Do you suffer from headaches, which are affecting the quality of your life?
Are you looking for headache prevention tips? Headaches are the #1 medical complaint received by doctors. You may be among the many who are suffering from headaches and are feeling frustrated at the ability to stop them. So let’s dig in and discuss prevention.
Have you explored many headache prevention options with no relief? If so, you are not alone! I am going to share with you the 3 areas, which may be contributing to your headaches and how to address them.
Many of my patients have sought out treatments such as chiropractic care or massage. Or they have focused on stress reduction and proper hydration; which is crucial. While these focuses can often help, I want to focus on the actual root causes of your headaches.
Wellness is waiting, are you ready?
You will learn:
- How food sensitivities can be a trigger for headaches
- Why proper nutrition is key
- How hormone imbalances for people of all ages can cause headaches
If you want to discover headache prevention tips, then you do not want to miss this video!
What did you think of this video from Dr. Stephanie Gray?
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- Purchase the supplements mentioned in today’s video: Magnesium, CoQ10, Riboflavin B2, Fish oil. *Always share with your medical provider what supplements you are taking*