wrist,
Dr. William Pawluk 23:45
or they just tape it on, put it underneath a wristband and just leave it on for hours at a time.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 23:52
When we start talking about magnets, I immediately think I'm going off on a tangent here, but why not? I think like electromagnetic frequencies, like from a cell phone, I think of that sort of radiation, don't magnets attract that? Would it be dangerous to wear magnet?
Dr. William Pawluk 24:06
That's an important part of our discussion. There is a big distinction between P EMF 's and EMF.
Now they're both the roots of the same electromagnetic fields. A p EMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic fields. Whereas EMF are still electromagnetic fields, but I call them environmental magnetic fields.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 24:27
And okay, okay. All right.
Dr. William Pawluk 24:29
So in other words, they're the fields around us that are generated by Wi Fi cell towers, microwaves, dirty electricity, smart meters, cable boxes, now, it's all that
all of those Bluetooth, all of those are EMF, they're high frequencies. And because that because of the high frequencies, they're absorbed by the cells of the body, the wavelengths are extremely short, and they're absorbed. Because they're absorbed, they cause heat, which then causes genetic damage to the cells.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 24:59
Okay? p
Dr. William Pawluk 24:59
EMF are very long waves. And so as a result, they basically can go all the way through the body. And because they're long waves, you know, they go back and forth and back and forth. They don't sit in the body, they don't stay in the body, and they don't cause heating, so therefore they're not harmful.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 25:16
Okay, good. I'm glad we made that distinction. Yeah.
Dr. William Pawluk 25:19
Well, that's an important distinction. And I think one of the things that happens is Paul PDMS can actually help you with EMF 's. Because emfs are doing damage? Sure. So how do you undo damage? You use p EMF. Whether it whether it's an injury, a cut, or a tear, or burn or an infection, you can use PMF to heal virtually any kinds of problems in the body, including cancers. So the PDMS then can help to maintain maintain the vitality and health of the tissue, which then allows the tissue to withstand the insult that it's getting with a cell phone next to the head and so on. Okay,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 25:58
that makes sense. I have to go, I have to go back to this question, though. If someone put a magnet on, would it a magnet, a static magnet that someone was wearing? All day long? That could attract bad EMF, so? No, it can't. Okay,
Dr. William Pawluk 26:11
that's for the most part ms will bounce around.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 26:15
Yep. Well,
Dr. William Pawluk 26:17
yeah, rarely, we'll go through the mail, but they'll bend around. Okay. So even though you might protect yourself, by having a filter that goes around your neck around your bed, drops down to the floor, it's still got the opportunity for EMF to leak through whatever gaps or holes or breaks are in the material. So that is not a complete blockage. Okay. And of course, PDMS, actually, as well.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 26:44
So let's, let's go back to PMF for a minute here. So what sort of treatment plans so you consult with patients, and you advise them on the best equipment, but then also on like a therapy protocol, like for how long they would use them or I
Dr. William Pawluk 26:58
part of the consultation process. So the first thing we do is people contact us, there's a form that they fill out on Dr. Paul calm, to get a consultation, they complete the form that we set up an appointment, and then I go through, like a physician does like a doctor test, we go through a process of figuring out why they're calling what's causing the what problems they have, and what they've tried, what solutions they've looked at, whether including other magnetic field therapies. And then we say, Well, given your problem, here's the equipment that would probably work best for you. And we tell them what the price is of the equipment and they say, oh, against that I get, I can't afford that, I'll say well, if you don't want the best, then you're going to accept second best. I used to tell my patients I I will, we'll have a discussion about what you want to have good health. And then I guarantee you, we're going to bargain for your health. Because you won't want to do everything I tell you you should be doing to have good health, longevity, whatever anti aging. And the same thing applies with magnetic field therapy. If you don't get the optimal therapy for yourself, you're going to get less than optimal results. And that's okay, it's better than not doing anything.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 28:06
Sure. But I want to know what the Cadillac of therapy is. So can you give us some examples of some of the higher ticket items, some of the the Navy and larger pieces of equipment and the results that patients can get from them?
Dr. William Pawluk 28:18
Well, let's talk about a case I just spoke to some family just spoken earlier today. 16 year old was in a car accident, major headings, and she's that was vegetative basically in her function. So we know that magnetic field therapy works for the brain. But because of the intensity of magnetic fields, because magnetic fields dropped very rapidly in intensity from the radiator from the thing that causes the magnetic field to be produced, you have to match the intensity of the field to which part of the body you're trying to treat. So you're trying to treat five inches into the body, you need to match the intensity of that magnetic field to optimally deal with the inflammation that's in the body at that distance. So for example, I actually have a table that I look at. So if you have a if you have to treat four inches into the body, you need about a 1500 Gauss magnetic field,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 29:09
okay, because you're saying to get into through the skull into the brain, you're saying
Dr. William Pawluk 29:13
what the brain does doesn't even stop it is the loss of the magnetic field that matters. That goes right through anyway. But because it's like light, you're standing next to the light, or I'm talking the move farther and farther and farther and farther away from me while I'm talking, you're going to hear it less less and less and less and less. Light and Sound and magnetic field therapy are basically the same. So they drop off very rapidly. So you have to account for that loss of the intensity of the magnetic field if you want to deliver a certain amount, four inches into the body. So in her case, because it's our whole brain that's involved, we need a strong enough magnetic field that's going to be able to treat the whole brain. And in her case, it's going to be somewhere around 4000 to 7000 ghosts in order to do the job.
Now again, you can have some benefit with something that's much weaker and much less expensive. But you're not going to get the same degree of benefit, you're gonna have to treat for longer periods of time. And longer times during the day, throughout the day, and so on to get the same results. So generally speaking, the better the tested, the more optimal the intensity is for the problem. The shorter the treatment times, the faster and better the results make sense. So in her case, the magnetic system that we recommended that I recommended was something called a power meds multi flash, which is about 4000 goes higher density field that's about 7000, gos would be even better, you can control the intensities. Because you can control the intensity, then you control how much time you have to spend on a treatment.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 30:42
And so that's literally applied to her. I don't know what that piece of equipment looks like. So her brain Yep.
Dr. William Pawluk 30:47
Okay. So it's a circle, put on our brain.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 30:51
Wow. So tell us some I, of course, I want to know. So tell us some testimonies you've had working with patients, regardless of the complaint and how PMS have have really changed their life.
Dr. William Pawluk 31:02
Again, magnetic field therapy doesn't care what the tissue is. Magnetic therapy doesn't care what the problem is. Magnetic therapy doesn't care what the gender is, it doesn't even care what species you are.
It affects all biology relatively equally. So again, the principle is that you can treat almost anybody with anything, because you're not trading the diagnosis. Sure.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 31:23
Sounds too good to be true. But I know it's not it just sounds. Physics.
Dr. William Pawluk 31:28
Right? It's not chemistry, it's physics. The physics of magnetic therapy affects the chemistry which then affects the tissue. So a couple of stories. It's in my book power tools for health. I have a three year old girl so a three year old is going to heal fast. But she cut off the NFL in a door jamb,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 31:47
Dr. William Pawluk 31:48
sharp, sharp door jamb. So the parents fortunately called me before the surgeon got at her thumb. I they were going to clean her up and basically graft perfectly under the thumb. Yeah. So I convinced them to sew the piece back on again. And then she did an hour and a half of a relatively inexpensive magnetic field device an hour and a half a day. Literally 12 weeks later, it was regrowing the nail. It grew back and the nail was growing again.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 32:12
Wow. That story hit close to home because I just slammed my son's finger in the door last weekend. Talk about mom guilt. That was tough. He broke I broke that little distal phalanges he thankfully he didn't need surgery in the nail bed wasn't affected. But good to know we have these tools available. Hopefully that never happens again.
Dr. William Pawluk 32:30
Good. That's amazing. Yeah. Wife broke her little toe. Her little toes like that. She broke it on lawn furniture. Right? You know how many people stubbed their toes on their lawn furniture. So I know is broken. There's black and blue, swollen. So we buddy taped the toilet like you're supposed to do? And what call the platform? Sure, sure that would allow the toast to bend. And we started magnetic field therapy, same device that we use for the little girl to work 24 seven. So this is like midday. The next morning she woke up, no swelling, or the bruising is gone.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 33:05
Wow. And no pain.
Dr. William Pawluk 33:08
Wow. She will do work for another 24 hours and she walked a mile in tennis shoes. Did it for another 24 hours walk three miles of tennis shoes. And that was it.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 33:18
Incredible. And she's not a child. I imagine she's around your age.
Dr. William Pawluk 33:23
Oh, she's a little younger. Now younger than than I am now. Huh? Oh, then I had a young guy, a gentleman who had diabetes, who was gangrenous, his legs were purple for the knees down. His boss actually who was running an apartment building for his boss. He was a reprobate smoker drinker diabetic. All the problems and the surgeons said, well, we're gonna have to amputate your legs for the knees down both legs. So the boss brought him in and I said okay, fine. I don't want to deal with you really, because you're gonna
lose your legs. And I unfortunately with this bad a gangrene situation, there's a really good chance you're going to wipe out your kidneys because a sepsis infection settling in. So if I if I don't, we don't get aggressive treatment now is a really good chance you're gonna have a big problem. And you don't want to do this on my watch. And I'll get the blame because you lost your kidneys or you died or whatever. You got sepsis. Well, they convinced me so we started working with them. And three months later, literally went back to the surgeon surgeon said, because we don't have to cut off your legs.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 34:31
Well, I need a new word for Wow, what's a synonym for? Wow. Amazing. That's great. Wonderful.
Dr. William Pawluk 34:41
Those are spectacular stories. And I have another one the lady who was in her 70s, a nurse who had cardiac problems who had arrhythmias. She had multiple cardioversion party versions means they have to do electrical stimulation, or medical stimulation of the heart to stop the written heart rhythm abnormality. She had that done over 20 The Times. And the cardiologist said, you're done. Omar, we can't do any more to this heart. So he said, you know, make your will go home and cross your fingers. So they contacted us, I get a consultation garter on a magnetic system. And about two years now almost almost two years now she has not had one visit to the ER. She still has her arrhythmia, but she has not had one more visit to the ER, he hasn't been that bad that you have to go to the ER and be rescued, or whatever it is,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 35:35
her frequency is her kind of therapy protocol that she's using her device like daily or weekly or
Dr. William Pawluk 35:41
a couple times a day. Okay, most of the time for most people, because most health problems that I deal with are chronic. So arthritis is a chronic problem, you're not going to you're not going to cure it most of the time, you can get relief with whatever you do, but you're often not going to cure it. So if you do make better therapy on a daily basis, this is the beauty like the child with a thumb. And even the diabetic. The beauty is you can heal the tissue. So I'm I'm happy, you're happy that you're not feeling as much pain, you're happy that you don't have as much swelling, you're happy because you have more better range of motion. But I'm not happy. Because I don't I didn't heal the problem. If I could reverse the problem, get rid of it, then I'm happy. I'm happier as I move along. And the problem gets better and better and better better.
But we're not gonna be completely happy until we can reverse it because it's going to come back. So the beauty of magnetic field therapy on a daily basis is you don't give it a chance to come back. And I've seen this many times I had a hockey player who lost his scholarship, playing hockey because he had a groin injury. And he tried all sorts of other therapies. And he used the magnetic therapy device on his the groin area. And two weeks later, no pay. Two weeks later, he's walking. But because he's young, and aggressive, what do you start doing started running. So all of a sudden the pain comes back. And it was worse than it was before he actually started the magnetic therapy. So what happens? People start to feel better. And they think, Okay, I'm done. But you're not because the tissue is not healed yet. So again, our goal is to try to heal the tissue so that the problem doesn't come back. Or if it does come back, it's not going to be anywhere near as bad as it was before you started the magnetic therapy.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 37:26
Sure. What about for prevention? Are there devices that individuals would just use on a daily basis? From a prevention standpoint, every one of us
Dr. William Pawluk 37:34
should? So again, if you're if you're over 24, you probably should start if you're playing sports, you definitely should.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 37:40
I'm just thinking from a family standpoint. So what would be the best utilization of like, when we think of cost with best bang for your buck for the family that everyone could use the device that then could be used on a thumbs or on a son's thumb if it gets shutting the door, or what would be the best utilization.
Dr. William Pawluk 37:57
In that case, the health maintenance device is probably not going to work as well. As the intensity matters. video on my website intensity matters, because the intensity drives the energy production and the tissue. So if you have a weak magnetic field, you're not going to have as much energy production. So for health maintenance purposes, if you're basically pretty healthy, you don't need as much sure. But in a sense, you for 40, you don't need as much as if you're going to as you're going to need at 60. Even if you do magnetic field therapy on a daily basis, because again, it may not be enough energy for the entropy that's going on in your body at that time. But for most other people, a device that we have that will be useful for health maintenance with a reasonable intensity and a reasonable price. Is the bio balance. Okay, oh, it's a whole body magnetic system user for hours at a time you can alter the intensity, you can even use it while you're sleeping. So it's about 10 Gauss, which is not great, but it's not bad. 3010 times better than a one Gauss machine that costs $6,000. So it's a third of the price and 10 times the intensity.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 39:04
Sure, then how do you use that I should just go to your website right now. And look at that is that device on your website?
Dr. William Pawluk 39:12
bio balance. So you've got a whole body system, you lay on it, basically plug, plug it in and turn it on, set the program you want, and just run it for as much time as you want to do a treatment. for basic health maintenance. If every one of us did a half an hour, twice a day. I tell people to do half an hour in the morning. Now you could do more. Probably shouldn't do less. But whatever you do is better than what you weren't doing before.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 39:39
basically get your deep breathing in. Read a book.
Dr. William Pawluk 39:43
That's your downtime, all of that downtime. Yeah, I find that actually most people don't read when they when they're using this. Because to relax. Oh, just to take a little cat nap chilled out.
Okay, for half an hour, maximum intensity Get rid of the cobwebs from the night before. And then at the end of the day, what happens during the day, this is what leads to decreases in longevity, stress. And it's not just the emotional stress, it's physical stress is the use of the body just using the body itself. While activity and exercise are good for us, they also be putting the demand on us. Right? So you build up lactic acid, you build up a demon, the tissues and the muscles, you want to wash that out. By doing a trip, at the end of the day, you're washing the stress of the day out in the morning, you're getting rid of the cobwebs and the night before. So that would be a sort of a an ideal protocol, half an hour twice a day.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 40:40
Ideal maintenance. Okay. So I imagine athletes would, well, they should just soak up this sort of therapy because it could be extremely helpful for them.
Dr. William Pawluk 40:50
But I think that to go back to quite a bit before I'd looked at so many different therapies. And they all have a value, laser, ozone, oxygen, cryo, light therapies, all of that, all all of those help. But they all have limitations. And magnetic therapy has limitations. But if you're looking at cost, and the number of actions that I think our system would have, magnetic field therapy has the best value. And it's something that you can do for the rest of your life. And you don't have to go somewhere to do treatment. You own the system, and you're using it yourself every day.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 41:25
That leads me to a couple other questions. Actually, I want to go back real quick to stress. So what impact do PMS have on the autonomic nervous system? So if someone is feeling revved up anxious, is this going to help calm?
Dr. William Pawluk 41:36
Well, so devices like the bio balance and then again, I have other devices that are specifically tuned to the brain, which is called neuro entrainment, or neurofeedback. So I'll give you an example. I had a patient come in one time who was extraordinarily fidgety and nervous, and actually, she could barely sit still. And she had an hour appointment. She wasn't gonna make it. She had to get up within five minutes. She's her being in the office, she started to get up and pace. So I said, Okay, fine, we're going to treat her I'm going to give her a magnetic therapy device that she put at the back of her neck right up at the top of the neck at seven hertz, which is theta to seven hertz is very relaxing. It's a meditation frequency. So she put on the back of her neck, high intensity, and you can literally see the elevator going down. So within 10 minutes or 15 minutes are starting to magnetic therapy. She sat down, and she was fine the rest of the visit. So the end of the visit, I said, What was your intensity before you started the therapy? She said seven out of 1010 being the worst you can imagine. I can't imagine her being 10. Right? It's pretty, pretty stressed. At the end, she said she was a three. So she more than half of them
Dr. Stephanie Gray 42:47
reduced. Yeah,
Dr. William Pawluk 42:48
yes, she had. And of course she bought a system but she uses it every single day.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 42:53
Makes sense. So what what about cautions or contraindications? Is there anyone that should not use one of these devices?
Dr. William Pawluk 42:59
The biggest precautions or cautions are electronics, implanted electronics, pacemakers, defibrillators, other electronic equipment, it doesn't mean you can't use it, you just have to be careful around Unfortunately, these days a lot of the implanted equipment, electronic equipment is what we call Mr. Conditional, where you can get an MRI, even though you have the implanted electronics. And if you are if your equipment is Mr. Conditional, then you can use magnetic therapy without really any reservations. The only other big contraindication, as far as I'm concerned is transplants. Okay, people with kidney transplants, corneal transplants, anything where they're required to be on immunosuppression, not a good idea, because magnetic field therapy affects or impacts the immune system. And we don't know what direction is going to be impacted for a human person. So that's a that's a contraindication. Other than that,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 43:51
what about pregnancy?
Dr. William Pawluk 43:52
We say we categorically say you shouldn't use it in pregnancy. And they do that with all the drugs as well, unless they've done a study to prove that it's safe and pregnant. Right. So what happens in pregnancy, I've had many women who had magnetic therapy devices, got pregnant, use it throughout their pregnancies, had their pregnancies, and they were a breeze, they had much less pain than they had in prior pregnancies without magnetic field therapy. So they have no problems. Also, we know women who are working around MRI machines who get pregnant, and they don't have any problems. Right. So most of the time, the end, direct evidence suggests that probably it's safe to say legally, you shouldn't use it and privacy,
Dr. Stephanie Gray 44:38
of course, yep. So I have to ask about the AMP coil because I've had some patients who have asked me about that. So can you tell us what an AMP coil is? And do you like them? Are you for them or not? Or tell me they're, they're pricey as well.
Dr. William Pawluk 44:53
They're very pricey. So again, I say that one of the most important things that people can do with Magneto therapy is to understand the Faraday's law of induction. And I Can I have that video on my website intensity matters that explains that.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 45:08
And we'll post that in the show notes that video.
Dr. William Pawluk 45:11
Okay, it's really important to understand why I would choose particular devices. So the app coil is a big ring. It's actually pretty ugly. But it's a big ring. And it doesn't have a high magnetic field intensity, it's maybe somewhere around 300 ghosts, which is a pretty decent intensity, that's a little magnet that we use for the girls thumb was about 200 ghosts. So it's comparable, much less expensive. The issue with the alcohol that I will often discuss with people is the fact that it's using all these frequencies. So the big thing about the AP coil is not the magnetic field benefits that they're getting. They're getting frequencies, which is related to rife the way they talk, you look at their website, it's all about the frequencies and these frequencies do this, these frequencies do that and so on. I own $4,000 rife machines.
I don't use them. I have the same issues with frequency specific microcurrent. Because most of the time, there's very little research to say that this frequency does this specifically or that frequency is specific for that. Most of the formulas that they're recommending are whisper down the lane. He said she said, anecdotal reports. So there's no good scientific evidence. And that's why I wrote the book power tools for health. Here's the evidence. So you can go you can do your own discovery. But if you want to rely on something here, at least this study was done for this frequency, this intensity for this problem? Sure.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 46:47
Okay. The aapko.
Dr. William Pawluk 46:48
I'm not saying it doesn't work, because I think lots of people get benefit from it. But I think again, if you're going to spend that money, then you probably want to do something different. And there's a there's another principle of physics that's important with with the app coil and rife machines and magnetic therapy is that when you increase the frequency, you decrease the intensity. And so you know, even though you're starting with 300 girls, that may be true for three hertz, three cycles per second, which is a slim frequency. And the wavelength is much, much longer. But as you increase intensity, you've got the 50 hertz, or you go to 100 hertz, or you go to 200 hertz, the magnetic field intensity drops off dramatically. So really, you're getting very little, if any magnetic field benefit.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 47:32
Hmm, I didn't know that. I have to, I have to ask here. Can you explain what a rife machine is really quick. So I'm sure the listeners are wondering, Well, what the heck is a rife machine?
Dr. William Pawluk 47:40
Well, there was a guy called oil race who discovered the certain frequencies would kill viruses, or they kill bacteria. And he became basically essentially, by his own work, he became a microbiologist. He said this, this frequency kill this, this frequency killed that. And he discovered this in a petri dish. So the human body is not a petri dish, except maybe our kids. So what happens in a body is a whole lot different than what happens in a petri dish. And then you have the same problem that I talked about with intensity. So if I do a study that says you need 15 girls to help you with inflammation at the petri dish, that's fine. Fine, was just treating Nick and my elbow or my wrist 15 goes may be very effective there. But if I need to treat into the brain deep into the brain, not not going to work. So so right, then is the principle the idea is a reasonable idea. The problem is in the execution, sure, the reliability and the validity of the results.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 48:44
Sure, transplanting that to humans. Yeah, okay. Well, you were a wealth of knowledge on PMF. This is very interesting. I have to ask your top longevity tip. And it's okay, if you repeat something you've already mentioned today, maybe PMS are your top longevity tip. But what's your top longevity?
Dr. William Pawluk 49:02
Dr. Stephanie Gray 49:03
Dr. William Pawluk 49:05
having the right genes.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 49:08
It's not that easy for us.
Dr. William Pawluk 49:12
Not, not the kind that you were. I mean, genetics is very important. But ultimately, lifestyle can undo or amplify the benefits of the value of the genes that you carry. But I also say to people that you can't make medical therapies only as good as the body. You can't build a house without bricks and mortar of your starting point for the body. One of the original uses of PMF that's been approved by the federal government is for what we call non union fractures. So fractures that wouldn't heal. They discover that magnetic fields will actually heal those fractures, but they're using them for 12 hours a day, to be able to heal those fractures and it works. It absolutely works. So we know that magnetic field therapy can can do these sorts of things and it will reverse the damage. But it's all about the energy producing energy in the body. So why do those people get to that point where they couldn't heal a fracture? That allows the starting point?
Dr. Stephanie Gray 50:09
Hmm. Genes?
Dr. William Pawluk 50:11
Not only nutrition, yeah. As stress and smoking and drinking, right? The guy with legs, right? Right. So what you do then is if you want to do magnetic field therapy and get the optimal results, you have to have adequate nutrition, you have to adequate rest, you can't be throwing gasoline on the fire, putting throwing water in the fire at the same time trying to put it out. Right, then you don't know what it's gonna work or not. So I make sure that people have adequate nutrition, all the right lifestyle, other longevity, things that you would discuss, you need. All of those are the electrical work of your genetics, the nutritional deficiencies, detox, detoxification, having up too much toxicity in your body. So anything that you fighting in your body that's already there. magnetic field therapy has to deal with that as well as improving your health in general, not just removing the problem, but actually getting you back up to sufficiency again. So I think in the long run, probably for most people, I had a interview with Joe mercola, Dr. mercola. And at the end of the interview, he says, Well, everybody should use an own PMF system. I think that is the truth. Everybody should own a PMF system. No matter what else you're doing with your body. No matter what else you're doing to improve your longevity. You're going to take it a step further.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 51:24
Sure. another layer another strategy to building healthy
Dr. William Pawluk 51:27
to improve longevity.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 51:28
Wonderful. Well, tell me I know you have a gift for our listeners. So what is that gift?
Dr. William Pawluk 51:34
So we have a PDF, which I had created for summit, a different summit, which will be free. So it's a it's a an extensive write up on stress? And what are the effects of stress? And how do you mitigate stress, and there's some discussion in there about PMF, and how they also help with stress. Wonderful.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 51:51
So we'll post the link to that free gift in the show notes. Many of my guests talk about the detrimental effects of stress on our health. So I love hearing all my experts over and over again, just saying how important it is to deal with that stress. So good tip.
Dr. William Pawluk 52:07
So PMS help them mitigate stress.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 52:09
Dr. William Pawluk 52:10
plus, helping to heal the body. This is stress
Dr. Stephanie Gray 52:13
Exactly. I learned a lot I knew very little about PMF. So you thank you for expanding my knowledge here. You are the most incredible resource for these. So I hope our listeners take advantage and visit your website. That's Dr. Pollack calm again, we'll post that in the show notes. So thank you again for coming on the show today and just sharing with our audience benefits of something that you've become the leading expert on. So thank you for coming on the show. My pleasure,
Dr. William Pawluk 52:37
and I appreciate being able to share with you and your folks.
Dr. Stephanie Gray 52:45
While after that, I'm pretty convinced I need to get one of these machines. I think I'll start with that bio balance mat and I'm thankful to know there are countless other options with specific applications. Should I need to use them. Again, check out dr Pollock's website, that's Dr. Dr. p a WL uk.com. He even has a thorough product comparison with price frequency intensity waveform and basically everything you need to know. Check it out. Be sure to check out my book your longevity blueprint. And if you aren't much of a reader, you're in luck, you can now take my course online where I walk you through each chapter in the book. Plus for a limited time the course is 50% off, check this offer out at your longevity blueprint.com and click the course tab. One of the biggest things you can do to support the show and help us reach more listeners is to subscribe to the show. And leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. I read all the reviews and would truly love to hear your suggestions for show topics, guests or how you're applying what you've learned on the show to create your own longevity blueprint. The podcast is produced by the team at counterweight creative. As always, thanks so much for listening and remember, wellness is waiting.
The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
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